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One of my testers just made it clear to me that its easy to make money off hi_low so basicly the only thing i can think of to stop this is put a limit on it like luckyboxes


i added the table into users

i called it hi/low_opened

i added this to hi_low.php


if($ir['hi/low_opened'] >= 5)

print "Sorry, you have already played Hi or Low 5 times today. Come back tomorrow.";



also tryied to add this


$db->query("UPDATE users SET hi/low_opened=hi/low_opened+1,  WHERE userid=$userid");


i have tried to add it multiple places and no joy just comes up query error

i have tried it in the winning and the losing any still get error



print "
<div class='generalinfo_txt'>
<div><img src='images/info_left.jpg' alt='' /></div>
<div class='info_mid'><h2 style='padding-top:10px;'> High/Low</h2></div>
<div><img src='images/info_right.jpg' alt='' /></div> </div>
<div class='generalinfo_simple'><br> <br><br>";

	if($ir['hi/low_opened'] >= 5)

print "Sorry, you have already played Hi or Low 5 times today. Come back tomorrow.";

       // Below = The Monk's Code //

       $POST['bet'] = isset($_POST['bet']) && is_numeric($_POST['bet']) ? abs((int) $_POST['bet']) : false;
       $POST['oldnum'] = isset($_POST['oldnum']) && is_numeric($_POST['oldnum']) ? abs((int) $_POST['oldnum']) : false;
       $_POST['choice'] = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['choice']));

   if ($_POST['bet'] && !$_POST['choice']) // Player entered bet but hasn't chosen high/low yet

             if (!in_array($_POST['bet'], array('500', '1000', '5000', '10000')))
        echo 'The bet you selected is not available';

       $bet =$_POST['bet'];

           if($bet > $ir['money'])
           echo '<center>Not enough money!</center>';

           $num = number_format(rand(1,10));
           echo '<center>The number is '.$num.'.

           Will the next number be higher or lower than '.$num.'?
           <form method="post">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$num.'" name="oldnum">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
           <input type="hidden" value="high" name="choice">
           <input type="submit" value="Higher">
           <form method="post">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$num.'" name="oldnum">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
           <input type="hidden" value="low" name="choice">
           <input type="submit" value="Lower">

       else if ($_POST['choice'] && $_POST['oldnum'] && $_POST['bet']) // Player chose high/low
       $newnum = number_format(rand(1,10));
       $oldnum = $_POST['oldnum'];
       $guess = $_POST['choice'];
       $bet = $_POST['bet'];

               if($newnum < $oldnum) { $lala = 'low'; }

                   else if($newnum > $oldnum) { $lala = 'high'; }

                       else if($newnum === $oldnum) { $lala = $guess; }

               if($lala !== $guess) { $result = 2; }

                   else if($lala === $guess) { $result = 1; }

               if(!$result) { die("Error!"); } // No result was generated

       $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`-".$bet." WHERE (`userid`=".$userid.")"); // Take away bet

           if($result === 1) // Player won
           $prize=$bet * 2; // Prize money for winning
           echo '<center>Congratulations! You won your bet of \$'.$bet.'


           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`+".$prize." WHERE (`userid`=".$userid.")");

           echo 'You guessed '.$guess.', the previous number was '.number_format($oldnum).' and the new
           number was '.number_format($newnum).'.

           Is the next number going to be higher or lower than '.number_format($newnum).'?

       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="high" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Higher">
       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="low" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Lower">

           else if($result === 2) // Player lost
           echo '<center>Sorry you lost your bet of \$'.number_format($bet).'

           You guessed '.$guess.', the previous number was '.number_format($oldnum).'
           and the new number was '.number_format($newnum).'.

           Is the next number going to be higher or lower than '.number_format($newnum).'?

       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="high" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Higher">

       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="low" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Lower">

           // Default display

           echo '<center>Welcome to the High/Low casino!

