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How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?


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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

Ive just looked at your last posts, and you have started at least 8 different topics today asking for something.

Your not asking for 'Help' your asking for the whole things, quite frankly your taking the p*** at the minute, spesh with attitude like this...

if Your Gonna Post Something That Dosent Help, DONT POST

You have been told to learn and you have come back on every post saying you have when, you've spent most of today posting for more and more 'help' AKA free code. It will take more than a few tutorials ya know...

What your trying to do here is mysql and PHP and perhaps HTML, we have suggested you learn those languages first.

What your asking for here isn't help, its asking for someone to do it for you.

When you post some genuine tries then perhaps I may help you. Ive seen one post so far were I can tell you have tried to do it, and I believe you got help on it... Don't make us do all the work

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

No one is going to help until you try yourself to learn. or pay someone to do the 12+ things you've asked for today...

One or two a day I can handle but your asking for way too much.

If it was actual help you needed then thats fine, but theres a different, this isn't help... This is asking for something to be done, a mod request if you like...

Post an attempt and if it doesn't work I'll fix it. BUT I'm not doing all the work for you..

If you try and search as well there is a SQL executer for free on the forums if I remember correctly.

If you keep posting like you have been I will lock em :evil:

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

LOL trust you...

Seems like a mighty fine game engine... Its works so nothing for me to fix :wink: :lol:

Anyhoo it was...


Post an attempt and if it doesn't work I'll fix it.

Yours was working, just not finsihed :wink:

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

-crazy- can you see fine. we said learn mysql,php,html and then come back to the forum and when you do come back i hope to see more harder problems to fix than most of the ones ive seen from you.

all i can see is if you dont your going to get no where in the gaming industry.

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

sure you have.........anyways someone lock this already no ones gonna give you the code this topic is wasting forum space :|

and cray here is a tip on starting a page in php



i think lol me so tired.

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

how could ya have read some tutorials when you cant read varouse posts copntaining like Step away from the forum or nobody is gonna post the code.


and ways if you really want the code and you want your game to be successfull code it yourself or buy the mod. you cant go around expecting everything for free. if that were the case then id be doing it.

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

its a simple 1 line mod

i know for definite that people who know the code have looked here, but are not bothered

i have read tutorials, but i can't do this

and people see the topic, know the code but are to stuck up to reply, because all they can think of is there own game, and couldnt care less about anyone needing help :x

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

yeh some people might think that but people who know the code dont give you it becasue your flooding the forum needing help with stuff like takin

out of things thats why if this was your first ever post on ce then someone would ahve posted the code by now and the reason you ahve tones of replies on your posts is because people are sick and tired of seeing the same old error or problem over and over again.

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

People care if people genuinely need help, not if they ask in 50 different topics to just have things made for them

You said you were going to download things yesterday i think, and now only today you think you can't do it? give it time

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

this is my first post about the link, it kinda makes me think, this is a forum for hwelping people, but also has the most igonrant members, 1 line, it wouldnt take a php programmer 2 second to write it, but like i said, aslong as they have there game, then they dont have to help so htye think, they are above everyone else because they know and some poeple dont, NO, that is not the way it should be, people should start helping people more, and not be so damn igonrant

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Re: How Do I Make A Link - So I Press Some Text And It Runes A Query?

and Decepti0n, your a greate programmer, you know the code, and why don't you post it, is it because you don't have to?, or that your above everyone else, or that your just ignorant??, huh?

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