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two errors on two different page need help


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Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/sitename/public_html/s4/Notifications.php on line 46


Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/modernma/public_html/s4/viewprofile.php on line 365

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/modernma/public_html/s4/viewprofile.php on line 367


can any one tell me why im getting them and any way of resolving them

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view profile


<?php include"mainmenu.php"; ?>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script>

<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=topleft NOWRAP>
<td class=leftbar NOWRAP>
<td class=bar NOWRAP>

<td class=rightbar NOWRAP>
<td class=topright NOWRAP>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=left NOWRAP>
<td class=main>
<div align="left">


// get value of id that sent from address bar 

$sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$id'";


$online = $rows['online'];
$online5 = $rows['onlinetime2'];
$online6 = $rows['onlinetime3'];

$susername = $rows['username'];
$numtoactivate = $rows['numbertoactivate'];

if( $tylerkilled>=3 ){ $stat="Dead"; }else{ $stat="Alive"; }
}elseif ($id=="David"){
if( $davidkilled>=3 ){ $stat="Dead"; }else{ $stat="Alive"; }
}elseif ($id=="Natasha"){
if( $mission>=5 ){ $stat="Dead"; }else{ $stat="Alive"; }

$post = str_replace("/", "", $post); 

$usercrewlevel = $rows['crewlevel'];
$uuserlevel = $rows['userlevel'];
$ustafflevel = $rows['stafflevel'];
$uentertainerlevel = $rows['entertainerlevel'];
$rmessages = $rows['rmessages'];

$ucrew = $rows['crew'];
$umessages = $rows['messages'];
$uquote = $rows['quote'];

$uip = $rows['lastloginip'];


$uprestige = $rows['prestige'];

$uippoints = $rows['ippoints'];
$ubank= $rows['bank'];
$uswissbank= $rows['swissbank'];
$uprotection= $rows['protection'];
$ugun = $rows['gun'];
$ubullets = $rows['bullets'];
$ucountry = $rows['country'];
$upoints = $rows['points'];
$uhealth = $rows['health'];
$uonlinetime = $rows['onlinetime'];
$usvest = $rows['specialvest'];
$uhda = number_format($rows['tickets']);
$ushowkills = $rows['showkills'];
$ushowbusts = $rows['showbusts'];
$utkills = number_format($rows['totalkills']);
$utbusts = number_format($rows['totalbusts']);

$uactpo = number_format($rows['activitypoints']);

$onlinet = time() - 700; //the current time minus 1 minute

$sql2="SELECT * FROM crews WHERE name='$ucrew'";
while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result2)){ // Start looping table row  
$crewid = $rows['id'];
}//loop end

$sql3="SELECT * FROM messages WHERE t='$id'";


<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style=" border-bottom: 0px solid #3D4456; border-left: 0px solid #7885A7; border-right: 0px solid #3D4456; border-top: 0px solid #6F7B9A; ">

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Name:</b> </font><a href="Send.php?sendto=<?php echo $id; ?>"><font color="#999999"><?php echo"$id"; ?></font></a></td></tr>

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><?php if($ucrewlevel!=9){ echo "<b>Crew</b>"; }else{ echo "<b>Boss Of</b>"; } ?>: <?php if($ucrew==None){echo "None";}else{echo "<a href='viewcrewprofile.php?id=$crewid'><font color=#999999>$ucrew</font></a>";} ?> </font></td></tr>

if($uuserlevel>="4" or $ustafflevel>="9" or $uentertainerlevel>="9"){

$sql= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$susername' LIMIT 1"); 
$i = mysql_fetch_object($sql);
$echo = "<b>Unknown</b>";
}elseif ($i->userlevel>="14"){
$echo = "<b>Administrator</b>";
}elseif ($i->userlevel>="9"){
$echo = "<b>Staff Manager</b>";
}elseif ($i->userlevel>="4"){
$echo = "<b>HDO Manager</b>";
}elseif ($i->entertainerlevel>="9"){
$echo = "<b>Entertainer Manager</b>";
}elseif ($i->stafflevel>="9"){
$echo = "<b>Moderator</b>";
}elseif ($i->djrank>="2"){
$echo = "<b>Semi HDO</b>";
$echo = "$urank";

echo "<tr><td bgcolor='$tabcolor'> <font color='#999999'><b>Rank:</b> 

if($uprestige > "0"){

echo " (<font color=lime><b>$uprestige</b></font>)";


echo "</td></tr>";


