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Marriage Mod Help


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i am using the marriage mod by sniko

but i want to make is so users can share will from there property with who there married to how do i go about doing this? here is my code



// global variable - see if they are married or have a pending proposal
$married = ($ir['propose_to'] > 0 OR $ir['married_to'] > 0 OR $ir['propose_from'] > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

function links($hide)
	global $modName;
	$hide = ($hide != "hide") ? "FALSE" : "hide";
	if($hide == "hide")
	echo "<br />
	      [<a href='explore.php'>Back to City</a>]
		  	<br />
		  [<a href='index.php'>Back Home</a>]";
	echo "<br />
	      [<a href='?action=index'>Back to {$modName}</a>]
			<br />
		  [<a href='explore.php'>Back to City</a>]
		  	<br />
		  [<a href='index.php'>Back Home</a>]";

	return index();

	case 'viewInventory' : viewInventory(); break;
	case 'sendCrystals' : sendCrystals(); break;
	case 'sendBank' : sendBank(); break;
	case 'sendMoney' : sendMoney(); break;

	case 'divorce' : divorce(); break;
	case 'stats' : stats(); break;
	case 'more' : more(); break;

	case 'accept' : accept(); break;
	case 'decline' : decline(); break;

	case 'propose' : propose(); break;

	default: index();

function index()
	global $ir,$h,$married,$modName;	
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";
		  if($married == FALSE)
			  	echo "Here, you can enter a userid to propose to, if they confirm/accept you will be married, which will give you features such as being able to send money to eachother and looking into eachothers inventory.</i>";
			  	if($ir['married_to'] > 0)
					  	$mt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}"));
					  	echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Married to</div>
					  					<div style='height: 10pt;width:380pt;float:left;background:#ccffcc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>{$mt['username']}</div>
					  		  <div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Manage Marriage</div>
					  		  			<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=divorce'>Divorce</a></div>
					  		  			<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=stats'>View Marriage Stats</a></div>
					  		  			<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=more'>More Options</a></div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 2em;'></div>";
					    echo "You are either married, you have a pending proposal or someone has proposed to you!";

function continue_notMarried()
	global $ir, $h;
	echo "<p align='center'>
		 <strong>Please enter the user's ID which you would like to propose to.</strong>
			<br />
		 <form action='?action=propose' method='post'>
		 <input type='text' name='user_id' length='15' maxlength='15' onchange='showUser(this.value)'/>
		 	<br />

		 <div id='showUser'></div>

function propose()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	$prop = abs(@intval($_POST['user_id']));

	$ro = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `username`,`gender` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$prop}"));

	$g = ($ro['gender'] == 'Male') ? 'him' : 'her';

	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>

	<font family='verdana'>You have proposed to <a href='viewuser.php?u={$prop}'>{$ro['username']}</a></font>. Please wait for {$g} to accept/decline!";
	mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `propose_to`={$prop} WHERE `userid`=$userid");
	mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `propose_from`={$userid} WHERE `userid`=$prop");
	event_add($prop,"{$ir['username']} has just proposed to you! [<a href='zMarriage.php?action=decline'>Decline</a>] [<a href='zMarriage.php?action=accept'>Accept</a>]",$c);	

function accept()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `propose_to`,`propose_from`,`married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->propose_from == 0 OR $r->married_to > 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You haven't been proposed to!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
			$pf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$r->propose_from}"));
			echo "<font family='verdana'>You have accepted the proposal from <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r->propose_from}'>{$pf['username']}</a></font> congratulations, you are now married!";
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `married_to`={$userid},`propose_to`=0 WHERE `userid`={$r->propose_from}");
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `married_to`={$r->propose_from},`propose_from`=0 WHERE `userid`={$userid}");	
			event_add($ir['married_to'],"{$ir['username']} has accepted your proposal!",$c);

			$date = date('D m Y');
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_marriage` (`user1`,`user2`,`date`) VALUES ($userid, $r->propose_from, '$date')");
function decline()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `propose_to`,`propose_from`,`married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->propose_from == 0 OR $r->married_to > 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You haven't been proposed to!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
			$to = $ir['propose_from'];
			event_add($to,"{$ir['username']} has declined your proposal!",$c);	
			$pf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$r->propose_from}"));
			echo "<font family='verdana'>You have declined the proposal from <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r->propose_from}'>{$pf['username']}</a></font>!";
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `propose_to`=0 WHERE `userid`={$r->propose_from}");
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `propose_from`=0 WHERE `userid`={$userid}");	

function divorce()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
			$to = $ir['married_to'];
			event_add($to,"{$ir['username']} has divorced you!",$c);	

			$mt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}"));

			echo "<font family='verdana'>You have divorced your partner, <a href='viewuser.php?u={$ir['married_to']}'>{$mt['username']}</a></font>!";
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `married_to`=0 WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}");
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `married_to`=0 WHERE `userid`={$userid}");	
			mysql_query("DELETE FROM `user_marriage` WHERE `user1`=$userid OR `user2`=$userid");

