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here is the code im trying to use on my v2 site

include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Item Market</h3>";
case "buy":

case "gift1":

case "gift2":

case "remove":

function imarket_index()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "Viewing all listings...
<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'> <tr style='background:gray'> <th>Adder</th> <th>Item</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Links</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT im.*, i.*, u.*,it.* FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON im.imITEM=i.itmid LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid=im.imADDER LEFT JOIN itemtypes it ON i.itmtype=it.itmtypeid ORDER BY i.itmtype, i.itmname ASC");
print "\n<tr style='background: gray;'><th colspan=4>{$lt}</th></tr>";
if($r['imCURRENCY']=="money") { $price="\$".number_format($r['imPRICE']); } else { $price=number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals"; }
if($r['imADDER'] == $userid) { $link = "[[url='itemmarket.php?action=remove&ID={$r[']Remove[/url]]"; } else { $link = "[[url='itemmarket.php?action=buy&ID={$r[']Buy[/url]] [[url='itemmarket.php?action=gift1&ID={$r[']Gift[/url]]"; }
print "\n<tr> <td>[url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]</td> <td>{$r['itmname']}</td> <td>$price</td> <td>[[url='iteminfo.php?ID={$r[']Info[/url]] $link</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function item_remove()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT im.*,i.* FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON im.imITEM=i.itmid WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']} AND imADDER=$userid");
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or you are not the owner.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
item_add($userid, $r['imITEM'], 1);
$i=($db->insert_id()) ? $db->insert_id() : 99999;
$db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO imremovelogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} removed a {$r['itmname']} from the item market.')");
print "Item removed from market!

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
function item_buy()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itmid=im.imITEM WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or it has already been bought.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
if($r['imPRICE'] > $ir[$curr])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this item.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
item_add($userid, $r['imITEM'], 1);
$i=($db->insert_id()) ? $db->insert_id() : 99999;
$db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr-{$r['imPRICE']} where userid=$userid");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr+{$r['imPRICE']} where userid={$r['imADDER']}");
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE']).".",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for \${$r['imPRICE']} from user ID {$r['imADDER']}')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE']).".";
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals.",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for {$r['imPRICE']} crystals from user ID {$r['imADDER']}')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals.";

function item_gift1()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itmid=im.imITEM WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}");
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or it has already been bought.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
if($r['imPRICE'] > $ir[$curr])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this item.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
print "Buying the [b]{$r['itmname']}[/b] for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." as a gift...

<form action='itemmarket.php?action=gift2' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}' />
User to give gift to: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."

<input type='submit' value='Buy Item and Send Gift' /></form>";
print "Buying the [b]{$r['itmname']}[/b] for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals as a gift...

<form action='itemmarket.php?action=gift2' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}' />
User to give gift to: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."

<input type='submit' value='Buy Item and Send Gift' /></form>";
function item_gift2()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itmid=im.imITEM WHERE imID={$_POST['ID']}");
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or it has already been bought.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
if($r['imPRICE'] > $ir[$curr])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this item.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
item_add($_POST['user'], $r['imITEM'], 1);
$i=($db->insert_id()) ? $db->insert_id() : 99999;
$db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imID={$_POST['ID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr-{$r['imPRICE']} where userid=$userid");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr+{$r['imPRICE']} where userid={$r['imADDER']}");
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE']).".",$c);

event_add($_POST['user'], "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought you a {$r['itmname']} from the item market as a gift.",$c);
$u=$db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['user']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for \${$r['imPRICE']} from user ID {$r['imADDER']} as a gift for $uname [{$_POST['user']}]')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." and sent the gift to $uname.";
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals.",$c);

event_add($_POST['user'], "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought you a {$r['itmname']} from the item market as a gift.",$c);
$u=$db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['user']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for {$r['imPRICE']} crystals from user ID {$r['imADDER']} as a gift for $uname [{$_POST['user']}]')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals and sent the gift to $uname.";

i carnt get it to work

this is what i get

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare item_remove() in /home/avfc1993/public_html/global_func.php on line 323
Guest Anonymous

Re: itemmarket.php help


include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Item Market</h3>";
case "buy":

case "gift1":

case "gift2":

case "remove":

function imarket_index()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "Viewing all listings...
<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'> <tr style='background:gray'> <th>Adder</th> <th>Item</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Links</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT im.*, i.*, u.*,it.* FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON im.imITEM=i.itmid LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid=im.imADDER LEFT JOIN itemtypes it ON i.itmtype=it.itmtypeid ORDER BY i.itmtype, i.itmname ASC");
print "\n<tr style='background: gray;'><th colspan=4>{$lt}</th></tr>";
if($r['imCURRENCY']=="money") { $price="\$".number_format($r['imPRICE']); } else { $price=number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals"; }
if($r['imADDER'] == $userid) { $link = "[[url='itemmarket.php?action=remove&ID={$r[']Remove[/url]]"; } else { $link = "[[url='itemmarket.php?action=buy&ID={$r[']Buy[/url]] [[url='itemmarket.php?action=gift1&ID={$r[']Gift[/url]]"; }
print "\n<tr> <td>[url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]</td> <td>{$r['itmname']}</td> <td>$price</td> <td>[[url='iteminfo.php?ID={$r[']Info[/url]] $link</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function itemm_remove()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT im.*,i.* FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON im.imITEM=i.itmid WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']} AND imADDER=$userid");
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or you are not the owner.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
item_add($userid, $r['imITEM'], 1);
$i=($db->insert_id()) ? $db->insert_id() : 99999;
$db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO imremovelogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} removed a {$r['itmname']} from the item market.')");
print "Item removed from market!

