shaved92bravada Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 I know this is the web development general forum but dammit it seems like every where I start a new thread about anything then the thing gets moved lol. so this topic has nothing to do with web development but it has to do with my computer which I use for web development lol. Anyway, I dunno who here are avid windows OS users, I for one am as I have never taken time out to try and use linux or anything else. been using windows since 3.1 lol but anywho, I always like to keep current on the newest versions of windows and well it looks like since the release of Vista being such crap ( I still use it though cause it looks purty hehehe ) Microsoft is going to be releasing Windows 7. I know there are prolly quite a few people that already knew about this but anyway. I have decided to give it a go and try out a beta build of it and see if it is as special as they are saying its going to be... well so far I am un-impressed. I have multiple hard drives and it only shows up two of them even though all the hard drives are listed in the device manager. They are saying that it is supposed to run quite a bit faster than vista and be more " user centric " so far it seems to be a pain in the ass. Most of it is still Vista... the installer and alot of other things. I know its still in the early early stages of beta ( build 6956 is the one I have ) but so far I am unimpressed with it as of yet. Anyway feel free to post your thoughts and opinions here. I just thought I would get everyone elses take on how crappy vista was and what they think Seven is going to be like. Quote
Savager Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 Re: Trying something out can you explain more on how windows 7 is crappy. because all you stated was because it didnt list all the hard drives. and it runs a bit slow. probbally because in the early stages of beta they are fixing bugs, and repairing. I dont know but im guessing windows 7 is very detailed and running many things in the background, so if you dont have good enough ram. its going to run a bit buggy and slow. Quote
shaved92bravada Posted December 15, 2008 Author Posted December 15, 2008 Re: Trying something out Not saying it is crappy, I was stating that vista is crappy. Just posting my opinions as of yet on it and was looking for anyone else that may be testing it out as well. I have plenty more than enough processor and ram to run it so that is not a problem, just saying its not as fast as alot of people were reviewing it to be. Not much liking the layout of taskbar either its kind of funky, suppose it would take some getting used to. I know that it is still in very early stages of beta which is why I said in the previous post that "I know its still in the early early stages of beta ( build 6956 is the one I have ) but so far I am unimpressed with it as of yet". Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out I use linux....Windows blows I don't care what anyone says. I know from personal trial, lol..... My friends and family are running linux to now...I got tired of reformatting every 6 months(their computer that is).... I use Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Back and forward I go on them.... But any who. From what I have heard, "Windows 7" is supposedly "not" a build up from Vista. They claim it is not only the 7th windows (Hint the name) but also a completely new 7th Kernel. I know i have seen pictures of windows 7 and it looks just like Vista. I know this if that new kernel don't do miracles they are in alot of trouble cause alot of corporations are going to be moving onto linux/unix systems. They are faster, safer, and more stable. You can customize them completely. I mean hell you can make it look like typical linux box. Or make is look like winblows i mean Windows Xp, or Vista...You can even make it a mirror image of OSX(mac)...i mean really as a OS "pretty" if thats what you want...Linux/Unix is the way to go...If you want stability Linux/Unix is the way to go...If you want a fast OS Linux/Unix is the way to go.. Windows 2000 was the best windows ever made lol. XP was their stumble, and Vista was the downfall, lol. Most people missed it but back about a year ago now I guess, windows was calling itself a virus, lol. Some virus protection programs where quarenting exporer.exe (pretty important to winblows). Nice little Windows joke i have found before. Is Windows a Virus? No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do: * They replicate quickly - okay, Windows does that. * Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so - okay, Windows does that. * Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - okay, Windows does that too. * Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. Sigh... Windows does that, too. * Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2) and the user will buy new hardware. Yup, that's with Windows, too. Until now it seems Windows is a virus but there are fundamental differences:Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they tend to become more sophisticated as they mature. So Windows is not a virus. It's a bug. Oh, and that super funny video of Gates showing off Windows at a convention and it goes Blue Screen, LMAO i still fall in the floor laughing at that. Quote