function stats()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married, therefore you have to stats to look at!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
			$um = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT um.`user1`,um.`user2`,um.`date`,um.`sentmoney`,u.`username`,u.`userid` FROM `user_marriage` um LEFT JOIN `users` u ON `userid`=`user1` OR `userid`=`user2` WHERE `userid`=`user1` OR `userid`=`user2`"));
			$mt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}"));
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Married to</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>{$mt['username']}</div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";
					 //married since
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Married Since</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>{$um['date']}</div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";
					 //combined cash
					 $p = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `money` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}"));
					 $combined_cash = $ir['money']+$p['money'];
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Combined Cash</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>$".moneyFormat($combined_cash)."</div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";
					 //combined bank
					 $p = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `bankmoney` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}"));
					 $combined_bank = $ir['bankmoney']+$p['bankmoney'];
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Combined Bank Balance</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>$".moneyFormat($combined_bank)."</div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";
					 //combined crystals
					 $p = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `crystals` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}"));
					 $combined_crys = $ir['crystals']+$p['crystals'];
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Combined Crystals</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>".number_format($combined_crys)."</div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";
					 //combined money sent
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Money Sent (Total)</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>$".moneyFormat($um['sentmoney'])."</div>
					  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";

function more()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married, therefore you have to stats to look at!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
			echo "<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Send</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=sendMoney'>Money</a></div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=sendBank'>Bank Money</a></div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=sendCrystals'>Crystals</a></div>
				       						  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>
				  <div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>Contact</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='mailbox.php?action=compose&ID={$ir['married_to']}'>Message</a></div>
				       						  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>
				  <div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#aacccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'>View</div>
					<div style='height: 10pt;width:140px;float:left;background:#cccccc;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border:1px #FFFFFF solid;'><a href='?action=viewInventory'>Inventory</a></div>
				       						  		  <div style='width: 100%;height: 1.3em;'></div>";

function sendMoney()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married, therefore you have to stats to look at!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
					echo "You can send money to your partner! ($".number_format($ir['money']).")
							<br />
							  <form action='' method='post'>
							  How much would you like to send?
							  	<br />
							  $<input type='text' name='cash' length='35' maxlength='".strlen($ir['money'])."'>	
							  	<br />
							   <input type='submit' value='Send' name='submit'>
					$money = abs( (int) $_POST['cash']);
					$_POST['cash'] = NULL;

					if(!is_numeric($money) OR $money > $ir['money'])
							echo "You are sending more than you have!";
							echo "You have successfully sent $".moneyFormat($money)." to your partner!";
							mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`+$money WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}");
							mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`=$money WHERE `userid`=$userid");
							event_add($ir['married_to'], "{$ir['username']} has just given you $".moneyFormat($money)."!");
							mysql_query("UPDATE `user_marriage` SET `sentmoney`=`sentmoney`+$money WHERE `user1`=$userid OR `user2`=$userid");

function sendBank()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married, therefore you have to stats to look at!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
					echo "You can wire money to your partner's bank account! ($".number_format($ir['bankmoney']).")
							<br />
							  <form action='' method='post'>
							  How much would you like to send?
							  	<br />
							  $<input type='text' name='cash' length='35' maxlength='".strlen($ir['bankmoney'])."'>	
							  	<br />
							   <input type='submit' value='Send' name='submit'>
					$money = abs( (int) $_POST['cash']);
					$_POST['cash'] = NULL;

					if(!is_numeric($money) OR $money > $ir['bankmoney'])
							echo "You are sending more than you have!";
							echo "You have successfully wired $".moneyFormat($money)." to your partner!";
							mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `bankmoney`=`bankmoney`+$money WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}");
							mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `bankmoney`=`bankmoney`=$money WHERE `userid`=$userid");
							event_add($ir['married_to'], "{$ir['username']} has just wired you $".moneyFormat($money)."!");
							mysql_query("UPDATE `user_marriage` SET `sentmoney`=`sentmoney`+$money WHERE `user1`=$userid OR `user2`=$userid");

function sendCrystals()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married, therefore you have to stats to look at!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
					echo "You can give your partner crystals! (".number_format($ir['crystals']).")
							<br />
							  <form action='' method='post'>
							  How much would you like to send?
							  	<br />
							  <input type='text' name='crys' length='35' maxlength='".strlen($ir['crystals'])."'> crystals	
							  	<br />
							   <input type='submit' value='Send' name='submit'>
					$crys = abs( (int) $_POST['crys']);
					$_POST['crys'] = NULL;

					if(!is_numeric($crys) OR $crys > $ir['crystals'])
							echo "You are sending more than you have!";
							echo "You have successfully sent ".number_format($crys)." crystals to your partner!";
							mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `crystals`=`crystals`+$crys WHERE `userid`={$ir['married_to']}");
							mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `crystals`=`crystals`=$crys WHERE `userid`=$userid");
							event_add($ir['married_to'], "{$ir['username']} has just given you ".number_format($crys)." crystals!");

function viewInventory()
	global $ir, $h, $modName, $userid, $c;
	echo "<h3>{$modName}</h3>";

	$exist = mysql_query("SELECT `married_to` FROM `users` WHERE `userid`={$userid}");
	$r = mysql_fetch_object($exist);

	if(mysql_num_rows($exist) == 0 OR $r->married_to == 0)
			echo "<strong><font color='red'>You are not even married, therefore you have to stats to look at!</font></strong>";
			exit( $h->endpage() );
Edited by Llight
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Do you currently have any property modifications? If not then mc codes uses by default the max will of a property. So what you can do is grab the max will of their spouse if its greater than your max will and change it to that. Now I dont remember if mc has a house column in the users table so then what you can.do is anything that has to do with buying or selling a house you can update that to keep tabs on what they have/had to update when there is a change lime moving out so you can update their max will based on what house they own. So there is a start and you can maybe take it from there since im on my phone and getting ready for work thats all I can offer at this time.

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