dbeckerton Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 this is a line counter not a mod or problem as im lazy <?php include "sglobals.php"; //This contains item stuffs switch($_GET['action']) { case 'newitem': new_item_form(); break; case 'newitemsub': new_item_submit(); break; case 'giveitem': give_item_form(); break; case 'giveitemsub': give_item_submit(); break; case 'killitem': kill_item_form(); break; case 'killitemsub': kill_item_submit(); break; case 'edititem': edit_item_begin(); break; case 'edititemform': edit_item_form(); break; case 'edititemsub': edit_item_sub(); break; case 'newitemtype': newitemtype(); break; default: print "Error: This script requires an action."; break; } function new_item_form() { global $db,$ir,$c; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } print "<h3>Adding an item to the game</h3><form action='staff_items.php?action=newitemsub' method='post'> Item Name: <input type='text' name='itmname' value='' /><br /> Item Desc.: <input type='text' name='itmdesc' value='' /><br /> Item Pic.: <input type='text' name='itmpic' value='' /><br /> Item Type: ".itemtype_dropdown($c,'itmtype')."<br /> Item Buyable: <input type='checkbox' name='itmbuyable' checked='checked' /><br /> Item Price: <input type='text' name='itmbuyprice' /><br /> Item Sell Value: <input type='text' name='itmsellprice' /><br /><br /> <hr /> <b>Usage Form</b><hr /> <b><u>Effect 1</u></b><br /> On? <input type='radio' name='effect1on' value='1' /> Yes <input type='radio' name='effect1on' value='0' checked='checked' /> No<br /> Stat: <select name='effect1stat' type='dropdown'> <option value='energy'>Energy</option> <option value='will'>Will</option> <option value='brave'>Brave</option> <option value='hp'>Health</option> <option value='strength'>Strength</option> <option value='agility'>Agility</option> <option value='guard'>Guard</option> <option value='labour'>Labour</option> <option value='IQ'>IQ</option> <option value='hospital'>Hospital Time</option> <option value='jail'>Jail Time</option> <option value='money'>Money</option> <option value='crystals'>Crystals</option> <option value='cdays'>Education Days Left</option> <option value='bankmoney'>Bank money</option> <option value='cybermoney'>Cyber money</option> <option value='crimexp'>Crime XP</option> </select> Direction: <select name='effect1dir' type='dropdown'> <option value='pos'>Increase</option> <option value='neg'>Decrease</option> </select><br /> Amount: <input type='text' name='effect1amount' value='0' /> <select name='effect1type' type='dropdown'> <option value='figure'>Value</option> <option value='percent'>Percent</option> </select><hr /> <b><u>Effect 2</u></b><br /> On? <input type='radio' name='effect2on' value='1' /> Yes <input type='radio' name='effect2on' value='0' checked='checked' /> No<br /> Stat: <select name='effect2stat' type='dropdown'> <option value='energy'>Energy</option> <option value='will'>Will</option> <option value='brave'>Brave</option> <option value='hp'>Health</option> <option value='strength'>Strength</option> <option value='agility'>Agility</option> <option value='guard'>Guard</option> <option value='labour'>Labour</option> <option value='IQ'>IQ</option> <option value='hospital'>Hospital Time</option> <option value='jail'>Jail Time</option> <option value='money'>Money</option> <option value='crystals'>Crystals</option> <option value='cdays'>Education Days Left</option> <option value='bankmoney'>Bank money</option> <option value='cybermoney'>Cyber money</option> <option value='crimexp'>Crime XP</option> </select> Direction: <select name='effect2dir' type='dropdown'> <option value='pos'>Increase</option> <option value='neg'>Decrease</option> </select><br /> Amount: <input type='text' name='effect2amount' value='0' /> <select name='effect2type' type='dropdown'> <option value='figure'>Value</option> <option value='percent'>Percent</option> </select><hr /> <b><u>Effect 3</u></b><br /> On? <input type='radio' name='effect3on' value='1' /> Yes <input type='radio' name='effect3on' value='0' checked='checked' /> No<br /> Stat: <select name='effect3stat' type='dropdown'> <option value='energy'>Energy</option> <option value='will'>Will</option> <option value='brave'>Brave</option> <option value='hp'>Health</option> <option value='strength'>Strength</option> <option value='agility'>Agility</option> <option value='guard'>Guard</option> <option value='labour'>Labour</option> <option value='IQ'>IQ</option> <option value='hospital'>Hospital Time</option> <option value='jail'>Jail Time</option> <option value='money'>Money</option> <option value='crystals'>Crystals</option> <option value='cdays'>Education Days Left</option> <option value='bankmoney'>Bank money</option> <option value='cybermoney'>Cyber money</option> <option value='crimexp'>Crime XP</option> </select> Direction: <select name='effect3dir' type='dropdown'> <option value='pos'>Increase</option> <option