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2 Issues; Captcha and BotBattle


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Just so you all know where I am at with the game development; I have successfully configured it to my host and I am able to log in and play, but that is only because I am the admin. Unfortunately, the first issue I am having is that when attempting to register, such as a new member/guest, the captcha image is not loading.

Here is the captcha page code in case it helps;


define('IN_EZRPG', true);


//$code_length = rand(5,6);
$code_length = 4;
$rand_start = mt_rand(0, 250);
$font = 'static/fonts/Capture_it.ttf';
$fontSize = 30;
$padding = 10;

$l1 = strtoupper(createKey(1, 1));
$l2 = strtoupper(createKey(1, 1));
$l3 = strtoupper(createKey(1, 1));
$l4 = strtoupper(createKey(1, 1));
$verify_string = $l1 . ' ' . $l2 . ' ' . $l3 . ' ' . $l4;
$real_string = $l1 . $l2 . $l3 . $l4;
$verify_code = sha1(strtoupper($real_string) . SECRET_KEY);

$_SESSION['verify_code'] = $verify_code;

function makeRBGColor($color, $image)
   $color = str_replace("#", "", $color);
   $red = hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2));
   $green = hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2));
   $blue = hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2));
   $out = ImageColorAllocate($image, $red, $green, $blue);
   return $out;

$wordBox = imageftbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $verify_string);

$wordBoxWidth = $wordBox[2];
$wordBoxHeight = $wordBox[1] + abs($wordBox[7]);

$containerWidth = $wordBoxWidth + ($padding * 2);
$containerHeight = $wordBoxHeight + ($padding * 2);

$textX = $padding;
$textY = $containerHeight - $padding;

$captchaImage = imagecreate($containerWidth, $containerHeight);

$red = randColor();
$green = randColor();
$blue = randColor();
$backgroundColor = ImageColorAllocate($captchaImage, $red, $green, $blue);

$rred = 255-$red;
$rgreen = 255-$green;
$rblue = 255-$blue;
$textColor = ImageColorAllocate($captchaImage, $rred, $rgreen, $rblue);

imagefttext($captchaImage, $fontSize, 0, $textX, $textY, $textColor, $font, $verify_string);

$angle = mt_rand(-3, 3);
$captchaImage = imagerotate($captchaImage, $angle, $backgroundColor);

$line = ImageColorAllocate($captchaImage, $rred, $rgreen, $rblue);

for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
   $xStart = mt_rand(0, $containerWidth);
   $yStart = mt_rand(0, $containerHeight);
   $xEnd = mt_rand(0, $containerWidth);
   $yEnd = mt_rand(0, $containerHeight);
   imageline($captchaImage, $xStart, $yStart, $xEnd, $yEnd, $line);

imagefilter($captchaImage, IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, 1);
//imagefilter($captchaImage, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 10);

//imagefilter($captchaImage, IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT);
imagefilter($captchaImage, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);



The second issue I am having is with the BotBattle module. I have placed it into the 'modules' directory. I've attempted to go to the http://www.yoursitehere.com/index.php?mod=BotBattle&act=install link to install the BotBattle module and it doesn't bring up anything; it only seems to bring me back to the index page. Of course I change the 'yoursitehere.com' part to my own address.

The link to the code is here;


Edited by dwandswforlife
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