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[v1] Updated Statistics Page


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This shows everything in your game, Males, females, donators, top donators, top gangs, how many people have a certain house, it all..

and it costs... NOTHING!


replace stats.php with this

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Re: [v1] Updated Statistics Page

here it is for v2 am using oxidation code but i just convist it for the people who cant



include "globals.php";

$q=mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users",$c);


$q=mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE bankmoney>-1",$c);


$q=mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE gender='Male'",$c);


$q=mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE gender='Female'",$c);



$q=mysql_query("SELECT money FROM users",$c);





$avg=(int) ($total/$membs);


$q=mysql_query("SELECT bankmoney FROM users WHERE bankmoney>-1",$c);





$avgb=(int) ($totalb/$banks);


$q=mysql_query("SELECT crystals FROM users",$c);






$q=mysql_query("SELECT inv_qty FROM inventory",$c);





$avgc=(int) ($totalc/$membs);

$q=mysql_query("SELECT mail_id FROM mail",$c);


$q=mysql_query("SELECT evID FROM events",$c);


$nogender1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender=''",$c);





$highestdonator1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY donatordays DESC LIMIT 1;",$c);


print "<h3>Statistics Department</h3>

You walk through the statistics centre and stare at the boards.

<table width='90%' style='border:groove; border-color:chocolate;'><tr><th>Users</th><th>Houses</th><th><th>Cities</th></tr>

<tr><td>There are currently $membs members signed up

$male ($maleperc) males, $fem ($femaleperc) females and $nogender ($nogenderperc) multigenders.

There are ".mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE donatordays>0",$c))." donators


if(mysql_num_rows($highestdonator1) != 0)


print "The highest current donator is {$hd['username']}



print "</td> <td>This how many members have amount of each house


$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM houses ORDER BY hPRICE,hWILL ASC",$c);



$q3=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE maxwill={$r['hWILL']}",$c));

print "".$r['hNAME']." - $q3 users have it



print "..and ".mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE maxwill<='100'",$c))." dont have a house.";

print "</td><td>";

$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cities ORDER BY cityname ASC",$c);



$q3=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE location={$r['cityid']}",$c));


print "".$r['cityname']." - $q3 users have it ({$hmhi})



print "</td></tr>



Amount of cash in circulation: \$".money_formatter($total,"").".

The average player has: \$".money_formatter($avg,"").".

Amount of cash in banks: \$".money_formatter($totalb,"").".

Amount of players with bank accounts: $banks

The average player has in their bank accnt: \$".money_formatter($avgb,"").".

Amount of crystals in circulation: ".money_formatter($totalc,"").".

The average player has: ".money_formatter($avgc,"")." crystals.</td> <td>";

$gangs=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT gangID FROM gangs",$c));

$bg1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gangs ORDER BY gangRESPECT DESC LIMIT 1",$c);


print "There are currently $gangs in circulation.


if(mysql_num_rows($bg1) != 0)


print "The best gang is {$bg['gangNAME']}



print "</td><td><u>Mails/Events</u>

".money_formatter($mail,"")." mails and ".money_formatter($events,"")." events have been sent.</td></tr>

<tr><th>Items</th><th> </th><th> </th></tr>

<tr><td>There are currently ".money_formatter($totali,"")." items in circulation.</td><td></td><td></td> </tr>






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Re: [v1] Updated Statistics Page

sorry but this is not converted right to v2

you need to change the :

mysql_num_rows====to ==$db->num_rows

you alson need to take out all the ,$c from all the $db->query lines

and mysql_fetch_array should be=$db->fetch_row

hope this helps you


here it is for v2 am using oxidation code but i just convist it for the people who cant



include "globals.php";

$q=$db->query("SELECT userid FROM users");


$q=$db->query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE bankmoney>-1");


$q=$db->query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE gender='Male'");


$q=$db->query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE gender='Female'");



$q=$db->query("SELECT money FROM users");





$avg=(int) ($total/$membs);


$q=$db->query("SELECT bankmoney FROM users WHERE bankmoney>-1");





$avgb=(int) ($totalb/$banks);


$q=$db->query("SELECT crystals FROM users");






$q=$db->query("SELECT inv_qty FROM inventory");





$avgc=(int) ($totalc/$membs);

$q=$db->query("SELECT mail_id FROM mail");


$q=$db->query("SELECT evID FROM events");


$nogender1=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender='');





$highestdonator1=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY donatordays DESC LIMIT 1;");


print "<h3>Statistics Department</h3>

You walk through the statistics centre and stare at the boards.

<table width='90%' style='border:groove; border-color:chocolate;'><tr><th>Users</th><th>Houses</th><th><th>Cities</th></tr>

<tr><td>There are currently $membs members signed up

$male ($maleperc) males, $fem ($femaleperc) females and $nogender ($nogenderperc) multigenders.

There are ".$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE donatordays>0"))." donators


if($db->num_rows($highestdonator1) != 0)


print "The highest current donator is {$hd['username']}



print "</td> <td>This how many members have amount of each house


$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM houses ORDER BY hPRICE,hWILL ASC");



$q3=$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE maxwill={$r['hWILL']}");

print "".$r['hNAME']." - $q3 users have it



print "..and ".$db->num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE maxwill<='100'",$c))." dont have a house.";

print "</td><td>";

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM cities ORDER BY cityname ASC");



$q3=$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE location={$r['cityid']}");


print "".$r['cityname']." - $q3 users have it ({$hmhi})



print "</td></tr>



Amount of cash in circulation: \$".money_formatter($total,"").".

The average player has: \$".money_formatter($avg,"").".

Amount of cash in banks: \$".money_formatter($totalb,"").".

Amount of players with bank accounts: $banks

The average player has in their bank accnt: \$".money_formatter($avgb,"").".

Amount of crystals in circulation: ".money_formatter($totalc,"").".

The average player has: ".money_formatter($avgc,"")." crystals.</td> <td>";

$gangs=$db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT gangID FROM gangs",$c));

$bg1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gangs ORDER BY gangRESPECT DESC LIMIT 1");


print "There are currently $gangs in circulation.


if($db->num_rows($bg1) != 0)


print "The best gang is {$bg['gangNAME']}



print "</td><td><u>Mails/Events</u>

".money_formatter($mail,"")." mails and ".money_formatter($events,"")." events have been sent.</td></tr>

<tr><th>Items</th><th> </th><th> </th></tr>

<tr><td>There are currently ".money_formatter($totali,"")." items in circulation.</td><td></td><td></td> </tr>







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