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Display crimes side by side


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Hi, i'm trying to show the crimes side by side in two column


Crime1 Crime2

in the engine show:



the code is:


echo "<table class='plainTable'>";
$result = $db->Execute("select crime_id,name,description,condition_code,success_rate,stat_cost,jail_time,crime_pic from crimes order by crime_id");
foreach ($result as $row)
   echo "<tr valign='top'>";
   $res = true;
   if ($row[3] != null && $row[3] != "")
       $res = NWEval("return {$row[3]};");
   if ($row[5] > $userStats[GetConfigValue("CrimeStatCost", "crime")]->value)
       $res = false;
   echo "<td width='1%'>";
   echo "<img src='$row[7]'/>";
   echo "</td>";
   $perc = 100;
   if ($row[4] != null && $row[4] != "")
       $perc = round(NWEval("return {$row[4]};") * 100.0, 0);
   if ($perc > 100)
       $perc = 100;
   echo "<td><b>" . Translate($row[1]) . ":</b><br>" . Translate($row[2]) . "<br><br>";
   echo Translate("<font color='green'><b>Success rate") . ": $perc%</b></font><br>" . Translate("<font color='red'><b>Cost") . ": {$row[5]}</b></font><br>";
   LinkButton('Do it', 'index.php?p=crime&id={$row[0]}', null, null, false, $res);
   echo "</td>";
   echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";


how to do this?

thx guys

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it wont do what you want as EVERYTHING is being listed on CRIME1 if you do try to do it on CRIME2 it will be a mirror image of CRIME1 this was a problem I encountered some time ago with another script

- - - Updated - - -

cos what your wanting is like


---------- ---------




and so on

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solved ;P thx

echo "<table class='plainTable'>";
$result = $db->Execute("select crime_id,name,description,condition_code,success_rate,stat_cost,jail_time,crime_pic from crimes order by crime_id");
$i = 1;
$numofcols = 2;
foreach ($result as $row)
   if( $i % $numofcols == 1 ){
   echo "<tr valign='top'>";
   $res = true;
   if ($row[3] != null && $row[3] != "")
       $res = NWEval("return {$row[3]};");
   if ($row[5] > $userStats[GetConfigValue("CrimeStatCost", "crime")]->value)
       $res = false;
   echo "<td width='1%'>";
   echo "<img src='$row[7]'/>";
   echo "</td>";
   $perc = 100;
   if ($row[4] != null && $row[4] != "")
       $perc = round(NWEval("return {$row[4]};") * 100.0, 0);
   if ($perc > 100)
       $perc = 100;
   echo "<td><b>" . Translate($row[1]) . ":</b><br>" . Translate($row[2]) . "<br>";
   echo Translate("Success rate") . ": $perc%<br>" . Translate("Cost") . ": {$row[5]}";
   LinkButton("Do it", "index.php?p=crime&id={$row[0]}", null, null, false, $res);
   echo "</td>";
   if( $i % $numofcols == 0) {
     echo '</tr>'; //Close Row.
   $i = $i + 1;
if( ($i % $numofcols) > 0){
echo '</tr>';
echo "</table>";
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