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Hey there

Im working on a script right now and to make it more effecient im going to need to use a " For() loop with a counter"

Can someone supply just the base code of a for loop with a counter that i can work off =)



Re: Need base code to work off.


//Your starting number & Ending number
$start_point = 0;
$end_pont = 5;

for($i = $start_point; $i < $end_point; $i++) 
//What we do here is the following:
// $i = $start_point == your starting number
// $i = $end_point == your ending number
// $i++ == counts to that number to stop

//Start the loop

//echo out your restult
echo $i.'

//close the loop


Hope thats a good description to help you.


Re: Need base code to work off.

Yeah thanks alot.

Basically i have a query selecting 3 ids from a table in the DB. Now i need to select those 3 IDs and send 3 different numbers to that users account. So i figured if i used a for() loop with a counter that would be the best way to do it?


Re: Need base code to work off.

I think a while function would be best.


//Your ids bellow
$array = array(1,2,3);

//Fetch rows
$row = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE userid=1 AND userid=2 AND userid=3");

//Count / leave
$i = -1;

//fetch $row values
while($soc = mysql_fetch_assoc($row))

//open loop
//random number
$rand = rand(1,10);

//count up

//Event user with random number
event_add($soc[$array[$i]],"Random Number: ".$rand.".");

//if $i = 3 exit script and cloose loop
if($i == 2)

//End loop


That should help i hope. :lol:


Re: Need base code to work off.

Hmmmm, i dont think that will do it. Im selecting three IDs from a table that i have. A userid is in each ID (Not selecting from the users table)

Then once they are selected im sending three differents precentages of money out of a total lot. The reason i need the loop is obviously for looping the Event ad and the update money etc and i thought the counter for the different percentages being sent which is why i came to the conclusion of a for() loops witha counter, lol...

Ill contact you on msn.

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