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I have 'Streets.php' this was an upgraded mod i've had for years. One problem though, when they find something good they can just refresh the page an get it over & over again. What can i do to stop this?

I've tried


die ("Error, you cannot refresh or go back on the streets, please use a side link to go somewhere else.<br />

<a href='streets.php'>> Back</a>");


Doesn't work.. Help Please :D

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This is a snippet of code I got from slotmachine.php from mccodes. You'll hve to edit it to work for you but this should help you out

$_GET['tresde']=abs((int) $_GET['tresde']);
if(($_SESSION['tresde'] == $_GET['tresde']) || $_GET['tresde']<100)
die ("Error, you cannot refresh or go back on the slots, please use a side link to go somewhere else.<br />
<a href='slotsmachine.php?tresde=$tresder'>> Back</a>");
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Check their number of steps before this die?

Also chicka, that would only work if you link it like this:


$randnum = mt_rand(1,1000); //Not sure what numbers it is
<a href='steets.php?tresde='$randnum'>Streets</a>

You would need to generate that random number first.

yes your right... I just took a piece of code from roulette and posted it here to give him some idea as to how to do it..

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Dahm, still not working. I tried with the


$_GET['tresde']=abs((int) $_GET['tresde']);

if(($_SESSION['tresde'] == $_GET['tresde']) || $_GET['tresde']<20)


die ("Error, you cannot refresh or go back on the streets, please use a side link to go somewhere else.

<a href='streets.php?tresde=$tresder'>> Back</a>");



Don't work. :(

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