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Decimals in Banks

The Ace

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How do I get rid of them? Whenever interest is gained, the money in the CyberBank and normal Bank go up by the whatever percentage, but then also have decimal places added on to them. In the code, I have got it as float, so there is no cap, but I can't seem to get the decimals to go. Have I got to change things in phpMyAdmin?

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Re: Decimals in Banks





Round is good till the numbers get to high. Then they start not rounding dollars but rounding thousands and even hundred of thousands.

Use something like floor($data) before inserting to your database.

There are many methods for this. Just depends the use and outcome you want.

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Re: Decimals in Banks

Example of floor() function

echo(floor(0.60) . "
echo(floor(0.40) . "
echo(floor(5) . "
echo(floor(5.1) . "
echo(floor(-5.1) . "





Also what type of data storage type are you using? decimal, bigint, text, etc...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Decimals in Banks



becomes: 1


becomes 1


becomes 12352341


becomes 12352341


$money = 12352341.99923993942;

$money = floor($money);

echo $money; // 12352341

personally, when I insert the data into the database, I do this:

$q_update = sprintf('update users set bankmoney = "%.0f" where userid = %d', $money, $userid);

%.0f, what that does is it formats your $money variable as a float with no decimals.

%.3f would format it as a float with 3 decimal places:




Then when you perform the query:


and ya done

You could apply the sprintf() function when you get data from the database:

$money = sprintf('%.0f', $ir['money_field']);

That is roughly equivalent to using the floor function, so floor is recommended for that.

When inserting, updating the database, sprintf is preferred because you can cast the variable any way you want, at the same time that you cast other variables as well.

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Re: Decimals in Banks

put it in the cyberbank and any other bank

make sure you have this code before you echo the variable

I can't tell you exactly where in your code it should go as I don't have your code and I don't really remember how mccodes code goes. Just make sure you insert the floor function, with the proper variable in the argument, i.e., floor(proper variable here); and then echo the variable, or print it. lol

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Re: Decimals in Banks

I'm stumped as well, because I can't find $money!

Here is my bank code:

include "globals.php";
if($ir['jail'] or $ir['hospital']) { die("This page cannot be accessed while in jail or hospital."); }
print "<h3>Bank</h3>";
case "deposit":

case "withdraw":


print "Congratulations, you bought a bank account for £50,000!

[url='bank.php']Start using my account[/url]";
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money-50000,bankmoney=0 WHERE userid=$userid");
print "You do not have enough money to open an account.
[url='explore.php']Back to town...[/url]";
print "Open a bank account today, just £50,000!

[url='bank.php?buy']> Yes, sign me up![/url]";
function index()
global $db, $ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "\n[b]You currently have £{$ir['bankmoney']} in the bank.[/b]

At the end of each day, your bank balance will go up by 2%.

<table width='75%' cellspacing=1 class='table'> <tr> <td width='50%'>[b]Deposit Money[/b]

It will cost you 15% of the money you deposit, rounded up. The maximum fee is £3,000.<form action='bank.php?action=deposit' method='post'>
Amount: <input type='text' name='deposit' value='{$ir['money']}' />

<input type='submit' value='Deposit' /></form></td> <td>
[b]Withdraw Money[/b]

There is no fee on withdrawals.<form action='bank.php?action=withdraw' method='post'>
Amount: <input type='text' name='withdraw' value='{$ir['bankmoney']}' />

<input type='submit' value='Withdraw' /></form></td> </tr> </table>";
function deposit()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_POST['deposit']=abs((float) $_POST['deposit']);
if($_POST['deposit'] > $ir['money'])
print "You do not have enough money to deposit this amount.";
if($fee > 3000) { $fee=3000; }
$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=bankmoney+$gain, money=money-{$_POST['deposit']} where userid=$userid");
print "You hand over £{$_POST['deposit']} to be deposited, 

after the fee is taken (£$fee), £$gain is added to your account. 

[b]You now have £{$ir['bankmoney']} in the bank.[/b]

[url='bank.php']> Back[/url]";
function withdraw()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_POST['withdraw']=abs((float) $_POST['withdraw']);
if($_POST['withdraw'] > $ir['bankmoney'])
print "You do not have enough banked money to withdraw this amount.";

$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=bankmoney-$gain, money=money+$gain where userid=$userid");
print "You ask to withdraw $gain, 

the banking lady grudgingly hands it over. 

[b]You now have £{$ir['bankmoney']} in the bank.[/b]

[url='bank.php']> Back[/url]";


Whereabouts do you think I should put it? lol :)

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Decimals in Banks

I made a donator bank from my cyberbank, and changed all the necessary things. The money in the bank changes, but it seems that the last three digits stay the same....seem to be rounded to "000". For example; I have £993512000 in my donator bank and £878 on hand. But, when I deposit my money, the bank money goes to: £993513000

(In the deposit screen it shows: £993512878)

This is highly annoying!!!!! :x

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