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Does anyone know


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Well just create a dropdown in html and retrieve the data from the databases. I don't know how mccodes code is structured so I can't really help you with that. Also as far as having too many items per dropdown. Make an individual dropdown for each i.e. one for weapons, one for armor, etc, etc,

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I'm guessing something like:


<td valign=top>Inventory:</td>
$sql_query=("SELECT itmname FROM inventory WHERE userid=$userid");
echo "<select name='item'>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_query)) 
	echo "<option>$row[itmname]</option>"; 
echo "<option>No Items In Inventory!</option>";  
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Hope this helps..

Add to global_func.php


function inv_item_dropdown($connection,$ddname="userinv",$selected=-1)
global $db,$r,$ir;
$ret="<select name='$ddname' type='dropdown'>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT iv.*,i.*,it.* FROM inventory iv LEFT JOIN items i ON iv.inv_itemid=i.itmid LEFT JOIN itemtypes it ON i.itmtype=it.itmtypeid WHERE iv.inv_userid=".$ir['userid']."");
if($selected == -1) { $first=0; } else { $first=1; }
$ret.="\n<option value='{$r['itmname']}'";
if ($selected == $r['itmname'] || $first == 0) { $ret.=" selected='selected'";$first=1; } 
$ret.=">{$r['itmname']} <b>You Have ({$r['inv_qty']}) Of This Item</b></option>";
return $ret;


then add anywhere near top of inventory.php


print "<h3>Inventory Quick View</h3><br />
".inv_item_dropdown($c,'userinv')."<br />";


Should list Items you have by name and Quantity

Edited by illusions
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