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Medical - Reduce Hospital Time

Absolute Zero

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Hi, I don't post for much help but I couldn't figure out how to do this!

With V1 it already comes with: Create New Item, Give Item To User, Edit Item, Delete An Item.

When clicking "Create New Item" you can look through a list which has such things as: "Armor, Gun and Medical". When selecting medical you have the option to only "gain health" I would like to know how to minus hospital time with this. Any help is appreciated, and I thank all of you who try.

-Absolute Zero

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Re: Medical - Reduce Hospital Time

I'm gonna try and do this from memory...

open up "useitem.php"

find the part where it's something like...


mysql_query(UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE userid=$userid);


What that code does is just increase a user's health when they use a medical item. Alter the query like so

mysql_query(UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp,hospital=hospital-50 WHERE userid=$userid);
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Re: Medical - Reduce Hospital Time

well in mine i have:


else if($r['itmtypename'] == 'Medical')


$f=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM medical WHERE item_id={$r['itmid']}",$c);


mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['ID']}",$c);

mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=hp+{$fr['health']} WHERE userid=$userid");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE hp > maxhp");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital-{$fr['hosp_time']} where userid=$userid");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=0 WHERE hospital < 0");

Replace with:


else if($r['itmtypename'] == 'Medical')


$f=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM medical WHERE item_id={$r['itmid']}",$c);


mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['ID']}",$c);

mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=hp+{$fr['health']} WHERE userid=$userid");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE hp > maxhp");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital-1000 where userid=$userid");

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=0 WHERE hospital < 0");

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