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Suggestions (post them here please for further updates)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Suggestions (post them here please for further updates)

Maybe summit like, Clicks, Hour's Online, Cash Earned, Summit like that,

Also there is quite alot to edit in ipn.php maybe instead of doing your link put {$domain} Or Summit.


Re: Suggestions (post them here please for further updates)


Maybe summit like, Clicks, Hour's Online, Cash Earned, Summit like that,

Also there is quite alot to edit in ipn.php maybe instead of doing your link put {$domain} Or Summit.

Will take all this into consideration.

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Suggestions (post them here please for further updates)

Hmm...the current layout is unique definately but i suggest a new one...

Reasons why:

  • When i play games like this i find them difficult to understand..near the end of the day if i havent got the hang of it i would leave and not come back..
  • If it's too crowded i forget and loose where things are..
  • With each link..Edit it so maybe when you click says criminal activity or something it will have a description of the page so users/players can understand what they have to do and if they fail the consiquences..

Im not too sure what else to add...but that was one thing that put me off buying the script..i know it doesnt seem much but usually if i buy a game engine i need to like it and know how to play it before i buy the script and edit it..atm it will be like me editing something for how i understand it buy may be completely different to what the mod does..im not sure :/

Anyway it is just a thought...

Thanks for your time.

  • 2 months later...

Re: Suggestions (post them here please for further updates)

i can suggest only 1 thing, take the frames away.

makes the whole game look weird..


Re: Suggestions (post them here please for further updates)


i can suggest only 1 thing, take the frames away.

makes the whole game look weird..

theres not 1 frame used in the script. its all tables.

TO the mention of descriptions and how to play it thats what the guide is for. Which is in there.

I believe I am making a separate package for this script which will be higher priced however will come with some modifications and add ons installed to it already. This will save time and money for the end user and might include a feature the user can turn on and off for on page descriptions for learning easier.

Descriptions editable in administration panel.


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