<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Vest:</b> <?php if($usvest=="1"){ echo "Light Military"; }elseif($usvest=="2"){ echo "Medium Military"; }else{ echo "Heavy Military"; }?></font></td></tr>


if($i->userlevel>="3" && $i->userlevel<="7"){
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Helpdesk Tickets Answered:</b> <?php echo "$uhda"; ?></font></td></tr>

if ($uentertainerlevel >= "4" && $uentertainerlevel <= "7"){ $wealth="£$ucash2"; }
elseif ($ucash < "2"){ $wealth = "Broke"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "2" && $ucash < "500000"){ $wealth = "Very Poor"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "500000" && $ucash < "1000000"){ $wealth = "Poor"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "1000000" && $ucash < "5000000"){ $wealth = "Rich"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "5000000" && $ucash < "10000000"){ $wealth = "Very Rich"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "10000000" && $ucash < "50000000"){ $wealth = "Extremely Rich"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "50000000" && $ucash < "999999999"){ $wealth = "Infamously Rich"; }
elseif ($ucash >= "1000000000"){ $wealth = "Suspected Billionaire"; }

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Wealth:</b> <?php echo"$wealth"; ?></font></td></tr>

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Rank:</b> 

$echo = " $urank / <b>Entertainer</b>";
$echo = " $urank / <b>Semi HDO</b>";
$echo = " $urank / <b>Help Desk Operator</b>";

$echo = "$urank";
echo "$echo";

if($uprestige > "0"){

echo " (<font color=lime><b>$uprestige</b></font>)";


echo "</td></tr>";


<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Vest:</b> <?php if($usvest=="1"){ echo "Light Military"; }elseif($usvest=="2"){ echo "Medium Military"; }else{ echo "Heavy Military"; }?></font></td></tr>



</tr><tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Status:</b> <?php echo "$stat"; ?><?php if ($online5 > $onlinet && $uapperoffline!='2')
{echo " (<font color=lime>Online</font>)";}else{echo " (<font color=red>Offline</font>)";} ?> / (<?php
if($aavail == "1"){ ?><font color="lime">Available</font><?php }elseif($aavail == "2"){ ?><font color="Orange"><b>Away</b></font><?php }elseif($aavail == "3"){ ?><font color="Blue"><b>Busy</b></font><?php }elseif($aavail == "4"){ ?><font color="red"><b>Not Available.</b></font><?php }else{ ?>error<?php } ?>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Messages sent:</b> <?php echo "$umessages"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Messages received:</b> <?php echo "$rmessages"; ?></font></td></tr>

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Total Kills:</b> <?php echo "$utkills"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Total Busts:</b> <?php echo "$utbusts"; ?></font></td></tr>

if($ustafflevel>="3" && $ustafflevel<="7"){
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><b>Helpdesk Tickets Answered:</b> <?php echo "$uhda"; ?></font></td></tr>


if ($userlevel >= 4 or $entertainerlevel >= 9 or $stafflevel >= 8)
{ ?>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Ip Address: <?php echo "$uip"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Penalty Points: <?php echo number_format($uippoints); ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Bank Money: $<?php echo number_format($ubank); ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Swiss Bank Money: $<?php echo number_format($uswissbank); ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Money On Hand: $<?php echo number_format($ucash); ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Points: <?php echo number_format($upoints); ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Bullets: <?php echo number_format($ubullets); ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Protection: <?php echo "$uprotection"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Gun: <?php echo "$ugun"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Country: <?php echo "$ucountry"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Health: <?php echo "$uhealth"; ?>%</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Last Active: <?php echo "$uonlinetime"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Activity Points: <?php echo "$uactpo"; ?></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999">Activation Code: <?php echo "$numtoactivate"; ?></font></td></tr>

$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ccars WHERE owner='".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."' AND profile='1' ORDER BY id DESC ") or die("ERROr");
// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result1 )) {

$id1 = $row['id'];
$carname1 = $row['name'];
$super = $row['super'];
$biggin = $row['biggin'];

