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The quantifying mod is pointless. All you have to do which will save resources.

Basically every time an item is given to someone it checks to see if the item is already there and just adds more:


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This can be modded for anything from the shops to the item send page.


Re: Better than Quantifying

Ive wanted to add the quantifying of items to my v1 game for ages now..

I kind of realised code like this would be needed, as quantifying manually through scripts can mess the items up a lot.

Has anyone got a full list of all the scripts that need to have this code added so that items are quantified up correctly?

Oh and thanks will for this code, i'll be sure to add it to the item related scripts.


- itemsend.php

- itembuy.php

- itemsell.php ?

- itemmarket.php

- auctions.php ?

- ganggive.php ?

(Must be some admin functions that need to be edited too)


Re: Better than Quantifying

That looks like all of them. If you have some kind of gang armoury It might need to be added to that; on mine I put the gang lent items separately though.

Here's my section of the code for each one:

Item send

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Item Buy


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You get the gist by now :lol:


Re: Better than Quantifying

Oh, forgot to say. The insert and search queries are different than normal because I've changed the system slightly on my game. You'll have to change it.


Re: Better than Quantifying

$rfr=mysql_query("SELECT inv_id,inv_itemid FROM inventory WHERE inv_itemid=4 AND inv_userid=$userid ",$c) or die(mysql_error());



if(mysql_num_rows($rfr) == 0)


//create seperate


mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',$itemidexplo,$userid,1)",$c);

mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0", $c);


if(mysql_num_rows($rfr) >=1)




mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=+1 WHERE inv_id=$itemidexplo",$c) or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0", $c);


Anyone know whats wrong with this for street.php ?

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Better than Quantifying

You can do Quantifying with out having to edit a bunch of files, and the users still won't have to click any Quantifying link. They will have no idea they did this. For version 2, just rename your current inventory.php to items.php and make inventory.php...


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Every time a player clicks the Inventory link, they will go to items.php and have no idea they did the Quantify!


Re: Better than Quantifying

The point of this is that you don't have to do loads of queries and running an in-efficient script every time the user looks at their inventory.

  • 4 weeks later...

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