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PHP 5 MySql class system.

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Okay; Today i needed a class file that would save me time while doing everyting i needed.

Its MySql only, and has examples for most function.

Replies would be great, ways to improve etc would also be appricated.

When inlcuded into a file, it doesnt need to be set up like McCodes, just use $db->blahh etc........

Nothing has been tested, any errors, I'll fix.

Copywrite goes to Fusion
	Writen by Fusion
Please keep this, it doesnt affect the code so why not?
class details {
const DB_HOST = 'localhost',
	  DB_USER = 'username',
	  DB_PASS = 'password',
	  DB_NAME = 'database';
$details = new details;

class database {
	var $connection_identifier;
	var $numb_queries;
	var $last_query;

		public function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $db) {
			$this->connection_identifier = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, 1) OR DIE('Error: Server connection failed.');
				mysql_select_db($db) OR DIE('Error: Database connection failed.');
					return $this->connection_identifier;
		public function change_database($newdb) {
			return mysql_select_db($newdb);
		public function execute($input) {
			$query = str_replace('<prefix>', '`'. $details->DB_NAME .'`.', $input);
				$this->last_query = mysql_query($query, $this->connection_identifier) OR $this->debug($query);
				return $this->last_query;
				$userid = 4
			Example: $db->select('money', 'members', '`userid` = '. $userid .'');
			Output: SELECT `money` FROM <prefix>`members` WHERE (`userid` = 4);
		public function select($select, $table, $where) {
			$query = $this->execute("SELECT `". $select."` FROM <prefix>`". $table ."` WHERE (". $where .");");
				return ($this->num_rows($query)) ? $this->fetch($query, 'single') : 'N/A';
				$deluserid = 4
			Example: $db->delete('members', '`userid` = '. $deluserid .'');
			Output: DELETE FROM <prefix>`members` WHERE (`userid` = 4);
		public function delete($table, $where) {
			$query = "DELETE FROM <prefix>`". $table ."` WHERE (". $where .");";
				return $this->execute($query);
				$_POST['username'] = 'bob'
				$_POST['email'] = '[email protected]'
				$_POST['password'] = 'bobloves666'
			Example: $db->insert('members', '`username`, `email`, `password`', '\''. $_POST['username'] .'\', \''. $_POST['email'] .'\', \''. $_POST['password'] .'\'');
			Output: INSERT INTO <prefix>`members` (`username`, `email`, `password`) VALUES ('bob', '[email protected]', 'bobloves666');
		public function insert($table, $columns, $values) {
			$columns = !empty($columns) ? '('. $columns .')' : '';
			$query = "INSERT INTO <prefix>`". $table ."` ". $columns ." VALUES (". $values .");";
				return $this->execure($query);
				$userid = 4
			Example: $db->update('members', 'money', 'money', '+', '666', '`userid` = '. $userid .'');
			Output: UPDATE <prefix>`members` SET `money` = `money` + 666   WHERE (`userid` = 4);
		public function update($table, $what, $equal, $aORm, $value, $where) {
			$query = "UPDATE <prefix>`". $table ."` SET `". $what ."` = `". $equal ."` ". $aORm ." ". $value ." WHERE (". $where .");";
				return $this->execute($query);
			Example: $db->truncate('members');
			Output: TRUNCATE TABLE <prefix>`members`;
		public function truncate($table) {
			$query = "TRUNCATE TABLE <prefix>`". $table ."`;";
				return $this->execute($query);
			Fetch row example: $db->fetch($db->execute('somequery'), 'row');
			Fetch array example: $db->fetch($db->execute('somequery'), 'array');
			Fetch single example: $db->fetch($db->execute('somequery'), 'single');
			public function fetch($input, $fetchwhat = 'row') {
			if($fetchwhat == 'row') {
				return mysql_fetch_assoc($input);
			else if($fetchwhat == 'array') {
				return mysql_fetch_array($input);
			else if($fetchwhat == 'single') {
				return mysql_result($input, 0, 0);
			Fetch_object example: $db->object('somequery');
			public function object($input) {
				$input = (empty($input)) ? $this->last_query : $input;
					$execute = $this->execute($input);
						$object = mysql_fetch_object($execute);
					return $object;
			private function debug($input) {
				exit('<p style="margin: 2px;">MySQL Error: '. mysql_error .'
Query was: '. $input .'</p>');
			public function count() {
				return $this->numb_queries;
			public function last_insert() {
				return mysql_insert_id();
			public function escape_string($input) {
				return mysql_real_escape_string($input);
			public function close() {	
				return mysql_close();
		$db = new database($details->DB_HOST, $details->DB_USER, $details->DB_PASS, $details->DB_NAME);
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Not exactly how I would do it, also, your functions do not take care of securing the SQL, which is potentially dangerous.

For example I would tend to try to use MySQLi for new PHP 5 projects and not the old API, and your update function is quiet limited as it allows only one type of updates...

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