Haunted Dawg Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out I use Linux....Windows blows I don't care what anyone says. I know from personal trial, lol..... My friends and family are running linux to now...I got tired of reformatting every 6 months(their computer that is).... I use Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Back and forward I go on them.... But any who. From what I have heard, "Windows 7" is supposedly "not" a build up from Vista. They claim it is not only the 7th windows (Hint the name) but also a completely new 7th Kernel. I know i have seen pictures of windows 7 and it looks just like Vista. I know this if that new kernel don't do miracles they are in alot of trouble cause alot of corporations are going to be moving onto linux/unix systems. They are faster, safer, and more stable. You can customize them completely. I mean hell you can make it look like typical linux box. Or make is look like winblows i mean Windows Xp, or Vista...You can even make it a mirror image of OSX(mac)...i mean really as a OS "pretty" if thats what you want...Linux/Unix is the way to go...If you want stability Linux/Unix is the way to go...If you want a fast OS Linux/Unix is the way to go.. Windows 2000 was the best windows ever made lol. XP was their stumble, and Vista was the downfall, lol. Most people missed it but back about a year ago now I guess, windows was calling itself a virus, lol. Some virus protection programs where quarenting exporer.exe (pretty important to winblows). Nice little Windows joke i have found before. Is Windows a Virus? No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do: * They replicate quickly - okay, Windows does that. * Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so - okay, Windows does that. * Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - okay, Windows does that too. * Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. Sigh... Windows does that, too. * Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2) and the user will buy new hardware. Yup, that's with Windows, too. Until now it seems Windows is a virus but there are fundamental differences:Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they tend to become more sophisticated as they mature. So Windows is not a virus. It's a bug. Oh, and that super funny video of Gates showing off Windows at a convention and it goes Blue Screen, LMAO i still fall in the floor laughing at that. As for your post about how window's suck's so much.. If it was not for those generouse people who created window's and gave it to us to advance our technology. Where would we be now? Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out I didn't realize this was a topic about all that. But hey, we can....William Gates Screwed everyone over claimed windows to himself. That don't sound to generous. Ever heard of Mac. Thats the other guys. The ones he screwed over. William Gates did not make windows OS by himself. He had help and screwed them. Don't sound generouse people to me. And I'm sure that the real "generous" people in the world...The ones that make Linux and other Opensource programs would have done just fine without windows and m$. The technology isn't even the same. So really you can't comapare the 2. They run on same idea "ease" of use of computer. But under the hood. Nothing the same. Quote
Savager Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out I agree but windows is so much better if you have the right programs installed. I havent had any problems with windows xp, runs very smooth for me, and i like the style. i would have to say windows xp 32 is the best out there right now. as for vista blows, but looks very good. William Gates is now donating his money isnt that nice.. although its not going to me. Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out Yeah, thats the biggest thing on this topic. Windows or Linux...It all really comes down to what you like and what works for you. XP is really just a prettied up 2000 (I think). I can be wrong on that. I agree Vista was not a very good idea....(At this time of age)...If they where to have waited 4 years or so from now...Vista probarly would have been better. ========== Edited cause other one above was edited: William Gates is now donating his money Only reason is cause its a tax write off, lol. Quote
Zeggy Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out So many people bashing windows... It's quite simple. If you're a gamer, use windows. If you're not, use whatever you want. :) Quote
davidjwest Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out I use Windows as I?m not prepared to pay the Apple premium for what I perceive to be at best a marginally superior product, Windows is just better value for money in my experience and for the uses I put it to. I use a Mac at work sometimes and find it incredibly fiddly to do even the most basic things, but that?s probably me being old and used to Windows! Since I?ve had XP and Vista, total of about 2 years, I?ve never experienced the OS crashing, so from that point of view Windows has improved a lot since Win 98. The only virus I ever had on Windows was caused by a vulnerability in Outlook Express back in 2001, which I now no longer use. At the end of the day a computer is a tool (and some of the users are too) and so everyone should just choose what they prefer. Let?s start a thread about something less contentious, like religion or something. :lol: Quote
