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Hi there i read that arcade script post and though to my self:

Why shouldnt this forum have coding contests, seperte n00bs from the pro's.

Like making simple scripts or something..

What you guys/gals think?


Re: Coding Contests

there should be ones held with NO PRIZES and NO COST TO JOIN and ones WITH prizes and you HAVE TO pay to join :D

but not tittle as he is obviously too good and it wouldnt be fair :roll: :wink:

He cant even spell lol let alone code :P


Re: Coding Contests


there should be ones held with NO PRIZES and NO COST TO JOIN and ones WITH prizes and you HAVE TO pay to join :D

but not tittle as he is obviously too good and it wouldnt be fair :roll: :wink:

He cant even spell lol let alone code :P


the problem with that idea is that i oubt MDshare is prepared to pay for a gambling license just to seperate n00bs/pros


Re: Coding Contests


Why shouldnt this forum have coding contests, seperte n00bs from the pro's.

I think that is totally retarded as everyone has their own skill level, and to call someone a n00b... well if thats how you talk, you need to go outside some more.


Re: Coding Contests


"Newbie" can be used as an endearing term to identify newcomers to a game or place. This definition can be shared with the term "noob", although some believe it has a different meaning.

In popular belief, the term "noob" can also be an insult to a person who is being irritating by their actions. Noob may be used as a term of disdain for a new or lower ranking player or used as a method of demeaning accomplished players who make "stupid mistakes".

players who make "stupid mistakes".!!


Re: Coding Contests


players who make "stupid mistakes".!!


How can it be a stupid mistake when they don't understand exactly what they are doing? Thats not true; as well you are using it here to conclude yourself superior to others here by winning a content. Seriously, if that allows you to feel big then you really need to go get a life or take my original advice and go outside to see what sunlight is...

Guest Anonymous

Re: Coding Contests

Im glad Im not the only one that dislikes that term being thrown around....just because someone lacks the knowledge to code or is a beginner does not make them stupid. Learning is a process everyone must begin at the beginning ...belittling people for doing just that is somewhat smallsighted.


Re: Coding Contests

Yes, but what i mean by that is:

People that are educted in php and does not do their best(stupid mistakes).

And Mambug im not ugly but what the hell do you have against me?


Re: Coding Contests

Absolutely nothing. What would suggest I have anything against you? Is it because of a lot of your remarks on certain topics I read are lethargic? Last I checked, forums are used as a form of discussion...

And for the whole

People that are educted in php and does not do their best(stupid mistakes).
... Well you should have said that sooner... your "n00b" comment seemed quite immature.
Guest Anonymous

Re: Coding Contests

you can't write more efficent coding and become better without your peers that are better at it then you are. in php dev, you don't get better by just practice, i say it like this for the reason you can make bigger projects yes but that doesn't mean your scripting them correctly. though there may never be a correct way to do php since everyone has a differant way of doing things.

for instance i have scripted alot of complex things but my scripting style i take alot of shortcuts and debuggers don't really like it when they see scripting with tons of shortcuts, they think everything should be spelt out.

but i am sure you all get my point and i don't think i need to explain myself any further.


Re: Coding Contests

fclose() would need the $do variable in it btw

I agree with Twysted, i've only gotten better by looking at other scripts and seeing how they do things more efficiently etc

Guest Anonymous

Re: Coding Contests

well my most complex is a CAPTCHA script doesn't fully work yet but i try

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