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I need a bit of help!!! ALL OWNERS AND CODERS!!!

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Hey guys, sorry to do this, it probably sounds noobish. But I have a friend who is making his way to NY to try and get a record deal, if you will just post up a link or something to his MySpace (That's how he's tracking his fanbase).

I have some of his songs that you can put on your radio stations every once in a while. PLEASE help me.

His myspace is


If you have a radio, PM ME HERE and help me out. THANKS.

Even if you don't want to put the songs up, do me a favor and tell me that you have a radio in PM, we can talk anyways. :)


Re: I need a bit of help!!! ALL OWNERS AND CODERS!!!

I don't have a radio station, but I have a decent myspace fanbase - I'll spread his account around, expect many friend requests...

that's about all I can do ;)


Re: I need a bit of help!!! ALL OWNERS AND CODERS!!!

Did the myspace add and you can email me the music if you would like. My radio BETTER be up and running by the weekend.


Re: I need a bit of help!!! ALL OWNERS AND CODERS!!!

I appreciate it both of you.

I will email you the music, Tupelo. Thanks again.

Mind sending me a link to the site, so that I can put it on the list of sites that supports him.

Thank you so much again.


Re: I need a bit of help!!! ALL OWNERS AND CODERS!!!

Wonderful, I'm going to pop what I can on mine as well.

So far I can name 2 DBS sites,



Add your site to the list of sites that will sport the link. If you need the songs let me know.

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