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Roulette Problem

Dragon Blade

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So I have no idea why this roulette mod I found on mwg coming out disfigured?


If someone can fix this up for me will be great...






require "global_func.php";
if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == 0)
   header("Location: login.php");
$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is =
               "SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",
               $c) or die(mysql_error());
$ir = mysql_fetch_array($is);
$fm = money_formatter($ir['money']);
$cm = money_formatter($ir['crystals'], '');
$lv = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $ir['laston']);
$h->userdata($ir, $lv, $fm, $cm);

function getAvailableCash( )
  global $ir;

  return $ir['money'];

function getMaximumBet( )
  global $ir;

  return min($ir['level'] * 150, getAvailableCash());

function creditPlayer( $amount )
  global $db, $userid, $ir;

  $sql = sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + %u WHERE (`userid` = %u)", $amount, $userid);


  $ir['money'] += $amount;

function debitPlayer( $amount )
  global $db, $userid, $ir;

  $sql = sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = GREATEST(0, `money` - %u) WHERE (`userid` = %u)", $amount, $userid);


  $ir['money'] = max(0, $ir['money'] - $amount);

function pageFooter( )
  global $h;


function lookupBet( $bet )
  $data = array
     '0'     => "0,35,0",
     '00'    => "00,35,00",
     '1'     => "1,35,1",
     '2'     => "2,35,2",
     '3'     => "3,35,3",
     '4'     => "4,35,4",
     '5'     => "5,35,5",
     '6'     => "6,35,6",
     '7'     => "7,35,7",
     '8'     => "8,35,8",
     '9'     => "9,35,9",
     '10'    => "10,35,10",
     '11'    => "11,35,11",
     '12'    => "12,35,12",
     '13'    => "13,35,13",
     '14'    => "14,35,14",
     '15'    => "15,35,15",
     '16'    => "16,35,16",
     '17'    => "17,35,17",
     '18'    => "18,35,18",
     '10'    => "19,35,19",
     '20'    => "20,35,20",
     '21'    => "21,35,21",
     '22'    => "22,35,22",
     '23'    => "23,35,23",
     '24'    => "24,35,24",
     '25'    => "25,35,25",
     '26'    => "26,35,26",
     '27'    => "27,35,27",
     '28'    => "28,35,28",
     '29'    => "29,35,29",
     '30'    => "30,35,30",
     '31'    => "31,35,31",
     '32'    => "32,35,32",
     '33'    => "33,35,33",
     '34'    => "34,35,34",
     '35'    => "35,35,35",
     '36'    => "36,35,36",

     'R0'    => "Row 0,17,0-00",

     'R1'    => "Row 1,11,1-2-3",
     'R2'    => "Row 2,11,4-5-6",
     'R3'    => "Row 3,11,7-8-9",
     'R4'    => "Row 4,11,10-11-12",
     'R5'    => "Row 5,11,13-14-15",
     'R6'    => "Row 6,11,16-17-18",
     'R7'    => "Row 7,11,19-20-21",
     'R8'    => "Row 8,11,22-23-24",
     'R9'    => "Row 9,11,25-26-27",
     'R10'   => "Row 10,11,28-29-30",
     'R11'   => "Row 11,11,31-32-33",
     'R12'   => "Row 12,11,34-35-36",

     'C1'    => "Column 1,2,1-4-7-10-13-16-19-22-25-28-31-34",
     'C2'    => "Column 2,2,2-5-8-11-14-17-20-23-26-29-32-35",
     'C3'    => "Column 3,2,3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30-33-36",
     'F12'   => "First 12,2,1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12",
     'M12'   => "Second 12,2,13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24",
     'L12'   => "Third 12,2,25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36",

     'F18'   => "First 18,1,1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18",
     'L18'   => "Last 18,1,19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36",
     'ODD'   => "Odd,1,1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-27-29-31-33-35",
     'EVEN'  => "Even,1,2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36",
     'RED'   => "Red,1,1-3-5-7-9-12-14-16-18-19-21-23-25-27-30-32-34-36",
     'BLACK' => "Black,1,2-4-6-8-10-11-13-15-17-20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35",

  if (is_string($bet))
     $bet = strtoupper(trim($bet));

     if (strlen($bet) && isset($data[$bet]))
        list($name, $payoff, $numbers) = explode(",", $data[$bet]);

        return array('name' => $name, 'payoff' => $payoff, 'numbers' => explode("-", $numbers));

