Pyromann Posted August 18, 2011 Share Posted August 18, 2011 Hi, i recently bought an mccodes redux version and i found 2 errors on forums. in viewtopic function Notice: Undefined index: 1 in D:\Wamp\www\Mods\forums.php on line 86 ( ! ) Notice: Undefined offset: 42 in D:\Wamp\www\bbcode_engine.php on line 144 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0116 1511680 viewtopic( ) ..\forums.php:168 2 0.0130 1524920 bbcode->bbcode_parse( ) ..\forums.php:96 function viewtopic() { global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db; $precache = array(); $_GET['viewtopic'] = ( isset($_GET['viewtopic'])&&is_numeric($_GET['viewtopic']) )?abs(intval($_GET['viewtopic'])):''; if ( empty($_GET['viewtopic']) ) { echo 'Something went wrong.<br />> <a href="'.gen_url('forums',true).'" alt="Go Back" title="Go Back">Go Back</a>'; die($h->endpage()); } $q = $db->query("SELECT `ft_forum_id`,`ft_name`,`ft_posts`,`ft_id`,`ft_locked` FROM `forum_topics` WHERE `ft_id`='{$_GET['viewtopic']}'"); if ( $db->num_rows($q) == 0 ) { echo 'Topic doesn\'t exist.<br />> <a href="'.gen_url('forums',true).'" alt="Go Back" title="Go Back">Go Back</a>'; die($h->endpage()); } $topic = $db->fetch_row($q); $q2 = $db->query("SELECT `ff_auth`,`ff_owner`,`ff_id`,`ff_name` FROM `forum_forums` WHERE `ff_id` = {$topic['ft_forum_id']}"); if ( $db->num_rows($q2) == 0 ) { echo 'Forum doesn\'t exist.<br />> <a href="'.gen_url('forums',true).'" alt="Go Back" title="Go Back">Go Back</a>'; die($h->endpage()); } $forum = $db->fetch_row($q2); if ( ($forum['ff_auth']=='gang' AND $ir['gang'] != $forum['ff_owner'] and $ir["user_level"] < 2) OR ($forum['ff_auth'] == 'staff' AND $ir['user_level'] < 2) ) { echo ' You have no permission to view this forum.<br /> > <a href="'.gen_url('forums',true).'">Back</a> '; die($h->endpage()); } echo "<big><a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."'>Forums Home</a> >> <a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&viewforum={$forum['ff_id']}'>{$forum['ff_name']}</a> >> <a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&viewtopic={$_GET['viewtopic']}'>{$topic['ft_name']}</a></big><br /><br />"; $posts_per_page = 20; $posts_topic = $topic['ft_posts']; $pages = ceil($posts_topic/$posts_per_page); //$st = ($_GET['st']) ? $_GET['st'] : 0; $st = ( isset($_GET['st'])&&is_numeric($_GET['st']) )?abs(intval($_GET['st'])):0; if ( isset($_GET['lastpost']) ) { $st = ($pages-1)*20; } $pst =- 20; echo "Pages: "; for ( $i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++ ) { $pst += 20; echo "<a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&viewtopic={$topic['ft_id']}&st=$pst'>"; if($pst == $st) { echo "<b>"; } echo $i; if($pst == $st) { echo "</b>"; } echo "</a> "; if($i % 25 == 0) { echo "<br />"; } } echo "<br />"; if ( $ir['user_level'] > 1 ) { echo " <form action='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=move&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}' method='post'> <b>Move topic to:</b> ".forum_dropdown($c, 'forum', -1)." <input type='submit' value='Move' /> </form> <br /> <a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=pin&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}''><img src='sticky.jpg' alt='Pin/Unpin Topic' title='Pin/Unpin Topic' /></a> <a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=lock&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}''><img src='lock.jpg' alt='Lock/Unlock Topic' title='Lock/Unlock Topic' /></a> <a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=deletopic&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}''><img src='delete.gif' alt='Delete Topic' title='Delete Topic' /></a><br /> "; } echo " <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='100%' border='0'>\n"; $q3 = $db->query("SELECT `fp_poster_name`,`fp_editor_time`,`fp_editor_name`,`fp_editor_id`,`fp_edit_count`,`fp_time`,`fp_id`,`fp_poster_id`,`fp_text`,`fp_subject` FROM `forum_posts` WHERE `fp_topic_id` = {$topic['ft_id']} ORDER BY `fp_time` ASC LIMIT $st, 20"); $no = $st; while ( $r = $db->fetch_row($q3) ) { $qlink = "[<a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=quote&viewtopic={$_GET['viewtopic']}"ename=". strip_tags($r['fp_poster_name']). ""etext=".urlencode($r['fp_text']). "'>Quote Post</a>]"; if ( $ir['user_level'] > 1 || $ir['userid']==$r['fp_poster_id'] ) { $elink = "[<a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=edit&post={$r['fp_id']}&topic={$_GET['viewtopic']}'>Edit Post</a>]"; } else { $elink = ""; } $no++; if ( $no > 1 and $ir['user_level'] > 1 ) { $dlink="[<a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&act=delepost&post={$r['fp_id']}'>Delete Post</a>]"; } else { $dlink = ""; } $t = date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r['fp_time']); if ( $r['fp_edit_count'] > 0 ) { $edittext = "\n<br /><i>Last edited by <a href='".gen_url('viewuser',true)."