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would it be possible to add this to the McCodes header to stop AOL proxies by any chance.


if(strpos(strtoupper(@gethostbyaddr(getip())), "PROXY.AOL"))
   die("<h1>AOL Proxy Detected</h1><hr>Sorry but the AOL browser is banned from MYSITE. Please use another browser like Firefox/IE");


just something i stumbled upon somewhere and made me think maybe ?? lol

what do you guys and gals think

  • 3 weeks later...

Re: would this be possible

This script would work yes. But one thing would be this: A ton of people dont have static IP's because they are on Dial Up or providers like AOL. By adding this code to your header you would be losing players because the user doesnt have a Static IP (an ip that stays the same) and by placing that script you are stating that you are not going to serve them because you dont want to risk multies or for whatever reason.

I would reccomend not adding the code to the header so you could serve everyone and hire some commited staff who are willing to check the logs etc.


Re: would this be possible

yeah i would say with the need for high speed to play these games being minimized probably half of the players run on dial up or non static high speed even, you would lose so many players and possibly encounter problems if someone signed up and donated and then tried to come back and were locked out.


Re: would this be possible


yeah i would say with the need for high speed to play these games being minimized probably half of the players run on dial up or non static high speed even, you would lose so many players and possibly encounter problems if someone signed up and donated and then tried to come back and were locked out.


So Mr. WiCKeDJeSTeR... what makes you think that somebody cheap enough to use dail up could afford to donate to a GAME? :-D


Re: would this be possible


So Mr. WiCKeDJeSTeR... what makes you think that somebody cheap enough to use dail up could afford to donate to a GAME? :-D

Not everyone in the world has access to high speed broadband or dsl....some areas may get a poor satellite signal, or lack of a provider and are unable to go that route...thus having to resort to whats left...dial up!

  • 3 weeks later...

Re: would this be possible

Everyone who uses america online will be on proxies

because proxies is build into browser they install when they get service from america online

people who use america online are not the ones who put in proxies

america online put proxies into there america online browser

but when they are sign on to america online account

They can bypass proxies by using another browser

like Ie,firefox or any other browser besides america online browser

  • 4 weeks later...

Re: would this be possible



well my idea to this is you will never stop multies so you need to give the user the need to not use them and simple scripts like no same ip


sending will be ok but then you still have pplz on prox'ies and there is alot of other ways to get around this like flushing your dns and some similar ways


like have a thing like you can have 2 accounts of some stufff and have the second account take a diff path on the game like have EG::::ninjas and pirates//


but only set paths can have set items and such..... you have to be creative to make the user want to play one account .... the main idea of a multi is to get


higher in the game get extra amount of certain items and such so making a selective range and making them non transferable to each user will be only


relying on their own account ////// I have never seen the point of a item market as some accounts that are like level 300 and such can bust their a$$ to get


those items to only sell them to a user that has not played the game as much which is technically cheating


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