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
function item_buy()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itmid=im.imITEM WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or it has already been bought.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
if($r['imPRICE'] > $ir[$curr])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this item.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
item_add($userid, $r['imITEM'], 1);
$i=($db->insert_id()) ? $db->insert_id() : 99999;
$db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr-{$r['imPRICE']} where userid=$userid");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr+{$r['imPRICE']} where userid={$r['imADDER']}");
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE']).".",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for \${$r['imPRICE']} from user ID {$r['imADDER']}')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE']).".";
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals.",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for {$r['imPRICE']} crystals from user ID {$r['imADDER']}')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals.";

function item_gift1()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itmid=im.imITEM WHERE imID={$_GET['ID']}");
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or it has already been bought.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
if($r['imPRICE'] > $ir[$curr])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this item.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
print "Buying the [b]{$r['itmname']}[/b] for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." as a gift...

<form action='itemmarket.php?action=gift2' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}' />
User to give gift to: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."

<input type='submit' value='Buy Item and Send Gift' /></form>";
print "Buying the [b]{$r['itmname']}[/b] for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals as a gift...

<form action='itemmarket.php?action=gift2' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}' />
User to give gift to: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."

<input type='submit' value='Buy Item and Send Gift' /></form>";
function item_gift2()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM itemmarket im LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itmid=im.imITEM WHERE imID={$_POST['ID']}");
print "Error, either this item does not exist, or it has already been bought.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
if($r['imPRICE'] > $ir[$curr])
print "Error, you do not have the funds to buy this item.

[url='itemmarket.php']> Back[/url]";
item_add($_POST['user'], $r['imITEM'], 1);
$i=($db->insert_id()) ? $db->insert_id() : 99999;
$db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imID={$_POST['ID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr-{$r['imPRICE']} where userid=$userid");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET $curr=$curr+{$r['imPRICE']} where userid={$r['imADDER']}");
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE']).".",$c);

event_add($_POST['user'], "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought you a {$r['itmname']} from the item market as a gift.",$c);
$u=$db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['user']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for \${$r['imPRICE']} from user ID {$r['imADDER']} as a gift for $uname [{$_POST['user']}]')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for \$".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." and sent the gift to $uname.";
event_add($r['imADDER'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought your {$r['itmname']} item from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals.",$c);

event_add($_POST['user'], "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] bought you a {$r['itmname']} from the item market as a gift.",$c);
$u=$db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['user']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO imbuylogs VALUES ('', {$r['imITEM']}, {$r['imADDER']}, $userid,  {$r['imPRICE']}, {$r['imID']}, $i, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['username']} bought a {$r['itmname']} from the item market for {$r['imPRICE']} crystals from user ID {$r['imADDER']} as a gift for $uname [{$_POST['user']}]')");
print "You bought the {$r['itmname']} from the market for ".number_format($r['imPRICE'])." crystals and sent the gift to $uname.";

Re: itemmarket.php help

On a side note, it's not correct to call a function before it's defined. All of mccodes is written with this error. You'll notice the switches always come before the function definitions. That is incorrect.

The proper way to do it is to have the function definition before the switch.

Like I said, this is a side note, and not directly related to a "solution" for the problem that was already fixed.

Guest Anonymous

Re: itemmarket.php help


On a side note, it's not correct to call a function before it's defined. All of mccodes is written with this error. You'll notice the switches always come before the function definitions. That is incorrect.

The proper way to do it is to have the function definition before the switch.

Like I said, this is a side note, and not directly related to a "solution" for the problem that was already fixed.

What is the difference between the switch scripted at the start instead of the end of the functions? as they seem to work the same.


Re: itemmarket.php help

whats the differnece in codes with v1?

im getting this error


Warning: include(globals.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gangstas/public_html/imarket.php on line 2

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'globals.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/gangstas/public_html/imarket.php on line 2

Item Market

Viewing all listings...

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /home/gangstas/public_html/imarket.php on line 31

Guest Anonymous

Re: itemmarket.php help

Compare them and you will soon find out.


Re: itemmarket.php help

RE: Zeon

What's the difference in calling a function before or after it's defined? There are two things to consider:


In PHP 3, functions must be defined before they are referenced. No such requirement exists since PHP 4. Except when a function is conditionally defined such as shown in the two examples below.

When a function is defined in a conditional manner such as the two examples shown. Its definition must be processed prior to being called.

Secondly: It's considered a "best practice" to define functions before you call them, and to define them at the beginning of the code.

You wouldn't want a professional Zend coder to look at some code and thing, dayum, who wrote this??

*wink wink*


Re: itemmarket.php help


whats the differnece in codes with v1?

im getting this error


Warning: include(globals.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gangstas/public_html/imarket.php on line 2

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'globals.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/gangstas/public_html/imarket.php on line 2

Item Market

Viewing all listings...

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /home/gangstas/public_html/imarket.php on line 31

Lmao get owned. I mean seriously. Search for the difference as it is an extremely easy fix. :-o how could someone screw that up..... anyone please tell me how any coder could mess that up.....
Guest Anonymous

Re: itemmarket.php help

You do not have to be a coder to replace a few lines.

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