  return null;

function formatLink( $text, $link )
  $found = false;

  foreach ($_SESSION['roulette']['bets'] as $bet)
     if ($bet == $link)
        $found = lookupBet($bet);

  if ($found)
     return sprintf("[img=/images/roulette.png]", $found['name'], $found['name']);

  if (count($_SESSION['roulette']['bets']) == 5)
     return $text;
     return sprintf("<a href='roulette.php?action=place&bet=%s'>%s</a>", $link, $text);

function renderPage( $spun = null, $winAmount = null, $betAmount = null )
  $green_background = "#3C3";
  $red_background   = "#F33";
  $black_background = "#333";

  $border_color     = "#333";

  $green_link       = "#111";
  $red_link         = "#EEE";
  $black_link       = "#EEE";

  echo "<style type='text/css'>";
  echo "table.roulette-table { border-collapse:collapse; }";
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td { text-align:center; padding:0.5em; border:solid 1px %s; }", $border_color);
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td.g { background:%s; }", $green_background);
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td.r { background:#F33;color:#EEE; }", $red_background);
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td.b { background:#333;color:#EEE; }", $black_background);
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td.g a { color: #111; }", $green_link);
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td.r a { color: #EEE; }", $red_link);
  echo sprintf("table.roulette-table td.b a { color: #EEE; }", $black_link);
  echo "</style>";

  echo "<h3>Roulette</h3>";
  echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width:95%;'>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td align='left' style='vertical-align:top;'>";

  echo "You may place up to 5 bets before 'spinning' the wheel…";
  echo "


  $bets    = $_SESSION['roulette']['bets'];
  $i       = 0;
  $numbers = array();

  foreach ($bets as $bet)
     $info = lookupBet($bet);

     foreach ($info['numbers'] as $number)
        $numbers[$number] = true;

     echo sprintf("    Bet #%u: %s (<a href='roulette.php?action=clear&bet=%s'>Clear</a>)
", ++$i, $info['name'], $bet);

  if ($i)
     echo "
     echo "    <a href='roulette.php?action=reset'>Clear All</a>";
     echo "

     echo "Winning numbers:

     $numbers = array_keys($numbers);

     for ($i = 0, $count = count($numbers); $i < $count; $i++)
        echo sprintf("%s%s%u", $i % 6 ? "" : "
   ", $i % 6 ? ", " : "", $numbers[$i]);        

     echo "


  echo sprintf("You may bet up to a maximum of $%s

", number_format(getMaximumBet()));
  echo sprintf("    Current bet: $%s

", number_format($_SESSION['roulette']['cash']));

  $bets = array(5, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000);

  echo sprintf("    Bet: ");

  for ($i = 0, $count = count($bets); $i < $count; $i++)
     echo sprintf("%s<a href='roulette.php?action=money&amount=%u'>$%s</a>", $i ? ", " : "", $bets[$i], number_format($bets[$i]));

  echo "


  if (!is_null($spun))
     if ($winAmount > 0)
        echo sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'><b>%u</b> – Congratulations, you win $%s</span>", $spun, number_format($winAmount));
        echo sprintf("<span style='color:#700;'><b>%u</b> – Sorry, you lose $%s</span>", $spun, number_format($betAmount));
     echo "Spin the wheel to gamble…";

  echo "


  echo "<form action='roulette.php?action=play' method='post'>";
  echo "<input type='submit' value='Spin the Wheel' />";
  echo "</form>";

  echo "</td>";
  echo "<td align='right' style='vertical-align:top;'>";

  echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='1' class='roulette-table'>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='g' colspan='2'></td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("0", "0") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'></td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("00", "00") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R0") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='2'>" . formatLink("1 to 18", "F18") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='4'>" . formatLink("1<sup>st</sup> 12", "F12") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("1", "1") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("2", "2") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("3", "3") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R1") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("4", "4") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("5", "5") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("6", "6") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R2") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='2'>" . formatLink("ODD", "ODD") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("7", "7") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("8", "8") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("9", "9") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R3") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("10", "10") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("11", "11") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("12", "12") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R4") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='r' rowspan='2'>" . formatLink("RED", "RED") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='4'>" . formatLink("2<sup>nd</sup> 12", "M12") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("13", "13") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("14", "14") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("15", "15") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R5") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("16", "16") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("17", "17") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("18", "18") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R6") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b' rowspan='2'>" . formatLink("BLACK", "BLACK") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("19", "19") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("20", "20") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("21", "21") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R7") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("22", "22") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("23", "23") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("24", "24") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R8") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='2'>" . formatLink("EVEN", "EVEN") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='4'>" . formatLink("3<sup>rd</sup> 12", "L12") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("25", "25") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("26", "26") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("27", "27") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R9") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("28", "28") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("29", "29") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("30", "30") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R10") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='g' rowspan='2'>" . formatLink("19 to 36", "L18") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("31", "31") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("32", "32") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("33", "33") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R11") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("34", "34") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='r'>" . formatLink("35", "35") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='b'>" . formatLink("36", "36") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("«", "R12") . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td class='g' colspan='2'></td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("^", "C1") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("^", "C2") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'>" . formatLink("^", "C3") . "</td>";
  echo "<td class='g'></td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";