&u={$r['fp_editor_id']}'>{$r['fp_editor_name']}</a> at ".date('F j Y, g:i:s a',$r['fp_editor_time']).", edited <b>{$r['fp_edit_count']}</b> times in total.</i>"; } else { $edittext = ""; } if ( !$precache[$r['fp_poster_id']]['userid'] ) { $membq = $db->query("SELECT `userid`,`posts`,`forums_avatar`,`forums_signature`,`level` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = {$r['fp_poster_id']}"); $memb = $db->fetch_row($membq); $precache[$memb['userid']]=$memb; } else { $memb = $precache[$r['fp_poster_id']]; } $rank = forums_rank($memb['posts']); $av = ($memb['forums_avatar'])?'<img src="'.$memb['forums_avatar'].'" width="150px" height="150px" />':'<img src="noav.gif" />'; $memb['forums_signature'] = ($memb['forums_signature'])?$bbc->bbcode_parse($memb['forums_signature']):'No Signature'; $r['fp_text']=$bbc->bbcode_parse($r['fp_text']); echo "<tr> <th align='center'>Post #{$no}</th> <th align='center'>Subject: {$r['fp_subject']}<br /> Posted at: $t $qlink$elink$dlink</th> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top><a href='".gen_url('viewuser',true)."&u={$r['fp_poster_id']}'>{$r['fp_poster_name']}</a> [{$r['fp_poster_id']}]<br /> $av<br /> $rank<br /> Level: {$memb['level']}</td> <td valign=top>{$r['fp_text']} {$edittext}<br /> -------------------<br /> {$memb['forums_signature']}</td> </tr>"; } echo "</table>"; $pst =- 20; echo "Pages: "; for ( $i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++ ) { $pst += 20; echo "<a href='".gen_url('forums',true)."&viewtopic={$topic['ft_id']}&st=$pst'>"; if($pst == $st) { echo "<b>"; } echo $i; if ( $pst == $st ) { echo "</b>"; } echo "</a> "; if ( $i % 25 == 0 ) { echo "<br />"; } } if ( !$topic['ft_locked'] ) { echo " <br /> <br /> <b>Post a reply to this topic:</b><br /> <form action='".gen_url('forums',true)."&reply={$topic['ft_id']}' method='post'> <table cellspacing='1' class='table' width='80%' border='0'> <tr> <td align='right'>Subject:</td> <td align='left'><input type='text' name='fp_subject' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='right'>Post:</td> <td align='left'><textarea rows='7' cols='40' name='fp_text'></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Post Reply'></th> </tr> </table> </form> "; } else { echo "<br /><br /> <i>This topic has been locked, you cannot reply to it.</i>"; } } Please help me with this errors ... i will give more details if necessary thanks! :o Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spudinski Posted August 18, 2011 Share Posted August 18, 2011 Hi there, PHP 5.3 and up, which you are using, have error reporting on by default. You can read more about that at It's really nothing to worry about for you, it's just a few things in the code that isn't strictly on standards. You can turn it off, but there are several ways of doing so. So let me ask you rather, are you on/with a host, or are you running a test version on you own PC? Because if you are on/with a host, you can ask their support team just to lower the "error_reporting" value. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyromann Posted August 18, 2011 Author Share Posted August 18, 2011 thank you very much for help, yes i am testing the code on localhost ... i wanted to check everything is fine it's ok if i can skip this... i was worried that is a problem Thanks again for helping :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spudinski Posted August 18, 2011 Share Posted August 18, 2011 Ah, ok. Well, I'd suggest you turn it off because it could cause the layout to mess up in some places. To do that just find the file called "config.php", add this at the bottom: error_reporting(E_ERROR); That's just before the "?>". Glad I could help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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