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Re: [New Game!]Legacy Phaser

Your game might not attract many users with the default login.

If you have some experience, change your style of the header, register and login page.

If you don't have an idea what to do, I'm available to help. :)

+1 for effort.


Re: [New Game!]Legacy Phaser

then buy hosting, lol....don't say you cant afford it.......its only $3 and yes you can start for that...and if you bougth $300 codes...surely you can not buy those 2 20oz drinks and buy a month hosting.....

On modifiying...no you didnt, you used a free template on this site...that is cool....but wayyy to wide..if you dont ahve wide screen monitor you have to scroll right...that alone makes me hate that template.....i hate any site that makes me scroll left to right.... I will say nice work on ading it... game does look alot better with that on it then the plain white, lol


Re: [New Game!]Legacy Phaser

byet hosting does i think....some people on here will swear by them, loll...I use Host Monster but they are best paid yearly..but check out byethosting.. I believe they have monthly payments.

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