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Battle Tent (Not Working)

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Code for the attacks -


	if($r['user_level'] == 0) {
		$q = $db->query("SELECT `cb_money` FROM `challengebots` WHERE `cb_npcid` = {$r['userid']}");
		if($db->num_rows($q) > 0) {
			$cb = $db->fetch_row($q);
			$qk = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(`npcid`) FROM `challengesbeaten` WHERE `userid` = $userid AND `npcid` = {$r['userid']}");
			if(!$db->num_rows($qk)) {
				$m = $cb['cb_money'];
				$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + $m WHERE `userid` = $userid");
				echo "<br /> You gained " . money_formatter($m) . " for beating the challenge bot {$r['username']}";
				$db->query("INSERT INTO `challengesbeaten` VALUES($userid, {$r['userid']}, " . time() . ")");


For some reason that does not work and it is the default MCCodes?

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if($r['user_level'] == 0) {


should that not be $ir unless its been changed can you post more code? and what exactly is the issue?

Edit: if there is no code which is making it $r then you need to change all $r to $ir as that is the main variable called in mccodes for calling out info from users table and users stats

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$ir is for the user it self. And $r is the other user I am attacking.

It's a bit wierd doens't work and so as the battle ladder add-on


$atkpage = 1;
$_GET['ID']            = (isset($_GET['ID']) && is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) ? abs((int) $_GET['ID']) : 0;
$_SESSION['attacking'] = 0;
$ir['attacking']       = 0;
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `attacking` = 0 WHERE `userid` = $userid");
$od = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = {$_GET['ID']} LIMIT 1");
if(!isset($_SESSION['attackwon']) || $_SESSION['attackwon'] != $_GET['ID']) {
error("Cheaters don't get anywhere.");
if($db->num_rows($od) > 0) {
$r = $db->fetch_row($od);
if($r['hp'] == 1) {
	error('The user has no health to attack.');
} else {
	action("You beat {$r['username']}!<br />You beat {$r['username']} severely on the ground. When there is lots of blood showing, you head up to the nearest 10-story building's roof and drop him over the edge. You run home silently and carefully.");
	$hosptime   = rand(50, 150) + floor($ir['level'] / 2);
	$hospreason = $db->escape("Hospitalized by <a href='viewuser.php?u={$userid}'>{$ir['username']}</a>");
	$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = 1, `defends_lost` = `defends_lost` + 1, `hospital` = $hosptime, `hospreason` = '{$hospreason}', `hosp_bill` = `hosp_bill` + $hosptime * 10 WHERE `userid` = {$r['userid']}");
	$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `attacks_won` = `attacks_won` + 1 WHERE `userid` = {$ir['userid']}");
	event_add($r['userid'], "<a href='viewuser.php?u=$userid'>{$ir['username']}</a> beat you up.", $c);
	$atklog = $db->escape($_SESSION['attacklog']);
	$db->query("INSERT INTO `attacklogs` VALUES(NULL, $userid, {$_GET['ID']}, 'won', " . time() . ", -1, '$atklog')");
//Battle Ladder add on
$chk_one = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `battle_members` WHERE `bmemberUser` = '%u'", $ir['userid']));
$chk_two = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `battle_members` WHERE `bmemberUser` = '%u' AND `bmemberLadder` = '%u'", $r['userid'], $r1['bmemberLadder']));
if ($db->num_rows($chk_one) AND $db->num_rows($chk_two))
	$score = rand(1, 10);
	$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `battle_members` SET `bmemberScore` = `bmemberScore` - '%d', `bmemberLosses` = `bmemberLosses` + '1' WHERE `bmemberUser` = '%u'", $score, $r['userid']));
	$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `battle_members` SET `bmemberScore` = `bmemberScore` + '%d', `bmemberWins` = `bmemberWins` + '1' WHERE `bmemberUser` = '%u'", $score, $ir['userid']));
	echo 'You have added '.$score.' points to the score on the battle ladder, well done.<br />';
	$_SESSION['attackwon'] = 0;
	if($ir['clan'] > 0 && $r['clan'] > 0) {
		$gq = $db->query("SELECT `clanRESPECT`, `clanID` FROM `clans` WHERE `clanID` = {$r['clan']} LIMIT 1");
		if($db->num_rows($gq) > 0) {
			$ga   = $db->fetch_row($gq);
			$warq = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(`warDECLARER`) FROM `clanwars` WHERE (`warDECLARER` = {$ir['clan']} AND `warDECLARED` = {$r['clan']}) OR (`warDECLARED` = {$ir['clan']} AND `warDECLARER` = {$r['clan']})");
			if($db->fetch_single($warq) > 0) {
				$db->query("UPDATE `clans` SET `clanRESPECT` = `clanRESPECT` - 3 WHERE `clanID` = {$r['clan']}");
				$ga['clanRESPECT'] -= 3;
				$db->query("UPDATE `clans` SET `clanRESPECT` = `clanRESPECT` + 3 WHERE `clanID` = {$ir['clan']}");
                           "UPDATE `users` SET `clan_kills` = `clan_kills` + 1 WHERE `userid` = {$ir['userid']}");
                   echo "<br />You earnt 3 respect for your clan and one clan kill!";
			if($ga['clanRESPECT'] <= 0 && $r['clan']) {
				$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `clan` = 0 WHERE `clan` = {$r['clan']}");
				$db->query("DELETE FROM `clans` WHERE `clanRESPECT` <= 0");
				$db->query("DELETE FROM `clanwars` WHERE `warDECLARER` = {$ga['clanID']} OR `warDECLARED` = {$ga['clanID']}");
	if($r['user_level'] == 0) {
		$q = $db->query("SELECT `cb_money` FROM `challengebots` WHERE `cb_npcid` = {$r['userid']}");
		if($db->num_rows($q) > 0) {
			$cb = $db->fetch_row($q);
			$qk = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(`npcid`) FROM `challengesbeaten` WHERE `userid` = $userid AND `npcid` = {$r['userid']}");
			if(!$db->num_rows($qk)) {
				$m = $cb['cb_money'];
				$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + $m WHERE `userid` = $userid");
				echo "<br /> You gained " . money_formatter($m) . " for beating the challenge bot {$r['username']}";
				$db->query("INSERT INTO `challengesbeaten` VALUES($userid, {$r['userid']}, " . time() . ")");
} else {
action("You beat Mr. non-exist!");
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