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Want To Buy A Game


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$100 will most likely (99% sure) not give you a proper and legit (legal) game. Most games are going to be based off of mccodes and that is 100$ itself. Fair warning to anyone who is going to try and sell to you, it might not be theres or it might be just a free copy of a site already. If you have 100$, you can just buy the license for a mccodes ( I would say not to though based on the history ) and practice around with that engine.

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I agree with Peter and Bio. If someone is willing to sell you a game that is already up and running (which sounds to me is exactly what you are trying to do/buy) ... you have to ask yourself why they would be selling it so cheap. As Peter and Bio said .. the license for Mccodes alone is $100, then you add in any mods that the person may have bought, hosting fees, etc ... even if they didn't pay for any mods .. you are looking at a great deal of time and effort (in most cases) developing said game.

If indeed someone does sell you a game for $100 I would strongly recommend that you check with McCodes to verify that the license that you have purchased is legitimate.

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