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I have been able to get this to work in so far as it adds the silver flakes and reduces the digs by one. I have tried umpteen different ways to try and get the mine_exp to update and it won't. I realize that I need a qualifier in there stating that if the $randsf > 0 it should add the exp ... so far I haven't been able to get that to work. The fields I have for this are mine_exp, mine_level, and mine_max. Mine_max is supposed stays at 100 and each time there is a successful mine the exp_mine is supposed to increment by one. If the mine_exp exceeds the mine_max then it should add 1 level to mine_level. Any ideas or suggestions?


function mine_one()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
echo"<center>You don't have any digs left. Come back at reset.</center>";
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `mine_level`=`mine_level` + 1 WHERE `userid`=  '$userid'");
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `mine_exp`=`mine_exp` + ". $gain .",`digs`=`digs`-1 WHERE `userid` = '$userid'");
item_add($userid, 566, $randsf);
echo "<center>You begin mining in the Level 1 mineshaft and found '$randsf' silver flake(s).</center><br />";
echo"<center><a href='mineshaft.php?action=mineone'>Mine Again</a></center><br />
<a href='mineshaft.php'>Back</a></center>";
Edited by newttster
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for starters

$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `mine_level`=`mine_level` + 1 WHERE `userid`= = '$userid'");

should be

$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `mine_level`=`mine_level` + 1 WHERE `userid`= '$userid'");

That was a mistype on my part when adding the code here. Fixed. The other issues I still have not been able to fix though.

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