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[Paid mod requests] Very advanced lottery and streets [Paid mod requests]


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With this new layout i couldn't find right place to add for a request so please move to the correct place.

Request 1:

A brand new advanced streets...

It goes something like this, you have a picture background of like a path a player clicks somewhere on the picture to move to they can only move a maximum of 25 spaces per day, when they click where they want to move to it tells them all of the things found on the way. so if i start at coordinates 1,1 and click to move to 3,2 my little man will move to 1,2 and the player is told what they have found it then Carry's on to 2,2 and once again the player is told what they have found and then it moves to 3,2 and again the player is told what has happened. the player now has moved three places so is still left with 22.

Thats the streets, but as an add-on to the streets the little man that they move on the picture is to be their character, so in preferences they are able to create their own meme design the hair e.t.c and buy extra item for their meme. this meme is now used for the streets


Request 2:

A lottery...

A little bit more realistic than the one everyone has.

When the player goes to buy their ticket they choose what numbers they want. the numbers to choose are displayed on a ticket and they click on them... for each ticket bought the prize fund goes up, the draw is taken each week. and it has a prize breakdown just like the real lotto.. match all numbers win jackpot match 4 win bla bla win 3 e.t.c...


These are both paid requests. Please state completion time and price.

Thank you.

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Re: [Paid mod requests] Very advanced lottery and streets [Paid mod requests]

The lottery i have created one similar to your needs and will soon put it on paid mods..

Users can select number of tickets they wish to buy. Maximum of 500 per user and they can buy 1-20 per time.

All money for tickets that are bought go into the Raffle Pot and each week there is a bonus of 100k.

The owner can change the price of tickets which is updated once current raffle is over to prevent bugs. So if tickets are 1000 and you make them 2000, the price will change when the current lottery finishes and the new one begins.

In your request if each tickets has individual numbers on them and people buy 500 tickets that will be a ridiculous waste of space not to mention 500 images showing up.

right now there is only one winner but i can make it so there is three winners who share the to however much you wish. There is also a View previous winners which shows the amount won, the users who won it and the date they won it. Let me know if your interested.

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Re: [Paid mod requests] Very advanced lottery and streets [Paid mod requests]

I am aware akash has done a Lottery accept mine has many more features. They are in fact NOT similar at all.

As for the streets, this was posted in october, illusions made a mind map street since then. The lottery however is completly different, comes with staff functions and extra player benefits. Also a percentage of the pot is added into the new lottery.

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