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[Beta] SoulRaider


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There used to be a game here around '07 called SoulRaider or BattleCartel. I don't know the full story, but one day the site just was gone. Years and years passed without any knowledge. I myself was a player on the old game, but since have become proficient in PHP and the web based languages.

We are at around 55,000 lines of custom code to re-make an old favorite game. We built our own framework, mysql wrapper, language abstraction and the only 3rd party software we use is Smarty for templates. We have been building the game with optimization and security in mind. Our code is constantly bench-marked and always audited. We take pride in our work and almost ready to release the game.

I've attached some screenshots of the game in progress. We are working with a small beta team of about 8 users and looking to add a few more in soon. Would be happy to hear if anyone here remembers the old game. Or is interested in becoming part of the new game.

The feature list as much as I can remember.

  • News feed
  • Airport
  • Bank
  • Crimes
  • Attacking
  • Hacking
  • Gym
  • Classes
  • Lottery
  • Gangs
  • Messageboard
  • Private Messaging
  • Inventory
  • Store
  • FAQ



EDIT: We have released the game. View the full news story here: http://soulraider.net/forums/topic/41-024-released-public-release/unread/






Edited by Neon
no longer beta
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  • 3 weeks later...


Chiming in with a quick update. We recently released 0.1.9 and our remaining features to finish is...

  • Balance Fighting Formula
  • Add remaining crimes
  • Re-structure balance of items/shield/weapons
  • Add flasks (energy, will refills)


0.2.0 Marks our public beta release. However, an invite code of "ra1n" will allow up to 5 users into the current state of the game right now. Those users will be rewarded with soulgems on the public release.

I've attached a video for those who just wanna see it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,

Chiming in again with another update. We released 0.1.9b. This update squashed most of our remaining bugs and problems. Our final thing to do is just balance the game, and holy cow. I give all my respect to anyone who has created an advance fighting formula. We are at 600 lines for this fighting + money theft, exp gain, health loss, etc and it works well for a couple of fight instances but then just bugs out on some. Were logging insane amounts of data per fight and are digging through the logs fixing bugs one by one. We hope to go public soon, as always you may join the beta testing over at SoulRaider with the invite code of "ra1n".

@Arson. I will add the game on the next release.

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I don't usually double post, but I'm proud to announce the release of SoulRaider. This game is the culmination of months of work. SoulRaider is more than just a game. Its a community. The planning and structure of the entire back-end and game took an entire 2 full spiral notebooks. This game has been examined and coded by 3 staff members over the course of 3 months. Our entire framework is custom, with the exception of Smarty for templates. Our server is quite fast, and we look forward to any interested players. You may sign up at http://soulraider.net . Doing so, will automatically register you for the forums. You may take part in the community discussions where our new news post was posted (http://soulraider.net/forums/topic/41-024-released-public-release/unread/).

I'm an Neon over there (duh), and also the Lead Developer & Server Admin. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me. I like helping people.

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If you mean the 3 pages (Gym, Lottery, University) then okay. Our Staff decided to release those POST release, as we didn't want to push the release any further. None of those are game changing pages, and will be out shortly. Its been said for the past 2 months that we weren't going to complete those 3 pages. It is a bit decieving having them on the navigation bar, but for staff they redirect to the proper page (just not finished). I'll finish the lottery this weekend. I think that is far from "half-done".

Edited by Neon
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Were you friends with (i think his name was) Luke? I remember those names a bit. As for the game, just finishing off some balancing issues, then gonna turn off DEBUG mode and reset everyone and let the game roll.


I think i remember luke. Long time ago so i cannot remember.

Your game has a very nice layout and looks well built. Good job

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That is appropriate. Its suppose to be more energy recovered per 5 minutes as you level, so you don't have to wait 24 hours to recover 1000 energy, but the formula for the levels under < 5 was really bad. I refactored it and applied a hotfix. I wasted all my energy and 5 minutes later I gained 1.2 back, so it seems to be working. Thanks for the suggestion.

Since I changed the regen code, it auto refilled everyone's everything to prevent bugs.

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  • 3 months later...

Just thought I'd crime in that were still here. Were not a little startup that makes a game then abandons it. Had a rough time when all of us were starting classes again, but were back in the loop.

Things like


-New Balanced Fighting code


Were added and lots of bugs were fixed. I've been coding a DEMO mode now, so you can just click a button and play as a player whose stats don't save. So users can play before registering. If anything just join and critique the hell out of the site. I thrive on criticism, and I love hearing other opinions no matter how bad. Join us in the in-game chat or in Freenode #soulraider

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