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[mccode] voting Pimped Out


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The voting.php that comes with MCCodes v2 is unorganized, and looks shitty, so I pimped it a little bit. :evil:


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Peace. :mrgreen:

*EDIT* Ok, there are lots of questions about this simple little modification, I am going to attempt to answer most of them real fast, but I just woke up and its 5:35am here, so excuse me.

1. Does this code require SQL?

No, you do not need to install any SQL at all to use this mod.

2. How do you make the no change to a yes?

Simple...this mod querys the "votes" table of the database with this part of the code:

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All you have to do to make the No change to Yes is open the votesite.php (votetorpg.php, votecetwg.php) or something similar to that.

You will see a line like this:

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right above the voting link. Now all you have to do is make sure that the query in this part of the code:

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matches the query in this part of the code:

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This is the code found in the votesite.php

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Ok, see where it says 'votesite'? you will need to edit voting.php to match...like this:


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Pay close attention to the first query....notice I have edited it to match. The No will now change to a Yes once I have voted.

3. How do I add a new voting site?

This is really easy, all you have to do is copy what I already have, then modify it to match the new voting site.

Copy This:

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Add the code above right before this:



Find this:

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Then add a query for your new voting site like this:

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Ok, now go back to what you added right before the end table code and edit it to match the one you just added for your new vote site:

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See where I have edited it to match the $vs query? Simple shit....

I think that is all the questions about this mod, if you have more, post and I will explain.

Peace. :mrgreen:

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Re: voting.php Pimped Out (Free)

about a week ago I altered my VOTE links under my header to turn red when someone had not voted, seems to help a bit, and I actually finally made the postbacks from the sites trigger the rewards.

Nice work Genocide

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Re: [mccode] voting Pimped Out

myne sez this :-(

Vote For Us

Vote for us at various RPG toplists and be rewarded.

Top List Reward Voted Today? Cast Vote

Stage 3 Top Games 10 Crystals

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/imgame/public_html/voting.php on line 27

No Vote

TBAB Top Games $1,000

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/imgame/public_html/voting.php on line 37

No Vote

Game Sites 200 Energy Refill

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/imgame/public_html/voting.php on line 47


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Guest Anonymous

Re: [mccode] voting Pimped Out

Are u useing mccode v1.1 :|



require "global_func.php";

if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; }


require "header.php";

$h = new headers;


include "mysql.php";

global $c;

$is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error());





$lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']);



$s3=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userid=$userid AND list='stage3'",$c);

$tb=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userid=$userid AND list='tbab'",$c);

$gs=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userid=$userid AND list='gs200'",$c);

print "<h3>Vote For Us</h3>

Vote for us at various RPG toplists and be rewarded.

<table cellspacing='1' border='0' cellpadding='3' class='table' width='90%'>

<tr background='tablehgrad.png'><th>Top List</th><th>Reward</th><th>Voted Today?</th><th>Cast Vote</th></tr>

<tr><td><center>Stage 3 Top Games</td><td><center>10 Crystals</td><td>";



print "<font color='red'><center>Yes</font>";




print"<center><font color='green'>No</font>";


print "<td><center>Vote</td></tr>

<tr><td><center>TBAB Top Games</td><td><center>$1,000</td><td>";



print "<font color='red'><center>Yes</font>";




print"<center><font color='green'>No</font>";


print "<td><center>Vote</td></tr>

<tr><td><center>Game Sites 200</td><td><center>Energy Refill</td><td>";



print "<font color='red'><center>Yes</font>";




print"<center><font color='green'>No</font>";


print "<td><center>Vote</td></tr>




Ithink it will work just replaced just include "globals.php";

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