value='neg'>Decrease</option> </select><br /> Amount: <input type='text' name='effect3amount' value='0' /> <select name='effect3type' type='dropdown'> <option value='figure'>Value</option> <option value='percent'>Percent</option> </select><hr /> <b>Combat Usage</b><br /> Weapon Power: <input type='text' name='weapon' value='0' /><br /> Armor Defense: <input type='text' name='armor' value='0' /><hr /> <input type='submit' value='Add Item To Game' /></form>"; } function new_item_submit() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } if(!isset($_POST['itmname']) || !isset($_POST['itmdesc']) || !isset($_POST['itmtype']) || !isset($_POST['itmbuyprice']) || !isset($_POST['itmsellprice'])) { print "You missed one or more of the fields. Please go back and try again.<br /> <a href='admin.php?action=newitem'>> Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } $itmname=$db->escape($_POST['itmname']); $itmdesc=$db->escape($_POST['itmdesc']); $weapon=abs((int) $_POST['weapon']); $armor=abs((int) $_POST['armor']); if($_POST['itmbuyable'] == 'on') { $itmbuy=1; } else { $itmbuy=0; } $efx1=$db->escape(serialize(array("stat" => $_POST['effect1stat'], "dir" => $_POST['effect1dir'], "inc_type" => $_POST['effect1type'], "inc_amount" => abs((int) $_POST['effect1amount'])))); $efx2=$db->escape(serialize(array("stat" => $_POST['effect2stat'], "dir" => $_POST['effect2dir'], "inc_type" => $_POST['effect2type'], "inc_amount" => abs((int) $_POST['effect2amount'])))); $efx3=$db->escape(serialize(array("stat" => $_POST['effect3stat'], "dir" => $_POST['effect3dir'], "inc_type" => $_POST['effect3type'], "inc_amount" => abs((int) $_POST['effect3amount'])))); $m=$db->query("INSERT INTO items VALUES('',{$_POST['itmtype']},'$itmname','$itmdesc',{$_POST['itmbuyprice']},{$_POST['itmsellprice']},$itmbuy, '{$_POST['effect1on']}', '$efx1', '{$_POST['effect2on']}', '$efx2', '{$_POST['effect3on']}', '$efx3', $weapon, $armor)"); print "The {$_POST['itmname']} Item was added to the game."; stafflog_add("Created item {$_POST['itmname']}"); } function give_item_form() { global $db,$ir,$c; if($ir['user_level'] > 3) { die("403"); } print "<h3>Giving Item To User</h3> <form action='staff_items.php?action=giveitemsub' method='post'> User: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."<br /> Item: ".item_dropdown($c,'item')."<br /> Quantity: <input type='text' name='qty' value='1' /><br /> <input type='submit' value='Give Item' /></form>"; } function give_item_submit() { global $db,$ir,$c; if($ir['user_level'] > 3) { die("403"); } $db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',{$_POST['item']},{$_POST['user']},{$_POST['qty']})",$c) or die(mysql_error()); print "You gave {$_POST['qty']} of item ID {$_POST['item']} to user ID {$_POST['user']}"; stafflog_add("Gave {$_POST['qty']} of item ID {$_POST['item']} to user ID {$_POST['user']}"); } function kill_item_form() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } print "<h3>Deleting Item</h3> The item will be permanently removed from the game.<br /> <form action='staff_items.php?action=killitemsub' method='post'> Item: ".item_dropdown($c,'item')."<br /> <input type='submit' value='Kill Item' /></form>"; } function kill_item_submit() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } $d=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid={$_POST['item']}"); $itemi=$db->fetch_row($d); $db->query("DELETE FROM items WHERE itmid={$_POST['item']}"); $db->query("DELETE FROM shopitems WHERE sitemITEMID={$_POST['item']}"); $db->query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_itemid={$_POST['item']}"); $db->query("DELETE FROM itemmarket WHERE imITEM={$_POST['item']}"); print "The {$itemi['itmname']} Item was removed from the game."; stafflog_add("Deleted item {$itemi['itmname']}"); } function edit_item_begin() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } print "<h3>Editing Item</h3> You can edit any aspect of this item.<br /> <form action='staff_items.php?action=edititemform' method='post'> Item: ".item_dropdown($c,'item')."<br /> <input type='submit' value='Edit Item' /></form>"; } function edit_item_form() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } $d=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid={$_POST['item']}"); $itemi=$db->fetch_row($d); print "<h3>Editing Item</h3> <form action='staff_items.php?action=edititemsub' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='itmid' value='{$_POST['item']}' /> Item Name: <input type='text' name='itmname' value='{$itemi['itmname']}' /><br /> Item Desc.: <input type='text' name='itmdesc' value='{$itemi['itmdesc']}' /><br /> Item Type: ".itemtype_dropdown($c,'itmtype',$itemi['itmtype'])."