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Item Use

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So my fields are on another table which is called `user_rangers`. When users use a dexterity potions I want their dexterity which is `urDEXTERITY` in `user_rangers` to do whatever I set it as in the staff panel.

In the `items` table the the `effect1` is:



define('PAGE_HEADER', 'Use Item');


$_GET['ID'] =
       (isset($_GET['ID']) && is_numeric($_GET['ID']))
               ? abs(intval($_GET['ID'])) : '';
$_POST['qty'] =
       (isset($_POST['qty']) && is_numeric($_POST['qty']))
               ? abs(intval($_POST['qty'])) : '';

   $tresder = rand(99, 999);

if (!empty($_POST['qty']) && !empty($_GET['ID']))
   $id =
                   "SELECT `effect1`, `effect2`, `effect3`,
                    `effect1_on`, `effect2_on`, `effect3_on`,
                    `inv_qty`, `itmname`, `inv_itemid`, `itmtype`
                    FROM `inventory` AS `iv`
                    INNER JOIN `items` AS `i`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `i`.`itmid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_GET['ID']}
                    AND `iv`.`inv_userid` = $userid");

   if ($db->num_rows($id) == 0)
       error('Invalid item ID');
   $r = $db->fetch_row($id);

   if($r['itmname'] == 'Crew Exploder') {
   if($ir['hospital'] > 0 || $ir['prison'] > 0) {
       error("This page cannot be accessed while in prison or hospital.");
   echo "<h3><u>Crew Exploder</u></h3><hr width=75%>
   Crew Exploder Instructions:<br />
   Enter the ID of a member of the Crew that you wish to use the Crew Exploder on.<br /><br />
   Further Information:<br /><br />
   1) 10 - 40 minutes hospital time.<br />
   2) Crew exploders can only be used on members not in hospital or prison.<br />
   3) Hospital time is only issued to members not already in hospital or prison.<br />
   4) Crew exploders can only be used on members of a crew that you are in war with.<br />
   5) Respect is gained at a rate of 3 respect per member hospitalised.<br />
   <form action='crew_exploder.php' method='get'>
   <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['ID']}' />
   <input type='hidden' name='tresde' value='$tresder' />
   User ID: <input type='text' name='userid' value='' /><br /></br>
   <input type='submit' value='Initiate' /></form>
   <hr width = '75%'><a href = 'index.php'>>Go Back</a><hr width = '75%'>";

   if ($_POST['qty'] > $r['inv_qty']) {
           error('You are trying to use more than you have!');
   } else {
   if (!$r['effect1_on'] && !$r['effect2_on'] && !$r['effect3_on']) {
           error('Sorry, this item cannot be used as it has no effect.');
   for ($enum = 1; $enum <= 3; $enum++) {
   if ($r["effect{$enum}_on"]) {
       $einfo = unserialize($r["effect{$enum}"]);
   if ($einfo['inc_type'] == "percent") {
   if (in_array($einfo['stat'], array('energy', 'mood', 'courage', 'hp'))) {
       $inc =
                       $ir['max' . $einfo['stat']] / 100
                               * $einfo['inc_amount']) * $_POST['qty'];
   } else {
       $inc =
                       $ir[$einfo['stat']] / 100
                               * $einfo['inc_amount']) * $_POST['qty'];
   } else {
       $inc = $einfo['inc_amount'] * $_POST['qty'];
   if ($einfo['dir'] == "pos") {
   if (in_array($einfo['stat'], array('energy', 'mood', 'courage', 'hp'))) {
       $ir[$einfo['stat']] =
               min($ir[$einfo['stat']] + $inc,
                       $ir['max' . $einfo['stat']]);
   } else {
       $ir[$einfo['stat']] += $inc;
   } else {
       $ir[$einfo['stat']] = max($ir[$einfo['stat']] - $inc, 0);
   $upd = $ir[$einfo['stat']];
   if (in_array($einfo['stat'], array('strength', 'agility', 'guard', 'labour', 'IQ'))) {
               "UPDATE `userstats`
                SET `{$einfo['stat']}` = '{$upd}'
                WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
     } else if (in_array($einfo['stat'], array('urDEXTERITY'))) {
               "UPDATE `user_rangers`
                SET `{$einfo['stat']}` = '{$upd}'
                WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
   } else {
               "UPDATE `users`
                SET `{$einfo['stat']}` = '{$upd}'
                WHERE `userid` = {$userid}");
       $qty = $r['inv_qty'] - $_POST['qty'];
       item_remove($userid, $r['inv_itemid'], $_POST['qty']);
       confirmation("<font colot='yellow'>x{$_POST['qty']}</font> {$r['itmname']} used successfully!<br/>You have <font color='yellow'>x{$qty}</font> {$r['itmname']} remaining.");

else if (!empty($_GET['ID']) && empty($_POST['qty']))
   $id =
                   "SELECT `itmid`, `inv_qty`, `itmname`, `itmtype`
                    FROM `inventory` AS `iv`
                    INNER JOIN `items` AS `it`
                    ON `iv`.`inv_itemid` = `it`.`itmid`
                    WHERE `iv`.`inv_id` = {$_GET['ID']}
                    AND `iv`.`inv_userid` = {$userid}
                    LIMIT 1");
   if ($db->num_rows($id) == 0)
       error('Invalid item ID');
       $itemid = abs((int) $_GET['ID'])+0;
       $r = $db->fetch_row($id);
       /*if($r['itmid'] == 7){
           echo "<h3><u>Item Use</u></h3>
           <hr/><b>Enter how many {$r['itmname']} you want to use. You have {$r['inv_qty']} to use.</b>
           <form action='itemuse.php?ID={$_GET['ID']}' method='post'>
               <input type='hidden' name='verf'  />
               Quantity: <input type='text' name='qty' value='' />
               <br />
               <input type='submit' value='Use Items (no prompt so be sure!)' />
           </form><hr/><a href = 'index.php'>>Go Back</a><hr/>
       } else*/ if($r['itmtype'] == 1){
           echo "<h3><u>Item Use</u></h3><hr width = '75%'><table width='75%' class='table' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'>
           <tr><th colspan = '3'>Multi Use</th></tr>
           <td><font color='yellow'>x{$r['inv_qty']}</font></td>
           <form action='itemuse.php?ID={$_GET['ID']}' method='post'>
               <input type='hidden' name='verf'  />
               <td><input type='text' name='qty' value='' /></td>
               <tr><th colspan='3'><input type='submit' value='Use Item' /></th></tr>
           </form></table><hr width = '75%'>
       } else {
           echo "<h3><u>Item Use</u></h3>
           <hr/><b>Are you sure you want to use one ".$r['itmname']."?</b>
           <form action='itemuse.php?ID={$_GET['ID']}' method='post'>
               <input type='hidden' name='verf'  />
               <input type='hidden' name='qty' value='1' />
               <br />
               <input type='submit' value='Use Item' />
           </form><hr/><a href = 'index.php'>>Go Back</a><hr/>
   error('Invalid use of file.');



I can't seem to get it to work.

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