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Re: my game(i cnt find the forum for it)

Probably because you have an illegal version of MCV2 or something like that. :-) Also wrong place to post for this and no one is going to code for you especially when you do not even own a paid domain or hosting. Sure pay me and i will code for you.


Re: my game(i cnt find the forum for it)

I would just call this PURE laziness

there are enough free mods on here to get a site up and running and looking good.

heres a few tips for you BLADE and dont take these as an insult.

They are just to get you started.

1 = would be to get Xampp so you can work offliine

2 = Look at how different scripts are laid out and take note of similarities with each script most the free mods on here are just ammended mods of a different name just made to do different things.

3 = a working script on Here when ammended can have countless possabilities.

4 = Try implementing parts into one script from more than 2 scripts and see what the outcome is.

5 = Getting people to sign up to a game may get you more members. But what happens when you have 500 members and no-ones ever online this will put anyone else off from continuing to play on your game..

6 = The biggest word i can use for you is experiment. dont be afraid to make a mess as along as you have a backup of what your doing you can always revert back and try again...

This is how i started im still not good at it but ive managed to pull something from the scripts that wasnt available at one time...


Re: my game(i cnt find the forum for it)

I dont understand how some idiots (no offence) think they can own a game without any coding involved....

So your obviously using mccodes lite, v1 or v2. Just go on the url adress and put :


if nothing comes up you have'nt got the mod...obviously...

if you dont ask for it of search CE for it.

If you have it but u cant find the link on your game then learn some basic php and learn where to put it in and how, why bother owning a game if you cant deal with this without help...

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