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Two questions regarding attacking


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Re: Two questions regarding attacking

No worries guys :)

A simple move, and the problem is fixed.

Typically, anything at all to do with mccodes 1, 2, or lite has it's own little area and isn't part of the general coding area

to answer your questions...

1) add a counter variable - I think it already has one in it, doesn't it display the attack number to the screen, like this:

1. Bob hit Joe for 1 damage

2. Joe tried to hit bob but missed

3. Bob hit Joe again.

4. Joe missed again.

Find out what that variable in the front is, and somewhere near the top of your script add a check.

if($thatNUMBERvariable > 100)





Not sure where the code is, but you would change where it says

$expgain = rand(1,100) -- or something like that


$expgain = $ir['exp_needed']/10; -- would give them 10 percent

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