  echo "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";

if (!isset($_SESSION['roulette']))
  $_SESSION['roulette'] = array
     'bets' => array(),
     'cash' => 0,

function act_index( )

function act_place( )
  if (is_string($_GET['bet']))
     $bet = strtoupper(trim($_GET['bet']));

     if (strlen($bet))
        if (!is_null($info = lookupBet($bet)))
           if (count($_SESSION['roulette']['bets']) < 5)
              $duplicate = false;

              foreach ($_SESSION['roulette']['bets'] as $temp)
                 if ($temp == $bet)
                    $duplicate = true;

              if (!$duplicate)
                 $_SESSION['roulette']['bets'][] = $bet;           


function act_clear( )
  if (is_string($_GET['bet']))
     $bet = strtoupper(trim($_GET['bet']));

     if (strlen($bet))
        if (!is_null($info = lookupBet($bet)))
           $bets = array();

           foreach ($_SESSION['roulette']['bets'] as $temp)
              if ($temp != $bet)
                 $bets[] = $temp;

           $_SESSION['roulette']['bets'] = $bets;


function act_reset( )
  $_SESSION['roulette']['bets'] = array();


function act_money( )
  $amount = isset($_GET['amount']) && is_string($_GET['amount']) && preg_match("`^\d+$`ims", $_GET['amount']) ? @intval($_GET['amount']) : null;

  if (!is_null($amount))
     $_SESSION['roulette']['cash'] = min($amount, getMaximumBet());


function act_play( )
  if (!count($_SESSION['roulette']['bets']))
     return act_index();

  $_SESSION['roulette']['cash'] = min($_SESSION['roulette']['cash'], getMaximumBet());

  if (!$_SESSION['roulette']['cash'])
     return act_index();

  $wheel = "0-28-9-26-30-11-7-20-32-17-5-22-34-15-3-24-36-13-1-00-27-10-25-29-12-8-19-31-18-6-21-33-16-4-23-35-14-2";
  $slots = explode("-", $wheel);
  $count = count($slots);
  $spin  = $slots[mt_rand(1, $count)];

  $cash  = $_SESSION['roulette']['cash'];
  $count = count($_SESSION['roulette']['bets']);
  $split = $cash / $count;
  $win   = 0;
  $lose  = 0;

  foreach ($_SESSION['roulette']['bets'] as $bet)
     $info = lookupBet($bet);

     if (in_array($spin, $info['numbers']))
        $payoff = $info['payoff'] * $split;
        $win   += $split + $payoff;
        $lose += $split;

  if ($lose)

  if ($win)

  $_SESSION['roulette']['cash'] = min($_SESSION['roulette']['cash'], getMaximumBet());

  renderPage($spin, $win, $cash);

$actions = array
  'index' => "act_index",
  'place' => "act_place",
  'clear' => "act_clear",
  'reset' => "act_reset",
  'money' => "act_money",
  'play'  => "act_play",

$keys   = array_keys($actions);
$action = isset($_GET['action']) && is_string($_GET['action']) && preg_match("`^((" . implode(")|(", $keys) . "))$`ims", $_GET['action']) ? strtolower($_GET['action']) : array_shift($keys);





Edited by Dragon Blade
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*Quote removed, due to relevant posts being deleted for being irrelevant. ~ DJK.

Back on topic, maybe this is the reason?


if ($found)
     return sprintf("[img=/images/roulette.png]", $found['name'], $found['name']);


Seems like the creator intended BBcode to be used? Just change it to normal HTML img tags and it should be fine.

Edited by Djkanna
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