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[$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game


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50 / 50 Chance Game

Price: $20

Paypal: [email protected]


This mod will offer a new great gambling feature for your users. Users will be able to host multiple games where the games can be viewed by all. If a user wants to challenge a user to the game, they'll challenge them. The winner is 50 / 50 chance. The winner will win 90% of the overall pot. Great game that will keep users entertained. Max bets, minimum, max games, cancel features have all been added to make this mod as easy as possible to use! I bet you'll also enjoy playing this, as i do. :)





Thanks to khanhdom for the idea

Can be seen fully working @ www.amazon-survival.com

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Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game

There is so much wrong with this mod, i dont know where to begin.

First, it is a 50/50 random number generator. The fact that you would sell rand(1,2) as a mod boggles the mind.

Then on top of that, you actually decided to polish the turd by adding multiple challenges, events, accept, cancel, max games per user etc. You basically spent at least an hour trying to make a rand(1,2) mod look like it was the next best thing to come across the game scene.

And you charge $20 for it!!!!! There are a lot more interesting mods out there for $20 or less. Certainly more interesting than this junk I could write in my sleep.

And to top it off, you have General Doom and Khanhdom giving you props for this sorry excuse for a paid mod. They should be shot.

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Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game


There is so much wrong with this mod, i dont know where to begin.

First, it is a 50/50 random number generator. The fact that you would sell rand(1,2) as a mod boggles the mind.

Then on top of that, you actually decided to polish the turd by adding multiple challenges, events, accept, cancel, max games per user etc. You basically spent at least an hour trying to make a rand(1,2) mod look like it was the next best thing to come across the game scene.

And you charge $20 for it!!!!! There are a lot more interesting mods out there for $20 or less. Certainly more interesting than this junk I could write in my sleep.

And to top it off, you have General Doom and Khanhdom giving you props for this sorry excuse for a paid mod. They should be shot.

I don't know why you're so harsh. I have no comment regarding the price, because, he made the mod, so let him charge whatever he wants. It's his choice. I have it on my game, so I know it works good. Just stating that.

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Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game


There is so much wrong with this mod, i dont know where to begin.

First, it is a 50/50 random number generator. The fact that you would sell rand(1,2) as a mod boggles the mind.

Then on top of that, you actually decided to polish the turd by adding multiple challenges, events, accept, cancel, max games per user etc. You basically spent at least an hour trying to make a rand(1,2) mod look like it was the next best thing to come across the game scene.

Does not most casino / gambling games run off the factor of rand() ?


And you charge $20 for it!!!!! There are a lot more interesting mods out there for $20 or less. Certainly more interesting than this junk I could write in my sleep.

$20 is a fair price in my eyes... The price does seem a bit high for here. But a lot of DBS game owners, are used to paying low price's for scripts worth a lot more. Reason i made it this price, was i did not intend to sell many because i was hoping it wouldn't be used on loads of other games too much. Though, when someone does buy, it'll probably be resold or giving out in the next hour of sales.


And to top it off, you have General Doom and Khanhdom giving you props for this sorry excuse for a paid mod. They should be shot.

Wow, they like the mod, so they should be shot? Makes sense... :roll:

Overall, I like this mod, my users like this mod and the person i originally created this for (khanhdom) likes this mod.

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Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game


Seriously, you pushed me over the edge. This will be released by yours truely on the free section by the end of the day.

And thats called being plain childish.

Pushed over the edge? LOL.

You got pushed over the "edge" due to me bringing out a new gamble game..


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Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game

I tried to keep my response simple, you asked for more, and then decided to defend your sorry excuse for a mod. Yes, you pushed me over the edge. I am embarassed as it is that I dont already have this in the free section, but I am at my day job right now and cant really work on personal stuff.

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Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game

Having dealt with Isomerizer I would have no problem paying what he is asking for this mod, or what he is asking for any mod he has produced. With me it is all about how the person takes care of clients/potential clients then price second. I would rather pay more from a person whom I know is going take care of any issues I have without talking down to me (I know I cannot code for these games, thus the reason to pay someone else for their skill and time) rather than purchase a service for less without the personal touch. Great job and nice look.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [$20] 50 / 50 Chance Game

That doesn't give you the right to be such a third derivative to everyone. Heres a tip third derivative is the reason why people get motion sickness. So start acting more civilized by just biding your time and let them think that they are better what the difference? And if you get on my case for just this right here well it proves another point- you can't accept "constructive" criticism.

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