POG1 Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out So many people bashing windows... It's quite simple. If you're a gamer, use windows. If you're not, use whatever you want. :) Any decent game will also be created for mac. Mac is very good but very costly and hardware dependent (not for long). I for one would rather linux over windows and whoever prefers windows probably hasn't ever used linux. Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out If they prefer windows over linux then they are a gamer..(Can't blame them there.) Or like Pog said, have not tried Linux...(In awhile) Linux is far from that command prompt allday to install a program. Its easier to install programs and drivers on Linux than windows now.... Quote
shaved92bravada Posted December 16, 2008 Author Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out Not knocking anything that anyone has said because I have been enjoying the Windows vs. Linux vs. Mac debate here. But someone said Let's start a thread about something less contentious, like religion or something. :lol: Just wanted to clarify that I didn't start this thread as to which OS was better lol. I started it to get views and opinions on Vista & the new Windows 7 lol. Please see below thank you ...... Anyway feel free to post your thoughts and opinions here. I just thought I would get everyone elses take on how crappy vista was and what they think Seven is going to be like. But anywho now that I have said that carry on with the debate..... you guys are making me lean towards trying out linux on my server I got sittin beisde me lol. Won't do it on my main computer cause I am an avid gamer as well. GTA 4 to be exact lol. Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out Vista sucks lol...there ya go :wink: windows 7 will be a bloated Vista. If m$ does right they will slim it down and make is a slimmer version of vista. but don't see them doing that cause they bloat the OS and make it eat ram to force you to upgrade your cmputer making the computer companys more money. So I would say that 7 is going to be as bad or worse than Vista... Quote
Zeggy Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out Any decent game will also be created for mac. Mac is very good but very costly and hardware dependent (not for long). I for one would rather linux over windows and whoever prefers windows probably hasn't ever used linux. Like I said, a person who prefers windows over linux (and has used both) would most likely be a gamer. For new computer users, I seriously doubt anybody would be advised to go for linux rather than windows or mac. And for your statement that any decent game will also be created for mac, I lol'd. Then I googled it. To my surprise, there are actually a few modern games for the mac. But still, ridiculous. And to see how ridiculous, look at this top list of games for the mac: ... subnav;all Most of the games are outdated, while several of the top games weren't even made in this millenium. Compare that to the top list of games of PC or any other console. All of the top games were released within the last 6 months. Conclusion: gaming on the mac is a joke. Just wondering: what do you do on your linux? (programming, word processing, email?) Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out Linux you can do everything. Some games don't play on it. But google the game. The game might actually run on it. Now as far as new computer user. I would recommend linux. I wouldn't put a new computer user to windows or is bad. and mac is expensive unix system. Linux is free. And if they are new to computers and not used to windows. then they should defently go to Linux can get used to it instead of windows... I can not argue though if you use a computer to play games......If you do then Windows is defently the way to go..... I don't know how many do use a computer for games. I don't, i have an xbox, playstation 2, and xbox 360 (All slightly modified, lol) For my games. I never personally got into games on computers. But hey...some like that. IF you use computer for games windows. If you use a computer for anything other than games. I recommend Linux. Want 3 biggest reasons? 1 = Free 2 = All programs are Free 3 = Support. (Windows don't have a chat you can go into and get help do they?) All "big" linux distros has a IRC that you can go into and fix or chat or just go and learn about linux. from experienced linux people. Windows don't have and never will have that. Quote
shaved92bravada Posted December 16, 2008 Author Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out so if I were to want to try out Linux what should I use to try it out?? Ubuntu... etc Quote
Haunted Dawg Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out Google is your friend. Never abuse it to much. :lol: Quote
shaved92bravada Posted December 16, 2008 Author Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out lol I planned on using google, just looking for a person preference on which one people thought was better. :-D Quote
AlabamaHit Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Re: Trying something out ok....Ubuntu is good to start with.....But it is missing a few options like watching dvds you can without installing programs...(Something to do leagel bs) I don't get it cause some have it... I recommend for beginners to use drum roll please, lol.. Mint You can find the home page here. Mint is a branch off Ubunutu, they are based off it in other words. But it comes preinstalled with extras. Like java, flash, dvd read and such....Mint is a good starter...Nice OS should do anything you want to do :P Quote
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