           <form action="high_low.php" method="post">
           Select your bet: <select type="dropdown" name="bet">
           <option value="500">$500</option>
           <option value="1000">$1000</option>
           <option value="5000">$5000</option>
           <option value="10000">$10000</option>

           <input type="submit" value="Start Game!">
// End Of The Monk's Code //
Edited by Newbie
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  • 2 weeks later...
One of my testers just made it clear to me that its easy to make money off hi_low so basicly the only thing i can think of to stop this is put a limit on it like luckyboxes


i added the table into users

i called it hi/low_opened

i added this to hi_low.php


if($ir['hi/low_opened'] >= 5)

print "Sorry, you have already played Hi or Low 5 times today. Come back tomorrow.";



also tryied to add this


$db->query("UPDATE users SET hi/low_opened=hi/low_opened+1,  WHERE userid=$userid");


i have tried to add it multiple places and no joy just comes up query error

i have tried it in the winning and the losing any still get error



print "
<div class='generalinfo_txt'>
<div><img src='images/info_left.jpg' alt='' /></div>
<div class='info_mid'><h2 style='padding-top:10px;'> High/Low</h2></div>
<div><img src='images/info_right.jpg' alt='' /></div> </div>
<div class='generalinfo_simple'><br> <br><br>";

    if($ir['hi/low_opened'] >= 5)

print "Sorry, you have already played Hi or Low 5 times today. Come back tomorrow.";

       // Below = The Monk's Code //

       $POST['bet'] = isset($_POST['bet']) && is_numeric($_POST['bet']) ? abs((int) $_POST['bet']) : false;
       $POST['oldnum'] = isset($_POST['oldnum']) && is_numeric($_POST['oldnum']) ? abs((int) $_POST['oldnum']) : false;
       $_POST['choice'] = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['choice']));

   if ($_POST['bet'] && !$_POST['choice']) // Player entered bet but hasn't chosen high/low yet

             if (!in_array($_POST['bet'], array('500', '1000', '5000', '10000')))
        echo 'The bet you selected is not available';

       $bet =$_POST['bet'];

           if($bet > $ir['money'])
           echo '<center>Not enough money!</center>';

           $num = number_format(rand(1,10));
           echo '<center>The number is '.$num.'.

           Will the next number be higher or lower than '.$num.'?
           <form method="post">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$num.'" name="oldnum">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
           <input type="hidden" value="high" name="choice">
           <input type="submit" value="Higher">
           <form method="post">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$num.'" name="oldnum">
           <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
           <input type="hidden" value="low" name="choice">
           <input type="submit" value="Lower">

       else if ($_POST['choice'] && $_POST['oldnum'] && $_POST['bet']) // Player chose high/low
       $newnum = number_format(rand(1,10));
       $oldnum = $_POST['oldnum'];
       $guess = $_POST['choice'];
       $bet = $_POST['bet'];

               if($newnum < $oldnum) { $lala = 'low'; }

                   else if($newnum > $oldnum) { $lala = 'high'; }

                       else if($newnum === $oldnum) { $lala = $guess; }

               if($lala !== $guess) { $result = 2; }

                   else if($lala === $guess) { $result = 1; }

               if(!$result) { die("Error!"); } // No result was generated

       $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`-".$bet." WHERE (`userid`=".$userid.")"); // Take away bet

           if($result === 1) // Player won
           $prize=$bet * 2; // Prize money for winning
           echo '<center>Congratulations! You won your bet of \$'.$bet.'


           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money`=`money`+".$prize." WHERE (`userid`=".$userid.")");

           echo 'You guessed '.$guess.', the previous number was '.number_format($oldnum).' and the new
           number was '.number_format($newnum).'.

           Is the next number going to be higher or lower than '.number_format($newnum).'?

       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="high" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Higher">
       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="low" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Lower">

           else if($result === 2) // Player lost
           echo '<center>Sorry you lost your bet of \$'.number_format($bet).'

           You guessed '.$guess.', the previous number was '.number_format($oldnum).'
           and the new number was '.number_format($newnum).'.

           Is the next number going to be higher or lower than '.number_format($newnum).'?

       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="high" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Higher">

       <form method="post">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$newnum.'" name="oldnum">
       <input type="hidden" value="'.$bet.'" name="bet">
       <input type="hidden" value="low" name="choice">
       <input type="submit" value="Lower">

           // Default display

           echo '<center>Welcome to the High/Low casino!

           <form action="high_low.php" method="post">
           Select your bet: <select type="dropdown" name="bet">
           <option value="500">$500</option>
           <option value="1000">$1000</option>
           <option value="5000">$5000</option>
           <option value="10000">$10000</option>

           <input type="submit" value="Start Game!">
// End Of The Monk's Code //

Get rid off the comma in the query

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