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What is the greatest threat to mankind?


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Re: What is the greatest threat to mankind?

The greatest threat to mankind is our failure to design.

Things we create, always probs to failure? We are prone to catching desieses that can kill / make us sick.

Engines failing on planes? Design error.

Also, fear.

Give a man a gun, and stick him in the middle of the desert, and he would abandon it. But stick him in the middle of a town, and he would keep hold of it, why? Fear of the others around him.

We lack the capacity to exist as a unity, and as soon as somthing is threatening or causes us fear, we try to dismiss, or kill it.

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Re: What is the greatest threat to mankind?

hamsters, and aliens.

See, the hamsters communicate with a specific ultra sound to another species, that can not be heard by the human ear.

On a true note; People them selfs.

Why do planes crash? Maintenance issues.

Why do people kill? Because they need money or was abused as a kid.

Why do people goto war, and does gorge bush have 8 000 elite tanks ready for battle? Dominance, or is it Power?

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