Zero-Affect Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Christmas Special. I would like to first welcome you all to this post and secondly wish you all a very happy Christmas. ZBank [$5] : Name: ZBank Cost: $5.00 USD Includes: 1 php file(ZBank.php) 1 txt file(Installation.txt) Description: Nice little bank mod made in my spare time this bank basically saves space in public_html it banks both money and crystals can be edited to preference easy. but words mean nothing pictures mean so much more check the screen shots. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Advanced Merit System [$10] : This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Name: Advanced Merit System Available: 14 Copies Price: $10.00 USD Includes: 1 php file(Merits.php) 1 txt file(Instructions.txt) Description: In this merit system instead of having to upgrade your level/get merit you simply just gain exp and when you switch to lets say for example level 2 you get your merit automatically. Obviously when you look at these screen shots you will see "Nuggets" but thats just crystals and i have changed it all to crystals in the mod you can edit this to suite your game if you have even the lowest of coding skills but at least some coding skills would be needed to edit this mod hence the price. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. Hit-List [$10] : Name: Hit-List Available: 10 Copies Includes: 1 php file(Hit-List.php) 1 txt file(Instructions.txt) Description: This mod simply grabs 5 random users per day for the hit list then allows players to attack them users for rewards it refreshes each day(can be changed). For more information play it on or look at the screen shots. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Steal (Money / Crystals) [$10] : Name: Steal Availability: 10 Copies Price: $10.00 USD Includes: 1 php file(steal.php) 1 txt file(Install.txt) Description:. This modification is used has a profile option, used to steal crystals and money from the selected user. Basically it allows a user to steal Money and Crystals from another user without using attack, obviously they wouldn't make any experience or get has much money, but its a good way for weak members to steal from stronger members. It can be edited very easily with a specified config section of the modification. But as people say words are nothing compared to pictures so view the screen shots below. Screen Shots: Screen Shot 1 Screen Shot 2 Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or message me on here [CE]. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Protection System [$10] : Name: Protex Available: 17 Copies Includes: 1 php file(protex.php) 1 txt file(Installation.txt) Description: This mod basically gives the users the chance to protect themselves when they are training or whatever they can only use this option 4 times the max each time is 30 mins so upto 2 hours a day protection is the max. check the screen shots for more information. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Advanced Burn House [$15] : Name: Advanced Burn House Available: 10 Copies Includes: 2 php file(Burn.php & BRepair.php) 2 txt file(Instructions.txt & Agreement.txt) Description: I made this mod for you guys who hate the free version instead of just burning them and putting them in jail this modification will involve houses more into your game. If you burn a victim there house will be burnt literally and they will have to wait for it to be repaired and has people know houses are your will and by burning someone it changes there will to the burnt house which makes training and other activities harder to do. Check the screen shots for a better view. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Gang Bomb [$15.00]: Name: Gang Bomb Availability: 10 Copies Price: $15.00 USD Special Offer: $10.00 USD for the first 2 sales then $15.00 USD for the last 8 sales Includes: 1 php file(gangbomb.php) 1 txt file(Instructions.txt) Description:. The modification allows a user to use a specified item (by you) to attack gangs (bomb them) they can only use the item if they are in a gang themselves because of the gang respect gain and other aspects. They bomb the gang and gain a random amount of respect (never more than a 10th of the victim gangs respect but this can be changed which is explained in mod) and puts every member in hospital for a random amount of time (between 10 and 100 which also can be changed, explained in mod) But as people say words are nothing compared to pictures so view the screen shots below. Screen Shots: Screen Shot 1 Screen Shot 2 Screen Shot 3 Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or message me on here [CE]. