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[mccode v2] Preferences

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This preferences update will show you the link and under it, it will show you what you have already


(Link) Name Change

Current Name: Sniko`


Get the idea?

Ok here is the code

Preferences code (Keep a backup of you old prefences, this is the basic V2 preferences links)


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I know, its not a "WOW" mod but its something




Sorry a screenshot is unavalible from me because i dont have paint or anything else to put the image on


+1 me if you like it please





Re: [mccode v2] Preferences



Sorry a screenshot is unavalible from me because i dont have paint or anything else to put the image on

What OS are you running? DOS?


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences



Sorry a screenshot is unavalible from me because i dont have paint or anything else to put the image on

What OS are you running? DOS?

its uninstalled


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences


No offence man but i was hoping atleast it was secured....

i dont know how to do security sorry karlos.


I Don't Get It ... What In Hells Name Have You Done That Isn't Already On The Viewuser page, Or Could Potentialy Be On The Viewuser Page.
Yes but this just shows you it in preferneces NOTE what i said in the first post in this thread
I know, its not a "WOW" mod but its something



Re: [mccode v2] Preferences


No offence man but i was hoping atleast it was secured....

if you can comment on security why not post a secured version or do you just like posting negative posts without a explanation or even a attempt to resolve it..


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences

What sort of idiot dosn't know what they have already imputed .... this is seriously dumb .... you can see what you have put on the left hand side menu already (provided you still have default style sheet)

And if Not it will be there somewhere .... So let's get on you're level here .... Ok

I want to change my username to Carbon ... But i don't know what my current name is because im an idiot .... oh i know i'll just check on preferences just to be on the safe side. When you could easily just look at you're Character info .... Wow ... you never stop amazing me with you're whacky and outside the box ideas snicko :)


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences


Ok i have just secured a few querys for Sniko`

So here we go


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Which part of the "changing a username" was not secure exactly? Also for future advice.. on a query such as this one.

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Try using something like this instead.

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The mysql_real_escape_string may not be a necessity here but it will cut any of these " \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a. " out of the POST... I believe that is probably more efficient then the

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But who knows...I could recode this again for everyone as a "revamp" of sniko's but i dont think its really necessary, maybe the only thing that needs securing would be the change password function and then just have filters on the username changing etc.

Ill see if Nyna replies to this xD


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences

radio, with that code example there are be things wrong. Someone could change their name to -_1'#?#'!"??"$^. It makes sence to limit the chars; limiting can be done by using preg_match and something like this (im not good with regex) "^[a-zA-z0-9_]" which would only allow aplha numeric and _ chars..


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences


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%d - undefined and a user would be inputting text not digits...


Re: [mccode v2] Preferences


radio, with that code example there are be things wrong. Someone could change their name to -_1'#?#'!"??"$^. It makes sence to limit the chars; limiting can be done by using preg_match and something like this (im not good with regex) "^[a-zA-z0-9_]" which would only allow aplha numeric and _ chars..

Why state the alpha numeric characters? Why wouldnt you just declare an alphanumeric if statement with arrays to show more symbols if needed? like this.


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That is what i use in my username change.


In the example it was a display pic change so even if they changed there display pic to -_1'#?#'!"??"$^., nothing is going to happen..


Zero, i thought d = defined and u = undefined??? Ill have to google that again.

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