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Re: The Destroyers

And ohh yeah dude it's not cool to con you're own members because they know jack about gaming this quote was taken from a mass message from you're game


Id2 Making A Game For $15 1 COME FIRST SERVE


Mail Id2 Now

Please man ... i'd so pay $15 for a BC backup with a .co.cc Domain ... i'll do anything :(


Re: The Destroyers

HaHaHa. Copyrighted to you or goldenzero. Prove it. And if you can't prove it get lost.

How can it be copyrighted. Only the image's there for can be copyrighted to you guy's. The base code is mccode's.

Oh and if you got it copyrighted. Rather bring your lawyer. Because you are not 18+ yet. GET LOST!


Re: The Destroyers

Scorpio ... I'd Like A 7 Year Jail Sentance For Infringement Of The Copyrighted BC Codes .... Under Section 2.875 where user is not alowed to take backup and under section 1.9375 where this is total bull s*** and you're scaring no-one but yourself :)


Re: The Destroyers

See. There it show's how you just lied. Incase to get some thing copyrighted it will cost about $5,000 + lawyer fee's coming up to about $10,000. Of course you can alway's get other company's that are cheaper. But let's face the fact's.

You did not get it copyrighted.

Second rate pathetic excuse for a coder? Maybe look at your game before you use your pathetic word's.

Nothing to explain to me? Of course you don't because you are not old enough nor do you have the fact's to prove me wrong on who is the sole owner of BC and who has it copyrighted. Infact no one has it copyrighted.

And just to point it in your face. I heard that goldenzero sold it to spooky aka debbie and that mean's nor your little ass or goldenzero own's BC code's.

Clearly you said above "Those are copyrighted to me/goldenzero". Now you say "And no im not 18 so clearly i didnt get it copyrighted".

Cought out by your self there eh.


Re: The Destroyers

You know what. Funny thing is. I am still better than you. altho you try to acomplish something in life. I will still be better than you. Maybe get your grammer fixed.

Me blocking you. Yes it was a good thing. But why still email me after saying sup etc?


Re: The Destroyers

LMAO !!! you're pathetic scorpio .... i have just sat here for the last 20 mins laughing the hell outta you and you're BS .... you think you're better than killah, thats down to opinion ... and everyone is entitled ... so here's mine ... take you're sorry ass away from this thread, by a 10 inch rope and a step ladder from all the money you have made with you're 1k users and do the forums a favour ;)


Just an idea.


Re: The Destroyers

Duhh me and killah have been going out for about 2 years where have you been all this time, let me ask you something if CE ammounts to nothing why the hell are you here running you're mouth speaking like you know everything claiming you know what a copyright is and that youre goldenzero ... pathetic looser, i seriously doubt you have been laid yet what with you living in you're mom's basement and all playing 3D chess with yourslef ... i've just relaised something you arn't worth my valuable time .... so i bid you a fond farewell nub cake :)


Re: The Destroyers


HaHaHa. Copyrighted to you or goldenzero. Prove it. And if you can't prove it get lost.

How can it be copyrighted. Only the image's there for can be copyrighted to you guy's. The base code is mccode's.

Oh and if you got it copyrighted. Rather bring your lawyer. Because you are not 18+ yet. GET LOST!

Killah I hate to break the news to you but YOU DONT KNOW ME!!!. You are a second rate pathetic excuse for a coder. I have nothing to explain to you. And no im not 18 so clearly i didnt get it copyrighted. xD you are pathetic you can get lost...

dont worry mate im removing the codes anyway starting from scratch thanks for the advise though


Re: The Destroyers


dont worry mate im removing the codes anyway starting from scratch thanks for the advise though

bolocks mate! you cant code to save your life


Re: The Destroyers


dont worry mate im removing the codes anyway starting from scratch thanks for the advise though

bolocks mate! you cant code to save your life

hahahahaha POG that was the funniest thing i've ever seen on this forum, well done mate ... it was funny & true


Re: The Destroyers


Casanova I now see that you are just another noob sucking up to all the "top" coders and "popular" coders. xD wow how very interesting.

if that was aimed at me i wouldn't say i was either "top" or "popular" ;)


Re: The Destroyers


Talk about his game:

I like the login and register, nice and simple, needs new banner.

Go in-game and EWW it looks just like the original Mccodes layout, same colour and everything. Might wanna change that.


Re: The Destroyers

see guys a nice person at last cheers i have changed banner i have done it myself but im learning as i aint too good at graphics but i replaced the banner also this is my mates game so if he likes it i like it lol

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