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[mccodes v1 & v2] Click Count which parts of your site isnt being used ?

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Ever wondered if all your hard work is paying off and which scripts youve added are doing better than others ?

Ive often wondered which parts of my game are being used more than others. which isnt an easy task, so how about this a click count which would tell you which scripts are being used the most and which ones are getting tired and need replacing to keep your members happy.

Download this little proggy for your site and it will tell you everything you need to Know.

Couple of pointer are the URL the click tracker will need to be inserted into each script which YES is a pain but really could prove useful in the long run.


Its easy to install only a few files and its Free

if this type of thing dont interest you DONT download it.

But for those that are curious as to where your members are most of the time then is what your looking for.

I'll mention this again incase you went deaf You will NEED to add the new link given to your scripts which could prove time consuming so you have been warned..


Re: [mccodes v1 & v2] Click Count which parts of your site isnt being used ?

thats actually the same thing as a site crawler which i had used in the past to keep track on which files were being clicked and viewed


Re: [mccodes v1 & v2] Click Count which parts of your site isnt being used ?

you could even use something along the lines of this instead of using a 3rd party script

open header.php and find

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add below

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the sql

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if people like this i'll make this into a proper mod with a adder/viewer in the staff panel


Re: [mccodes v1 & v2] Click Count which parts of your site isnt being used ?

I like the idea, and I agree third party stuff is no comparison to adding a custom script.

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