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[mccode v2]Admin Shops

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This is simple but i had some help lol from another post.

I have put the URL and posters name in the code

Create a page called shopsshow.php and put this code in it

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Now the link in smenu.php

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+1 me up if you liked it also give AlabamaHit credit as he actually posted the code i just changed the words :-)


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


lol, nice....

Thought that code looked familiar, lol.. 8-)

Hey thanks for the post lol, i have now leaned something from it, YAY, thanks +1


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


Admin shop.. i am just curious about what this mod actually is is it just a shop which only admins can access?

Nope it allows admins to see all shops on the game..and where....what it's called....and what the description is...

1) Nice one sniks...

2) Are though you only used print

3) What is all the echo's for on each line?


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops

Why would you personally use that?


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


Why would you personally use that?

Personally i think its:

  • Easier to read
  • Easier to find bugs/errors
  • Uses number_format
  • Uses stripslashes
  • No need to put html tables in a php tags

Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops

Well ImMoTal X

I could hit you with the Exact same Questions...

1) Why you open and close the php tags so much?

2) why use strip_slashes?

3) why use number_format?

Don't see need for that there?

Lol...Just thought i would ask since you asked.....


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


Well ImMoTal X

I could hit you with the Exact same Questions...

1) Why you open and close the php tags so much?

2) why use strip_slashes?

3) why use number_format?

Don't see need for that there?

Lol...Just thought i would ask since you asked.....

1) Whats the point putting html tables in php tags? Personally it makes no sense.

2) To stop Karlos\'s Kinife...Whereas with stripslashes it would just be Karlos's Knife

3) If you have alot of shops on a game numbers can be displayed as 1224...with number_format it will be displayed as 1,224


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops

Fair enough on all...

but You think its point less to put table in php...I see it point less on opening and closing php so much on that......when there is no need to...

But i see the otehr 2 makes since..


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


...but You think its point less to put table in php...I see it point less on opening and closing php so much on that......when there is no need to...

Well thats your view....Im sure killah, zero and MTG all have their styles, but im comfortable with that one :-)


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


Why thank you Alabama.

Just keep coding :-)


i dislike the opening and closing makes it look messy,

just my professional opinion (well basic opinion lol).

+ 1 to everyone

i've noticed everyone using similar quotes now it's getting annoying lol Learn it, Test it, Use it... i mean come on it's

Live It, Learn it, Code it and it makes more sense lol


Re: [Mccode V2]Admin Shops


Why thank you Alabama.

Just keep coding :-)


i dislike the opening and closing makes it look messy,

just my professional opinion (well basic opinion lol)...

Well said that it is your personally opinion, i personally like to do that now..


....+ 1 to everyone...

Why thank you zero.

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