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><a href="viewcustomcar.php?carid=<? echo $id1; ?>"><?php echo "<b>$biggin:</b>"; ?> <?php echo "$carname1"; ?></a></font></td></tr>

  <?php }// while loop ?>

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars WHERE owner='".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."' AND profile='1' ORDER BY type ASC ") or die("ERROr");
// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {

$id = $row['id'];
$type = $row['type'];
$damage = $row['damage'];

if($type=="1"){$carname = $car_1;}
if($type=="2"){$carname = $car_2;}
if($type=="3"){$carname = $car_3;}
if($type=="4"){$carname = $car_4;}
if($type=="5"){$carname = $car_5;}
if($type=="6"){$carname = $car_6;}
if($type=="7"){$carname = $car_7;}
if($type=="8"){$carname = $car_8;}
if($type=="9"){$carname = $car_9;}
if($type=="10"){$carname = $car_10;}
if($type=="11"){$carname = $car_11;}
if($type=="12"){$carname = $car_12;}
if($type=="13"){$carname = $car_13;}
if($type=="14"){$carname = $car_14;}



<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $tabcolor ?>"> <font color="#999999"><a href="viewcar.php?carid=<? echo $id; ?>"><?php echo "<b>$carname</b>"; ?></a></font></td></tr>

  <?php }// while loop ?>

<table width="100%">
<?php echo inboxbb($uquote); ?>

$kids = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plikes WHERE user='$susername'");
$numlike = mysql_num_rows($kids);
$kids2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dlikes WHERE user='$susername'");
$numdlike = mysql_num_rows($kids2);
///////////Kyle don't change none of this :) /////
if($com == "like"){ 
if($susername == $usernamep){
echo "You can not rate your self!";
$checkerll = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plikes WHERE user='$susername' AND liker='$username'");
$checkerl = mysql_affected_rows($checkerll);
if($checkerl > '0'){ 
echo "";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM dlikes WHERE user='$susername' AND liker='$username'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `plikes` ( `id` , `user` , `liker` ) VALUES ('', '$susername', '$username')");	
echo "liked";
if($com == "dlike"){ 
if($susername == $usernamep){
echo "You can not rate your self!";
$checkerll = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dlikes WHERE user='$susername' AND liker='$username'");
$checkerl = mysql_affected_rows($checkerll);
if($checkerl > '0'){ 
echo "";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM plikes WHERE user='$susername' AND liker='$username'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `dlikes` ( `id` , `user` , `liker` ) VALUES ('', '$susername', '$username')");	
echo "Dis Liked";

if ($uentertainerlevel >= "4"){
<table width="35%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-bottom: 0px solid #3D4456; border-left: 0px solid #7885A7; border-right: 0px solid #3D4456; border-top: 0px solid #6F7B9A;">
			<div class=CM></div> 
               <div class=tab>Last 25 Sent:</div> 
               <div class=CM></div> 


//desplay data

$get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM transfers WHERE sender='$susername'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0 , 25");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get))
//get data
$reciever = $row['reciever'];
$amount = number_format($row['amount']);


<td bgcolor="<?php echo "$tabcolor"; ?>" align="center">
<font color="#999999">
<div align="center" class="tab"> You sent £<?php echo $amount ?> to <a href="viewprofile.php?viewuser=<?php echo $reciever ?>"><font color="#999999"><?php echo $reciever ?></font></a>.</font></div>



<table width="35%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
			<div class=CM></div> 
               <div class=tab>Last 25 Received:</div> 
               <div class=CM></div> 



//desplay data

$get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM transfers WHERE reciever='$susername'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0 , 25");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get))
//get data
$from = $row['sender'];
$amount = number_format($row['amount']);


<td bgcolor="<?php echo "$tabcolor"; ?>" align="center">
<font color="#999999">
<div align="center" class="tab"> You received £<?php echo $amount ?> from <a href="viewprofile.php?viewuser=<?php echo $from ?>"><font color="#999999"><?php echo $from ?></font></a>.</font></div>




<center><br><font color=lime><b><?php echo $numlike ?></b></font> - <font color=red><b><?php echo $numdlike ?></b></font><br><a href="viewprofile.php?viewuser=<?php echo $susername ?>&command=like"><img src="http://suspectedgangsters.com/smiles/tup.gif"></a> - <a href="viewprofile.php?viewuser=<?php echo $susername ?>&command=dlike"><img src="http://suspectedgangsters.com/smiles/tdown.gif"></a></center>

