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[MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10


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basicly what this does is it makes it so that a gang can purchase one FBI contact for 1,000,000 from the gang vualt. once they purchase this they can use it on a gang of thier choosing to make that gang lose 2,000 respect.

All values are easily changable. such as the cost and what respect is lost. they can only use each FBI contact once though.

Comes with.

1 PHP file.

1 txt file of instructions.

4 yourgang.php edits

and 1 short mysql query.

This is a steal. email me at [email protected]

OR on CE to buy this mod.

feedback and constructive criticism are always nice

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

Mate not being rude or anything but this mod sounds so simple to make and its unfair on the other gang loosing the respect then that takes the fun of attacking during war away and it will give more power to the higher ranked players which in turn would cause less new people coming to your game.

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

well this mod would be most useful in a game with many higher-up gangs.Becuase they wouold use it on each other, becuase if you make it expensive in comparison to what most items cost then then they wouldn't waste it on lower gangs. idk the difficulty level becuase i'm pretty new to coding but it took me a while.

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

Yh i see your point but its taking the fun out of attacking thats the best part of these mccodes based games being able to attack others, in my opinion atleast. But nice to see you tried making unique mods :wink:

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

how is it strange? i'm not the perfect coder but i'm learning. the way i learn is i ask questions. isn't that how everyone learns? Also the reason i ask questions is that i might be able to figure something out but it would take me a while. for instance this mod took me around 2 days of coding. i bet thiers a lot of people on here that could do it quicker. but if your suggesting that this isn't my work be assured that this is my work 100%

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

I think the question he was asking yesterday or the day before named "This script requires an action" was to do with this. It seems a good mod, but I don't think it would be worth $10.

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

So...you asked for help...then made this and sold it...So basically CE helped you amke this now your selling? I mean Heck...that simple problem with switches i bet it was for this mod...if i knew you where sellin it i wouldn't have helped..

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

i didn't receive any actual code for this. asking how to do one single thing is no different than googling it. are you asying you've never once in your life ask for help then later on use that knowledge to do something profitable? taht little thing i wanted help for isn't like a ton of my script. i probably could of done it without that anyways.

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

I have never got help on a script and sold it No. I haven't.

Now as far as asking for help then using that later to sell...No I haven't.

I have taught mysefl from reading tutorials. Not asking for help on here. Their are a couple times i asked questions won't deny that.

Also your problem was from a Copy and paste from a Staff page using a defualt switch to kill the page. So this yoru selling is nothing more than a Recode of a page....

Agreed though that was a very small part of a page. And IF you could have done it without my/CE help then why did you ask? Google is by far faster than this site.

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Re: [MCCODES V2] Order an FBI investigation. $10

becuase at google i would NEVER find my exact question. i actually did check google and i got millions of pages that didn't help me.

Also i'm not selling a recode of the page. as many many coders do i reused a couple lines so i didin't have to waste time typing identicle thigns but those were lines that go into everypage or almost everypage.

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