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Newspaper error


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Hi all after installing a free news paper mod from here I get the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/murderco/public_html/newspaper6.php on line 8


This is the code:

include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Newspaper</h3>";
print "
<table width=90% cellspacing=1 class='table' border=2>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://job.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>YOUR JOB</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://gym.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>LOCAL GYM</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://halloffame.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>HALL OF FAME</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://gangcentral.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>LOCAL GANGS</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://index.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>MY HOUSE</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://userlist.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>LOCAL RESIDENTS</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://stats.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>CITY STATS</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://usersonline.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>PEOPLE AWAKE</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://gangwars.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>CURRENT WARS</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://estate.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>HOUSES FOR SALE</font></a></td>
<td colspan=6>";
print "
<table width=90% cellspacing=1 class='table'><center><h3>Player Advertisements</h3><center> | <a href="http://newspaper.php?action=add" target="_blank"><b>Buy An Advertisement ($10,000)</b></a>";
if($ir['user_level'] > 1)
print " | <a href=newspaper.php?action=all><b>DELETE ALL</b></a>";
$anpdata=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM npaper");
$q=mysql_query("SELECT user_level FROM users WHERE userid=$userid");
print "<marquee speed=2 direction=up onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' class='textbox'>";
$us=mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$npdata['npADDER']}");
$time=date('F j',$npdata['npTIME']);
print "
<b>Ad By: <a href="http://viewuser.php?u={$npdata[" target="_blank"><font color=red>{$us}</font> [{$npdata['npADDER']}]</a> | Added On: {$time}</b>";
if($r['user_level'] != 1)
print " | <a href=newspaper.php?action=npID&npID={$npdata['npID']}><b>DELETE</b></a>";
print "
print "<hr /></marquee>
$q=mysql_query("SELECT user_level FROM users WHERE userid=$userid");
if($r['user_level'] != 1)
if($_GET['action'] == "all")
if($r['user_level'] != 1)
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE npaper");
print "Newspaper Ads All Cleared!
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='1;url=newspaper.php'>";
else if($_GET['action'] == "npID")
if($r['user_level'] != 1)
mysql_query("DELETE FROM npaper WHERE npID={$_GET['npID']}");
print "News Paper Ad ID {$_GET['npID']} deleted!
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='1;url=newspaper.php'>";
if($_GET['action'] == "add")
print "<h3>Add Advertisement ($10,000)</h3>
<form action='newspaper.php?action=added' method='post'>
Ad Title:*
<input type='text' name='npTITLE' class='textbox'>
Ad Body:*
<textarea rows=14 cols=65 name='npBODY' class='textbox'></textarea>
<input class='textbox' type='submit' value='Place Ad ($10,000)' />
<font color=red><b>WARNING:</b> Only plain text will work
Do not advertise other games
Follow the rules.";
if($_GET['action'] == "added")
print "Congratulations, you bought an ad for \$10,000!
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money-10000 WHERE userid=$userid");
$q=mysql_query("INSERT INTO `npaper` VALUES (NULL, '$userid', '$title', '$body', unix_timestamp())");
print "Advertisement was successfully added!
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='5;url=newspaper.php'>";
print "You do not have enough money to place an advertisement.
<a href="http://newspaper.php" target="_blank">>Back</a>";
<td td colspan=6>


I would post in the original free mod section but the codes over 2 years old

Thanks ben

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I don't know if copying and pasting messed up that code, but that had soo many errors. On line 43, they don't say what part of $npdata they are referencing, and I don't know MCCodes at all. So I put $npdata['npADDER'], if that doesn't work then replace that with something else. (line 43 on your code, no clue on mine)


include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Newspaper</h3>";
print <<<EOF
<table width=90% cellspacing=1 class='table' border=2>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://job.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>YOUR JOB</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://gym.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>LOCAL GYM</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://halloffame.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>HALL OF FAME</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://gangcentral.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>LOCAL GANGS</font></a></td>
<td class=h><center><a href="http://index.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>MY HOUSE</font></a></td>
	<td class=h><center><a href="http://userlist.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>LOCAL RESIDENTS</font></a></td>
		<td class=h><center><a href="http://stats.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>CITY STATS</font></a></td>
			<td class=h><center><a href="http://usersonline.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>PEOPLE AWAKE</font></a></td>
				<td class=h><center><a href="http://gangwars.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>CURRENT WARS</font></a></td>
					<td class=h><center><a href="http://estate.php" target="_blank"><font color='red'>HOUSES FOR SALE</font></a></td>
						<td colspan=6>";
						print <<<EOF
<table width=90% cellspacing=1 class='table'><center><h3>Player Advertisements</h3><center> | <a href="http://newspaper.php?action=add" target="_blank"><b>Buy An Advertisement ($10,000)</b></a>'
						if($ir['user_level'] > 1)
						print " | <a href=newspaper.php?action=all><b>DELETE ALL</b></a>";
						$anpdata=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM npaper");
						$q=mysql_query("SELECT user_level FROM users WHERE userid=$userid");
						print "<marquee speed=2 direction=up onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' class='textbox'>";
						$us=mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$npdata['npADDER']}");
						$time=date('F j',$npdata['npTIME']);
				print <<<EOF
					<b>Ad By: <a href="http://viewuser.php?u={$npdata["npADDER"]} target="_blank"><font color=red>{$us}</font> [{$npdata['npADDER']}]</a> | Added On: {$time}</b>
				if($r['user_level'] != 1)
			print " | <a href=newspaper.php?action=npID&npID={$npdata['npID']}><b>DELETE</b></a>";
			print "
	print "<hr /></marquee></table>";
	$q=mysql_query("SELECT user_level FROM users WHERE userid=$userid");
	if($r['user_level'] != 1)
	if($_GET['action'] == "all")
	if($r['user_level'] != 1)
	mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE npaper");
	print "Newspaper Ads All Cleared!
	<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='1;url=newspaper.php'>";
	else if($_GET['action'] == "npID")
	if($r['user_level'] != 1)
mysql_query("DELETE FROM npaper WHERE npID={$_GET['npID']}");
print "News Paper Ad ID {$_GET['npID']} deleted!
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='1;url=newspaper.php'>";
if($_GET['action'] == "add")
print "<h3>Add Advertisement ($10,000)</h3>
<form action='newspaper.php?action=added' method='post'>
Ad Title:*
<input type='text' name='npTITLE' class='textbox'>
Ad Body:*
<textarea rows=14 cols=65 name='npBODY' class='textbox'></textarea>
<input class='textbox' type='submit' value='Place Ad ($10,000)' />
<font color=red><b>WARNING:</b> Only plain text will work
Do not advertise other games
Follow the rules.";
if($_GET['action'] == "added")
print "Congratulations, you bought an ad for \$10,000!
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money-10000 WHERE userid=$userid");
$q=mysql_query("INSERT INTO `npaper` VALUES (NULL, '$userid', '$title', '$body', unix_timestamp())");
print "Advertisement was successfully added!
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='5;url=newspaper.php'>";
print <<<EOF
You do not have enough money to place an advertisement.
<a href="http://newspaper.php" target="_blank">Back</a>
<td td colspan=6>


If you trust me enough to put the file in its place with the rest of the files, I can fix any other errors.

Edited by Neon
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