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Site URL: road2gangster.pcriotom

kill or get killed, can you lead a life of a gangster :wink:

Hi Everyone

I have Started this game 3 weeks ago and i would like everyones review on it this will help me develop better i would not mind if the review are bad but i will consider everyones points. i am newbie at this so dont be too hush.

The game is about makeing you way to the top gangster as you can get the point from the header. so far i had few problem but they are getting sorted. thanks to this forum i have made lot of updates. so CHECK IT OUT who knows you might like it. So See You There

Thank you


Re: Please review My Game

Im seriously not even going to visit your site because you have the URL on a marquee and its not a clickable link, you have to copy and paste and its kinda hard when its moving.

Secondly if you want a review, id think about spelling correctly and like Omega said, its on a free host which gives even more reason not to sign up.

Consider that-


Re: Please review My Game

oh ok sorry for that but i cant edit it so when i did it 1st time i could not change it but the url is road2gangster.pcriot.com

and yeh its on free host but how does some one start off they just dont put money in anything so this is to see how i cope and fix any error there is and any way thanx for reply at least i got your point of veiw

URl IS : road2gangster.pcriot.com

hope to see you there


Re: Please review My Game


oh ok sorry for that but i cant edit it so when i did it 1st time i could not change it but the url is road2gangster.pcriot.com

and yeh its on free host but how does some one start off they just dont put money in anything so this is to see how i cope and fix any error there is and any way thanx for reply at least i got your point of veiw

URl IS : road2gangster.pcriot.com

hope to see you there

" how does some one start off they just dont put money in anything"

Wrong, i started off with legal copies and a proper domain and hosting site.

as for the link could you please put a www. in front so again you dont have to copy it, you can just click it and secondly.

There is a little button when your posting that has a picture of a globe and the caption is "Insert Hyperlink", if your incapable of putting a www. just use that, makes it soo much easier.



Re: Please review My Game


URL: www.road2gangster.pcriot.com

'Wrong, i started off with legal copies and a proper domain and hosting site'

i told you i am a person who does not put money in anything just because it is working for others it does not mean it will be working for me. i will try it for 1 or 2 month then move of to my own domain.

what do you mean by legal copies you can you explain your self and it is a good domain as far as i know . i have lot of friends who are running their game on it not only free ones but paid ones as well. er..m which hosting site will you recommend me any way if i asked you.


Re: Please review My Game

For me it seems yet another of those criminal web games... nothing to note, beside:

- A bad text saying we basically have no chance to become a staff member (not nice, you should remove it all together)

- Light green over gray texts (for titles) is not exactly easy to my eyes

- While registering, if you do something wrong, it has a nice back button which allow you to retype all... not soo nice neither. Why not keep the good field filled?


Re: Please review My Game

How is it that the liinks never work on these games. Why don't you fix it?

The only link that work is sign up , and the login. FIX IT - that goes for all of you who runs these gangster games.

My review of the game : Same as other gangster / mafia games. Same bugs. Same layout - just other colors.


Re: Please review My Game

there is some thing called under construction and also you have not logged in but still you gave a review home come dont tell me i have to explain how to log in


Re: Please review My Game

Word of advice:

Make your game looks as different as possible in the layout. Make it easy to navigate and when you have pretty much finished your design, then you post a link in here telling people to review otherwise you will get shit reviews like so.


Re: Please review My Game

i put up my site so that i can see what people want this way i can improve it that is my idea of improving no matter how bad their comment is, but if they critisize on some thing els such as why i did not make the url hypelinked that is some thing else :roll:


Re: Please review My Game

Dude, i update my game every day with something new. Whether it be fixing something, adding a script etc, i dont try and get everyone to review my site every time i do an update. Do alot of updates like at least 10 BIG updates then post telling to review, im only trying to help you.


Re: Please review My Game

Heres a review then mate.

Login page = 1/10

Why? Because you have the original MCcode U Template which doenst blend whatso ever into the background, its just rough. Then you have green on a grey background, hard on my eyes and hard to read. Your banner is frekan terrible and your tables/feldsets are still all messed and not alligned.

And your register has links that go no where and you have that stupid little sign welcoming me whenever i come to the site which is just annoying, like i need welcoming.

Interior = 1/10

Why? Again you have the same UNTOUCHED MCCode design that 10000+ games all have. You have the same energy bars etc and you also call everything exactly the same as MCCODE ORIGINALS. Christ, doesn't crystals piss you off?

Your mainmenu buttons are also shit- A terrible font and the stretch the page down way to much. They are also not aligned by having those little (0)s next to them. And then at the bottom you have all this youtube shit which is only going to slow your site down if you ever get 100 people playing the game which i doubt at the moment. The banner is also the same and it is once again shit.

Heres my positive. which earned you the 1 point.

The lilght bllue is much easier to read then the lime green.

And the fact you just moved from V1 to V2 means you also are running an illegal copy of mccode. and christ, do you even have an explore button?

In your gym, crimes hospial etc, you have all these images off google or something which are all different sizes also stretching the page is some cases meaning i have to scroll down to train.


There you go, Happy you got your review?


Re: Please review My Game

Im not sure what you meant dementor but i was trying to give him advice on posting when people might listen and he reacted in a completly arrogant fashion so i returned the favour by giving him a review as he asked in an arrogant fashion, nothing wrong there!

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