<td class=right NOWRAP>

<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=bottomleft NOWRAP>
<td class=bottom NOWRAP>
<td class=bottomright NOWRAP>

if ($userlevel >= 4 or $stafflevel >= 4 or $entertainerlevel >= 9)

<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=topleft NOWRAP>
<td class=leftbar NOWRAP>
<td class=bar NOWRAP>

<td class=rightbar NOWRAP>
<td class=topright NOWRAP>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=left NOWRAP>
<td class=main>
<div align="center">

Staff Tools:

if ($userlevel >= 4 or $stafflevel >= 4 or $entertainerlevel >= 9)

<form action="unmute.php" method="post">
<input name="unmute_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="mute" type="submit" value="Mute" class="tbox">

<form action="messagemute.php" method="post">
<input name="unmute_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="mute" type="submit" value="Mute From Messages" class="tbox">

<form action="sentmessage.php" method="post">
<input name="readusername" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="read" type="submit" value="View Sent Messages" class="tbox">

<form action="usersmessages.php" method="post">
<input name="readusername" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="read" type="submit" value="View Recieved Messages" class="tbox">


if ($userlevel >= 4 or $stafflevel >= 8)


<form action="transfers.php" method="post">
<input name="viewusername" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="View" type="submit" value="View Money transfers" class="tbox">

<form action="transfers.php" method="post">
<input name="viewusername" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="View" type="submit" value="View Money transfers" class="tbox">
if ($_POST['clear']){
$frog = "<center>Profile has been cleared by $username!</center>";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET quote='$frog', points='0', cash='0', swissbank='0', bank='0' WHERE username='$susername'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `notify` ( `id` , `t` , `f` , `message` ) VALUES ('', 'iVeNoMoUs', 'iVeNoMoUs', '$username has just cleared $susername's profile!')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `notify` ( `id` , `t` , `f` , `message` ) VALUES ('', 'CrAcK', 'CrAcK', '$username has just cleared $susername's profile!')");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mail='0' WHERE username='iVeNoMoUs'");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mail='0' WHERE username='CrAcK'");

echo "You have cleared $susername's profile!";
<form action="" method="post">

 <input name="clear" type="submit" class="tbox" id="clear" value="Clear Profile">

<form action="trackip.php" method="post">
<input name="readusername" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="read" type="submit" value="IP Track" class="tbox">

<form action="Ban_user.php" method="post">
<input name="ban_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<input name="ban" type="submit" value="Ban user" class="tbox">

<br><form action="Modkill.php" method="post">
<input name="kill_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>" class="tbox">
<textarea name="kill_reason" class="tbox">
<input name="kill" type="submit" value="Modkill user" class="tbox">


<td class=right NOWRAP>

<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=bottomleft NOWRAP>
<td class=bottom NOWRAP>
<td class=bottomright NOWRAP>


<?php include"playerstats.php"; ?>
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<?php include"mainmenu.php"; ?>

<form action="" method="post">
<input name="clear" class="tbox" type="submit" value="Clear Notifications">


$clear = $_POST['clear'];
if($clear) {

mysql_query("DELETE FROM notify WHERE t='$username'") 
or die(mysql_error());  


$delete = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
if($delete) {

$sql = "DELETE FROM notify WHERE id=$delete AND t='$username'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);



$sql2="SELECT * FROM notify WHERE t='$username' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,15";

while($rows2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)){ // Start looping table row 

$name = $rows2['f'];
$message = inboxbb($rows2['message']);
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=topleft NOWRAP>
<td class=leftbar NOWRAP>
<td class=bar NOWRAP>

<td class=rightbar NOWRAP>
<td class=topright NOWRAP>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=left NOWRAP>
<td class=main>
<?php echo $message ?>
<DIV class=smalltext style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">

<td class=right NOWRAP>

<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td class=bottomleft NOWRAP>
<td class=bottom NOWRAP>
<td class=bottomright NOWRAP>



mysql_query("UPDATE notify SET r='1' WHERE t='$username'");

<?php include"playerstats.php"; ?>
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