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this is the full code I'm using


         CREATED BY: Lithium ~ 03/01/2010
         UPDATED BY: Curt ~ 08/03/2011

       This feature is 100% free. Enjoy.

   include(DIRNAME(__FILE__) ."/globals.php");
<table cellpadding="4" style="width: 415px; margin-top: 20px;" align="center">
       <td style="background-image: url('images/gradbg.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat;"> 
       <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
               <td width="401" style="background-image: url('images/newsbarhead.gif');" colspan="2" height="20" align="center">
               <span class="title">Explore the Streets</span>
               <td colspan="2" class="newspost"> 
               if(!$ir['street_turns']) {
                   echo "You can't explore anymore today!";
               if($ir['hospital']) {
                   echo "You can't explore while injured.";
               if($ir['jail']) {
                   echo"You can't explore while in jail.";

               $l = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `streets` WHERE (`location` = '{$ir['location']}' OR `location` = '0') ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
               if($_GET['step'] == 'explore')
                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `street_turns` = `street_turns` - '1' WHERE `userid` = $userid");
                   if($db->num_rows($l)) {
                       $step = mysql_fetch_assoc($l);

                       $str = $step['reward'];
                                               @eval("\$str = $str;");

                                               if ($step['reward_type'] == 'hospital') {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = '1', `hospital` = '{$str}', `hospreason` = '{$step['reason']}' WHERE `userid` = $userid");    
                                               else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'jail') {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = '{$str}', `jailreason` ='{$step['reason']}' WHERE `userid` = $userid");    
                                               } else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'item') {
                                                   item_add($userid, $str, 1);    
                                               } else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'robbed') {
                                                   if ($ir['money']<$str) { $str=$ir['money']; }
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '$str' WHERE `userid` = $userid");   
                                                   if ($ir['crystals']<$str) { $str=$ir['crystals']; }
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `crystals` = `crystals` - '$str' WHERE `userid` = $userid");
                                               else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'nothing') {}
                                               else {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `".$step['reward_type']."` = `".$step['reward_type']."` + '$str' WHERE `userid` = $userid");  

                       $what = array('{money}','{crystals}','{hospital}','{jail}'  ,'{nothing}','{item}','{robbed}','{exp}');
                       $for = is_numeric($str) ? number_format($str) : $str; 
                       echo str_replace($what, $for, stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($step['text'])));

                   <a href="streets.php?step=explore">Continue Exploring</a>
                   <a href="index.php">Back Home</a>
                   You have <?php echo $ir['street_turns']; ?> turns left.
               } else {
                       <a href="streets.php?step=explore">Explore The City</a>
                       You have <?php echo $ir['street_turns']; ?> turns left.
Edited by IsaacP
fix mistake
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this is the full code I'm using


         CREATED BY: Lithium ~ 03/01/2010
         UPDATED BY: Curt ~ 08/03/2011

       This feature is 100% free. Enjoy.

   include(DIRNAME(__FILE__) ."/globals.php");
<table cellpadding="4" style="width: 415px; margin-top: 20px;" align="center">
       <td style="background-image: url('images/gradbg.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat;"> 
       <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
               <td width="401" style="background-image: url('images/newsbarhead.gif');" colspan="2" height="20" align="center">
               <span class="title">Explore the Streets</span>
               <td colspan="2" class="newspost"> 
               if(!$ir['street_turns']) {
                   echo "You can't explore anymore today!";
               if($ir['hospital']) {
                   echo "You can't explore while injured.";
               if($ir['jail']) {
                   echo"You can't explore while in jail.";

               $l = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `streets` WHERE (`location` = '{$ir['location']}' OR `location` = '0') ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
               if($_GET['step'] == 'explore')
                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `street_turns` = `street_turns` - '1' WHERE `userid` = $userid");
                   if($db->num_rows($l)) {
                       $step = mysql_fetch_assoc($l);

                       $str = $step['reward'];
                                               @eval("\$str = $str;");

                                               if ($step['reward_type'] == 'hospital') {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = '1', `hospital` = '{$str}', `hospreason` = '{$step['reason']}' WHERE `userid` = $userid");    
                                               else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'jail') {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = '{$str}', `jailreason` ='{$step['reason']}' WHERE `userid` = $userid");    
                                               } else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'item') {
                                                   item_add($userid, $str, 1);    
                                               } else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'robbed') {
                                                   if ($ir['money']<$str) { $str=$ir['money']; }
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '$str' WHERE `userid` = $userid");   
                                                   if ($ir['crystals']<$str) { $str=$ir['crystals']; }
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `crystals` = `crystals` - '$str' WHERE `userid` = $userid");
                                               else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'nothing') {}
                                               else {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `".$step['reward_type']."` = `".$step['reward_type']."` + '$str' WHERE `userid` = $userid");  

                       $what = array('{money}','{crystals}','{hospital}','{jail}'  ,'{nothing}','{item}','{robbed}','{exp}');
                       $for = is_numeric($str) ? number_format($str) : $str; 
                       echo str_replace($what, $for, stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($step['text'])));

                   <a href="streets.php?step=explore">Continue Exploring</a>
                   <a href="index.php">Back Home</a>
                   You have <?php echo $ir['street_turns']; ?> turns left.
               } else {
                       <a href="streets.php?step=explore">Explore The City</a>
                       You have <?php echo $ir['street_turns']; ?> turns left.

We still don't know what error you are getting

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my streets gives me an error with this query and won't put the person in jail


else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'jail') {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = '{$str}', `jailreason ='{$step['reason']}' WHERE `userid` = $userid"); 


else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'jail') {
                                                   $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = '{$str}', `jail_reason' ='{$step['reason']}' WHERE `userid` = $userid");

That should work for ya :D

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@chicka... look at your code lol. you have `jail_reason' may not work i think it should be `jail_reason` (back ticks aren't really needed though)...

IF he/she has added the sql for the modification as in the error is saying they don't have it in their database.


else if ($step['reward_type'] == 'jail') {
$db->query("UPDATE users SET jail= '{$str}', jail_reason='{$step['reason']}' WHERE userid= $userid");
Edited by lucky3809
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@chicka... look at your code lol. you have `jail reason' may not work i think it should be `jail_reason` (back ticks aren't really needed though)...

IF he/she has added the sql for the modification as in the error is saying they don't have it in their database.

um double check my code it clearly says jail_reason. Mccodes v2's user table is jail_reason and not jailreason and thats why he's getting the error.

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