<br /> Item Buyable: <input type='checkbox' name='itmbuyable'"; if ($itemi['itmbuyable']) { print " checked='checked'"; } print " /><br />Item Price: <input type='text' name='itmbuyprice' value='{$itemi['itmbuyprice']}' /><br /> Item Sell Value: <input type='text' name='itmsellprice' value='{$itemi['itmsellprice']}' /><hr /><b>Usage Form</b><hr />"; $stats=array( "energy" => "Energy", "will" => "Will", "brave" => "Brave", "hp" => "Health", "strength" => "Strength", "agility" => "Agility", "guard" => "Guard", "labour" => "Labour", "IQ" => "IQ", "hospital" => "Hospital Time", "jail" => "Jail Time", "money" => "Money", "crystals" => "Crystals", "cdays" => "Education Days Left", "bankmoney" => "Bank money", "cybermoney" => "Cyber money", "crimexp" => "Crime XP"); for($i=1;$i<=3;$i++) { if($itemi["effect".$i]) { $efx=unserialize($itemi["effect".$i]); } else { $efx=array("inc_amount" => 0); } $switch1=($itemi['effect'.$i.'_on'] > 0) ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $switch2=($itemi['effect'.$i.'_on'] > 0) ? "" : " checked='checked'"; print "<b><u>Effect {$i}</u></b><br /> On? <input type='radio' name='effect{$i}on' value='1'$switch1 /> Yes <input type='radio' name='effect{$i}on' value='0'$switch2 /> No<br /> Stat: <select name='effect{$i}stat' type='dropdown'>"; foreach($stats as $k => $v) { if($k==$efx['stat']) { print "<option value='{$k}' selected='selected'>{$v}</option>\n"; } else { print "<option value='$k'>{$v}</option>\n"; } } if($efx['dir']=="neg") { $str="<option value='pos'>Increase</option><option value='neg' selected='selected'>Decrease</option>"; } else { $str="<option value='pos' selected='selected'>Increase</option><option value='neg'>Decrease</option>"; } if($efx['inc_type']=="percent") { $str2="<option value='figure'>Value</option><option value='percent' selected='selected'>Percent</option>"; } else { $str2="<option value='figure' selected='selected'>Value</option><option value='percent'>Percent</option>"; } print "</select> Direction: <select name='effect{$i}dir' type='dropdown'>{$str} </select><br /> Amount: <input type='text' name='effect{$i}amount' value='{$efx['inc_amount']}' /> <select name='effect{$i}type' type='dropdown'>{$str2}</select><hr />"; } print "<b>Combat Usage</b><br /> Weapon Power: <input type='text' name='weapon' value='{$itemi['weapon']}' /><br /> Armor Defense: <input type='text' name='armor' value='{$itemi['armor']}' /><hr /> <input type='submit' value='Edit Item' /></form>"; } function edit_item_sub() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } if(!isset($_POST['itmname']) || !isset($_POST['itmdesc']) || !isset($_POST['itmtype']) || !isset($_POST['itmbuyprice']) || !isset($_POST['itmsellprice'])) { print "You missed one or more of the fields. Please go back and try again.<br /> <a href='staff_items.php?action=edititem'>> Back</a>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } $itmname=$_POST['itmname']; $itmdesc=$_POST['itmdesc']; $weapon=abs((int) $_POST['weapon']); $armor=abs((int) $_POST['armor']); if($_POST['itmbuyable'] == 'on') { $itmbuy=1; } else { $itmbuy=0; } $db->query("DELETE FROM items WHERE itmid={$_POST['itmid']}",$c); $efx1=$db->escape(serialize(array("stat" => $_POST['effect1stat'], "dir" => $_POST['effect1dir'], "inc_type" => $_POST['effect1type'], "inc_amount" => abs((int) $_POST['effect1amount'])))); $efx2=$db->escape(serialize(array("stat" => $_POST['effect2stat'], "dir" => $_POST['effect2dir'], "inc_type" => $_POST['effect2type'], "inc_amount" => abs((int) $_POST['effect2amount'])))); $efx3=$db->escape(serialize(array("stat" => $_POST['effect3stat'], "dir" => $_POST['effect3dir'], "inc_type" => $_POST['effect3type'], "inc_amount" => abs((int) $_POST['effect3amount'])))); $m=$db->query("INSERT INTO items VALUES('{$_POST['itmid']}',{$_POST['itmtype']},'$itmname','$itmdesc',{$_POST['itmbuyprice']},{$_POST['itmsellprice']},$itmbuy, '{$_POST['effect1on']}', '$efx1', '{$_POST['effect2on']}', '$efx2', '{$_POST['effect3on']}', '$efx3', $weapon, $armor)"); print "The {$_POST['itmname']} Item was edited successfully."; stafflog_add("Edited item {$_POST['itmname']}"); } function newitemtype() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } if($_POST['name']) { $db->query("INSERT INTO itemtypes VALUES(NULL, '{$_POST['name']}')"); print "Item Type {$_POST['name']} added."; stafflog_add("Added item type {$_POST['name']}"); } else { print "<h3>Add Item Type</h3><hr /> <form action='staff_items.php?action=newitemtype' method='post'> Name: <input type='text' name='name' /><br /> <input type='submit' value='Add Item Type' /></form>"; } } $h->endpage(); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danny696 Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 Wow, you wasted my time with this, and still managed to fail? Use either an editor or ide, it gives you line numbers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
US Vice Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dominion Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ <- download. Don't post any more threads like this... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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