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In Cron_day.php change

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Set to the interest you like

i put mine 15 bill for players after that no interest

75 bill for donators no interest after..


Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP

this is not completely right.

if i have 14,999,999

1 dollar short of 15 billion. I will get interest.

people will disagree with me here. But best way of this is this.

$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=bankmoney+(bankmoney/50) WHERE bankmoney > 0"); //This gives interest.

$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=15000000000 WHERE bankmoney > 15000000000");//Sets 15 billion if goes over...

same thing for cyber. I konw this works. I done it a year ago on an old game of mine.


Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP


this is not completely right.

if i have 14,999,999

1 dollar short of 15 billion. I will get interest.

people will disagree with me here. But best way of this is this.

$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=bankmoney+(bankmoney/50) WHERE bankmoney > 0"); //This gives interest.

$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=15000000000 WHERE bankmoney > 15000000000");//Sets 15 billion if goes over...

same thing for cyber. I konw this works. I done it a year ago on an old game of mine.

That Would be a great idea.

but in a way if a user try's to put 120 bill into it from some sale or so they loose it..

mostly what i am doing is just stopping it ..

but i see people can take out $1 and gain that interest and put in gang vault..


Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP

there is always more to somethin glike this...

If you dont want them to lose it of course you block them from being able to ahve 15 billion in there bank. so they can not deposit more than 15 billion...


Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP

or you could just put in bank.php somewhere


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Or do it AH way :)


Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP

its not that hard....don't hold variables to me...


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and you can do that on all banks.......simple....they can not ever have over 15 bill. They can not deposit 15 bill or deposit 13 bill if they got 10 bill.....cause it totals their deposit and bankmoney. if that totals over 15 bill then they can not deposit...


Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP

This has been answered before.

But why not use this rather. It's a way to get more out of the game. That way people can mug those with over 15 bill in there bank.


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Re: [mccode V2] bank interest CAP

The other way wouldn't work for me even after i closed it properly so i did this and it works perfect.




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