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[MCCODES V2][HELP] Members spend too long in hospital


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Hey, When people get attack and die, They get sent to the hospital for about 100 minutes. So I'm wandering how can i change this so that the maximum time spent in the hopital will be 15 minutes.

Here's my the code I'm using

include "globals.php";
print "<h3>Hospital</h3>
<table width='75%' class=\"table\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tr bgcolor=gray><th>Name</th> <th>Level</th> <th>Time</th><th>Reason</th></tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,c.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs c ON u.gang=c.gangID WHERE u.hospital > 0 ORDER BY u.hospital DESC",$c);
print "\n<tr><td>{$r['gangPREFIX']} [url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]</td><td>
{$r['level']}</td><td>{$r['hospital']} minutes</td><td>{$r['hospreason']}</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
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The code you showed is the part where you actually have an overview of the people that are already in hospital, not for how long you put them into it.

I believe you'll need to find the attackend.php file and look into that. there should be 3 options - i think - for the player (hosp mug leave) where the system also puts the user into the hospital, reduce that time and your members will spend lesser time in hospital.

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The code you showed is the part where you actually have an overview of the people that are already in hospital, not for how long you put them into it.

I believe you'll need to find the attackend.php file and look into that. there should be 3 options - i think - for the player (hosp mug leave) where the system also puts the user into the hospital, reduce that time and your members will spend lesser time in hospital.

I don't seem to have a attackend.php file so im guessing it might be the attackbeat.php

include "globals.php";

$_GET['ID']=abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
$db->query("UPDATE users SET attacking=0 WHERE userid=$userid");
$od=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}");
if($_SESSION['attackwon'] != $_GET['ID'])
die ("Cheaters don't get anywhere.");
$gq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID={$r['gang']}");
if($r['hp'] == 1)
print "What a cheater u are.";
print "You beat {$r['username']}!!

You beat {$r['username']} severely on the ground. You are now known all across Hyrule for your heroic deed!.";
$db->query("UPDATE users SET hp=1,hospital=$hosptime,hospreason='Hospitalized by <a href=\'viewuser.php?u={$userid}\'>{$ir['username']}</a>' WHERE userid={$r['userid']}");
event_add($r['userid'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] beat you up.",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',$userid,{$_GET['ID']},'won',unix_timestamp(),-1,'$atklog');");
$warq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars WHERE (warDECLARER={$ir['gang']} AND warDECLARED={$r['gang']}) OR (warDECLARED={$ir['gang']} AND warDECLARER={$r['gang']})");
if ($db->num_rows($warq) > 0)
$db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT-3 WHERE gangID={$r['gang']}");
$db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT+3 WHERE gangID={$ir['gang']}");
print "
You earnt 3 respect for your gang!";

//Gang Kill
if ($ga['gangRESPECT']<=0 && $r['gang'])
$db->query("UPDATE users SET gang=0 WHERE gang={$r['gang']}");

$db->query("DELETE FROM gangs WHERE gangRESPECT<='0'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM gangwars WHERE warDECLARER={$ga['gangID']} or warDECLARED={$ga['gangID']}");
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM challengebots WHERE cb_npcid={$r['userid']}");
if ($db->num_rows($q)) {
$qk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM challengesbeaten WHERE userid=$userid AND npcid={$r['userid']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$m WHERE userid=$userid");
print "
You gained \$$m for beating the challenge bot {$r['username']}";
$db->query("INSERT INTO challengesbeaten VALUES($userid, {$r['userid']})");

print "You beat Mr. non-existant!";


That's my code for attackend.php What would i have to change? (sorry im still learning php)

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