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Advanced Turns[$15] : Name: Advanced Turns Available: 11 Copies Includes: 1 php file(ZTurns.php) 1 txt file(Instructions.txt) Description: This mod run similar to the idea of streets but instead of a single turn per time it runs on multiple giving rather 3 options at the end of the turns allowing the user to make a little more money or allowing them to search again, it gives 100 turns per day. This can actually be added along with the original streets mod neither will effect the other. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. [Law Services] [$20.00] : Name: Law Services Available: 6 Copies Includes: 1 php file(Lawyerz.php) 1 txt file(Installation.txt) Description: Okay you maybe asking what is it right now so let me answer that for you. Basically it allows you to hire a lawyer at a set price per day(can be changed easy) after you hire a lawyer for xx days then everytime you go into jail you will get a option to call your lawyer which can only be done onces everytime you goto jail (like in real life with the one phone call) you lawyer will then argue your case with the guards and he can either get you A Reduced Sentence All Charges Dropped or 1 Minute Extra time(easily changed) the outcome depends on your lawyer so if you wish yo make your game more realistic then this mod is for you. Screen Shots: Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. Please note adding me is to find out further informations about this modification or to talk business. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. AV Bounty/Hitmanlist [$20.00] : Name: HitManList OR Av Bounty Availability: 9 Copies Price: $20.00 USD Includes: 1 php file(hitmanlist.php) 1 txt file(Instructions.txt) Description: This is simply a bounty modification with a bit more of a twist, you can add bounties on other members with (Money, Crystals and/or Items). When a bounty is taken you have until the next hour to complete it. The modification will specify how long exactly you have to complete the contract. More info: (under explore (Bounty)). Screen Shots: Screen Shot 1 Screen Shot 2 Screen Shot 3 Screen Shot 4 Screen Shot 5 Screen Shot 6 Screen Shot 7 Screen Shot 8 Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Contest [$25.00 USD] : Name: Contest Available: 9 Copies Includes: 2 php file(Contest.php & staff_contest.php) 1 txt file(Instructions.txt) Description: Simply this mod is polls + comments + viewuser but fully recoded you create a "Contest" via staff panel then (if you have added everything correct) it will show the contest in explore they visit it, sign up, edit there profile then tell people to go vote they sign up costing whatever the set price you add each signup one user can only vote once in the contest to advise them to use them wisely. the users can only vote for other people which makes it more exciting theres also a comment option on the profiles of the contester's it runs by male and female and runs best i think has a mr & ms contest or something involving two winners a male and female, at the end of the selected days it will still shopw the contest in explore showing the results of the contest after they click it and showing there image also the amount of votes they received. hope thats a long enough description but for more information please view the screen shots. Screen Shots: CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 CT5 CT6 Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or mail me on here. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. User Shops [$35.00]: Name: User Shops Availability: 10 Copies Price: $35.00 USD Includes: 1 php file(usershop.php) 1 txt file(Install.txt) Contains: 1110 lines (My biggest mod to date) Description:. User shops basically allows users to have their own shops and sell items at whatever price they choose, they can also add quantity. Users can also change shop location so it restricts access to a set location, But many people say images are worth 1000 words so have a look at the screen shots Screen Shots: Screen Shot 1 Screen Shot 2 Screen Shot 3 Screen Shot 4 Screen Shot 5 Screen Shot 6 Screen Shot 7 Screen Shot 8 Screen Shot 9 Screen Shot 10 Screen Shot 11 Screen Shot 12 Screen Shot 13 Screen Shot 14 Contact Me: [email protected] [MSN] or message me on here [CE]. This mod is only for v2 you can convert it yourself if you wish. Total Price: $190.00 USD I'll do: 3 mods with a 5% reduction. 6 mods with a 10% reduction. 9 mods with a 20% reduction. 12 mods for $140.00USD (just over 25% OFF). If you want to talk about business or try suggesting another offer then contact me on [email protected] [MSN] or contact me via private message on here [CE] Quote
Zero-Affect Posted December 19, 2008 Author Posted December 19, 2008 Re: [MCV2] Christmas Special [Mods] I'll also do Buy one Get one half price (10 dollars or more for first purchase.) Note: this only counts for one mod. buys before this post do not count either. Merry Christmas! Quote
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