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[mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot


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Hello once again,

Now what im posting here is a secure working revamped version of itemsell.php

Please not that this will be my LAST mccode v2 code revamp that i post, if you wish for more i will offer my services to revamp your codes. PM me if you are interested in that.

Otherwise here it is.

replace itemsell.php with thiis.

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So yes, my last revamp for you guys for free, enjoy.

Thanks for the positive feedback in my last two Revamps aswell.


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Guest Anonymous

Re: [MCcode V2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot


Now what im posting here is a secure working revamped version of itemsell.php

Which part of this is secure?

Oh, I see, it's the <?php statement...


You really should not be posting so called "secure" mods without first understand how security works. There are multiple "possible" problems with this depending on the environment. And as you are not aware of exactly what environment it will be running on -- it is NOT secure.

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Re: [MCcode V2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

Well yes it is NOT 100% secure Nyna and i do not claim it to be but it is much "Better" then the original. That is all i have to say.

(Now what im posting here is a secure working revamped version of itemsell.php) - I realize what i wrote in that sentence as soon as i posted, i did not edit however.

There is no need to be so demeaning, you do not give any "support" or "guidance" in making it better and securer. You basically just say "You suck, you dont know how to secure" instead of guiding and or giving advice. I would highly appreciate if you can tell me where im going wrong and where im on the right track. I use (INT) on the get variables as they are "less" lenient then mysql_real_escape_strings, i did not see the point in Magic quotes so i did what i new at "attempting" to secure the $_POST and $_GET variables.

I do say, i really dont feel any urge to post free mods where i hear "statements" or "opinions" like that. Just harsh and irrelevant.

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Re: [MCcode V2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

I agree with radio_active.

Although I haven't been terribly active in posting in these forums, Most of what I see

are experienced people talking down to those who don't know as much as them.

Why not say, "Here is where you went wrong, and this is what you need to do to fix it"

Otherwise i think posting and saying how "Wrong" Someone is, is just unessacary and rude.

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Re: [MCcode V2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot


so text would be something like


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Will be enough to input. To output... simple stuff =]


I agree with radio_active.

Although I haven't been terribly active in posting in these forums, Most of what I see

are experienced people talking down to those who don't know as much as them.

Why not say, "Here is where you went wrong, and this is what you need to do to fix it"

Otherwise i think posting and saying how "Wrong" Someone is, is just unessacary and rude.

Why? Rather us keep quiet and let you believe you are doing right? What comments like "Is not secure" does, hopefully, is gets you thinking and looking for answers.

Okay luke, but tell me what part of this was not "Patronizing" and or "demeaning"


Which part of this is secure?

Oh, I see, it's the <?php statement...


Im fine with you putting word out there saying that its secure but when you act like your on a much higher level of superiority, thats when that sort of shit pisses me off. Hope you understand where i am coming from.

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Re: [mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

What everyone has to understand. Is comments like that have come about from people putting up with kids on here NOT wanting to learn, or not wanting to look something up themself. Well over half the community just wants the code to work, not to know what to do to make it work, or figure out why it works. Or to get a site to expain that to them. I am one of those that are tired of people just asking for the code to fix it. I am not a Kid and my time is more valuable to me then tohelp people that don't want to help themself. That is where Luke is coming from (I think)... lol....

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Re: [MCcode V2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

why not just click ctrl + f4 and get over yourselves... that seems like such a good option i may do it myself it's so tempting lol

great image i found for this...

width=250 height=250http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x233/DrAzathoth/noob.jpg[/img]

and another lol

width=250 height=250http://stuffworld.org/Themes/dilbermc/images/noob.jpg[/img]

hey HELP ME!

how fix!


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TELL ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(that's a joke)

Strip club anyone?

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Re: [mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

Well then to get this clear...

First off Zero - To patronize is to treat in a condescending manner.

So when i referred to this quote

Which part of this is secure?

Oh, I see, it's the <?php statement...


Its true to be patronizing and demeaning, however you see it.l


Luke: I understand that you are one of the best programmers on CE and you will probably receive mail from tonnes of people asking you to fix something rather then learning and doing it themselves and gaining knowledge from the coincidence.

But i for one am not a kid, i take on board everything that i can when people give me advice and i try to improve my skills as much as i can, when i post some of my work for free, it doesn't give you or nyna or whoever the RIGHT to de-mean, patronize or show me up as i have no chance against you guys.

For one I'm posting free so not only am i benefiting for myself but others to have the option to use a new fresher, better script. Im happy to positive feedback or constructive negative feedback but just plain negative or "I am the superior one" comments, you can get lost because i don't want to hear it.


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Re: [mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

My skills are crap compared to the top end of CE but even i know never to say something is secure.

If you don't like being picked on i suggest never saying it's secure because then someone could easily "show you up" by stating and proving it isn't.

I'm sure his criticism helped in a way which showed you how to rightly secure a digit post / get function to his knowledge.

never state it's secure, i would say "secure to my knowledge" then if luke commented i'd send him a hooker with crabs... lol

width=250 height=250http://www.baltobikeclub.org/uploads/images/K2omMOexcGQ6KD6AF6LVSw/CRABS_Logo.jpg[/img]

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Re: [MCcode V2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot


why not just click ctrl + f4 and get over yourselves... that seems like such a good option i may do it myself it's so tempting lol

Aint it Alt +F4. lol

Opps my bad......Don't use windows....forgoten the hot keys :P

Ctrl + F4 closes Tab

Alt + F4 closes Browser.

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Guest Anonymous

Re: [mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot

Perhaps however, I have actually the performed the task at hand...

i.e, bringing it to peoples attention that quoting that something is secure when it is clearly not is not in the best interests of anybody.

If you don't understand *why* it's not secure, so be it. If you can understand that at least it is *not* secure, then you are half way to fixing the problems.

Never assume I do anything without good reason. In this case, it has brought an aspect of releasing source at CE to the fore - that of specifying capabilities beyond what is visually apparent.

If you don't like my manner - sorry. Learn to handle it - or ignore it. It's no skin of my nose either way, however, given the number of discussions that have come from this, I'd say a slightly deflated ego is minor compared to the number of people that have actually learnt something.

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Re: [mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot


Perhaps however, I have actually the performed the task at hand...

i.e, bringing it to peoples attention that quoting that something is secure when it is clearly not is not in the best interests of anybody.

If you don't understand *why* it's not secure, so be it. If you can understand that at least it is *not* secure, then you are half way to fixing the problems.

Never assume I do anything without good reason. In this case, it has brought an aspect of releasing source at CE to the fore - that of specifying capabilities beyond what is visually apparent.

If you don't like my manner - sorry. Learn to handle it - or ignore it. It's no skin of my nose either way, however, given the number of discussions that have come from this, I'd say a slightly deflated ego is minor compared to the number of people that have actually learnt something.

I take on board everything you say (that i see) and try to learn from it, in this case however i do not believe there is any task at hand to be preformed.

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Re: [mccode v2] Item sell code revamp ~ Last of the lot


how about i send you vd in a test tube via ups lol

I think you spend too much time with americans and have lost track of what you are - ENGLISH.

Hooker? UPS?

We have prostitutes and Royal mail.

I suggest "finding yourself" before questioning others etc

actually mate i type like that for one reason and one reason alone.

the yanks on here never understand English slang and would get several questions about the royal mail...

what is royal mail (for example)

i love my country :-D

considering i was joking your reply was kind of harsh maybe consider anger management



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