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[mccode v2] Thanksgiving Treats


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Well this is just a quick mod adapted from search the streets. I made it in a few minutes so I hope you like it.


Instructions: You will have to create a few items and substitute $itemidexplore = xxx; to you own item numbers.

Create a file called thanksgiving.php


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For the door I just downloaded the following image.


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Re: [mccode v2] Thanksgiving Treats


i don't get these mods you could easily run a single mod called gift.php

add all the holidays etc you know and make them active on the day and month...

basic php even ishz could do it lol

+1 for posting anyways mate

Yes Finally I get the infamous Zero to comment! I feel honoured, and yes you are right. That will be my next task I think. Thanks for +1 though.

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Re: [mccode v2] Thanksgiving Treats


i don't get these mods you could easily run a single mod called gift.php

add all the holidays etc you know and make them active on the day and month...

basic php even ishz could do it lol

+1 for posting anyways mate

Yes Finally I get the infamous Zero to comment! I feel honoured, and yes you are right. That will be my next task I think. Thanks for +1 though.

Infamous sounds like fun, im guessing sarcasm with the rest of the post.

i feel honoured that you feel honoured lol

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