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[Mcodes V2]Auction Cron Fix[Needed]


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Guys i need an auction cron fix as at the moment the auction is going into -1 day

This is the cron at the moment

include "config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db=new database;
$db->query("update auctions set time=time-1",$c);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE time=0 OR time<0") or die(mysql_error());
while($soc = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))


$iname=mysql_result($db->query("SELECT itmname FROM items WHERE itmid={$item}", $c), 0, 0);
$db->query("insert into inventory VALUES('',$item,$winner,1)",$c) or die(mysql_error());
event_add($winner,"You won the auction of the {$iname} for \${$win['current']}",$c);
event_add($owner, "Your {$iname} sold succesfully on the auction market with {$win['bids']} bids. You have been paid \${$win['current']}", $c);
$db->query("update users set money=money+{$win['current']},auctionquota=auctionquota-1 where userid=$owner", $c);
event_add($win['owner'],"Your auction has ended with no bidders. Your {$iname} has been returned to your inventory.",$c);


$db->query("insert into inventory VALUES('',$item,$winner,1)",$c) or die(mysql_error());

$db->query("delete from auctions where time=0", $c);

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Re: [Mcodes V2]Auction Cron Fix[Needed]


$db->query("delete from auctions where time=0", $c);


$db->query("DELETE FROM 'auctions' WHERE 'time' <0", $c);


$db->query("DELETE FROM 'auctions' WHERE time ==0", $c);

Keep in mind I am a total noob and I am probably way wrong!!!

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Re: [Mcodes V2]Auction Cron Fix[Needed]


-- Psychotic Insanity
-- A product of iMatters Game and Web Design
-- Copyright held 2008 by ~Spooky~
-- E-mail: sexysalemchickgamer[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
include "config.php";
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
require "mysql.php";

mysql_query("UPDATE auctions SET time=time-1 WHERE time>0",$c);
$qqq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE time=0",$c);


$iname=mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT itmname FROM items WHERE itmid={$item}", $c), 0, 0);
mysql_query("insert into inventory VALUES('',$item,$winner,1)",$c) or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("INSERT INTO events VALUES('',$winner,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),0,'You won the auction of the {$iname} for \${$win['current']}')",$c) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO events VALUES('',$owner,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),0,'Your {$iname} sold succesfully on the auction market with {$win['bids']} bids. You have been paid \${$win['current']}')",$c) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET new_events=new_events+1 WHERE owner={$userid}", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET new_events=new_events+1 WHERE winner={$userid}", $c);
mysql_query("update users set money=money+{$win['current']},auctionquota=auctionquota-1 where userid=$owner", $c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO events VALUES('',$owner,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),0,'Your auction has ended with no bidders. Your {$iname} has been returned to your inventory.')",$c) or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("insert into inventory VALUES('',$item,$winner,1)",$c) or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("DELETE FROM auctions WHERE time=0", $c);
print "Done!";


Try that code. Works on my game.

May need to edit little I do run both V1 and V2 games. If you add the mysql to your V2 it be just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Mcodes V2]Auction Cron Fix[Needed]



$db->query("delete from auctions where time=0", $c);


$db->query("DELETE FROM 'auctions' WHERE 'time' <0", $c);


$db->query("DELETE FROM 'auctions' WHERE time ==0", $c);

Keep in mind I am a total noob and I am probably way wrong!!!

$db->query('DELETE FROM `auctions` WHERE `time` <= 0');

i would use that

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: [Mcodes V2]Auction Cron Fix[Needed]



include "config.php";
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
require "mysql.php";
require "global_func.php";

$time = ("UPDATE auctions SET time = time - 1 WHERE time > 0");

$getit = sprintf("SELECT * FROM autctions WHERE time = '%d' ",
	$doit = mysql_query($getit);
while ($win = mysql_fetch_arrya($doit)

$iname=mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT itmname FROM items WHERE itmid={$item}", $c), 0, 0);

if($win['bids'] > 0)
	item_add($winner,$item,1); //amazing how much easier item add is huh?
	event_add($winner, "You won the auction of the {$iname} for \${$win['current']}."); //another amazing feature
	event_add($owner, "Your {$iname} sold succesfully on the auction market with {$win['bids']} bids. You have been paid \${$win['current']}.");
	$do1 = ("UPDATE users SET new_events = new_events + 1 WHERE owner = ".$userid." ");
	$do2 = ("UPDATE users SET new_events = new_events + 1 WHERE winner = ".$userid." ");
	$do3 = ("UPDATE users SET money = money + ".$win['current'].", auctionquota = auctionquota - 1 WHERE userid = $owner");

	if($win['bids'] == 0)
		$owner = $win['owner'];
		event_add($owner, "Your auction has ended with no bidders. Your {$iname} has been returned to your inventory.");

$delete = ("DELETE FROM auctions WHERE time <= 0");

print "Done!";
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Re: [Mcodes V2]Auction Cron Fix[Needed]



include "config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
require "global_func.php";
$db=new database;
$settq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM settings");

$time = ("UPDATE auctions SET time = time - 1 WHERE time > 0");

$getit = sprintf("SELECT * FROM autctions WHERE time = '%d' ",
	$doit = mysql_query($getit);
while ($win = mysql_fetch_arrya($doit)

$iname=mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT itmname FROM items WHERE itmid={$item}", $c), 0, 0);

if($win['bids'] > 0)
	item_add($winner,$item,1); //amazing how much easier item add is huh?
	event_add($winner, "You won the auction of the {$iname} for \${$win['current']}."); //another amazing feature
	event_add($owner, "Your {$iname} sold succesfully on the auction market with {$win['bids']} bids. You have been paid \${$win['current']}.");
	$do1 = ("UPDATE users SET new_events = new_events + 1 WHERE owner = ".$userid." ");
	$do2 = ("UPDATE users SET new_events = new_events + 1 WHERE winner = ".$userid." ");
	$do3 = ("UPDATE users SET money = money + ".$win['current'].", auctionquota = auctionquota - 1 WHERE userid = $owner");

	if($win['bids'] == 0)
		$owner = $win['owner'];
		event_add($owner, "Your auction has ended with no bidders. Your {$iname} has been returned to your inventory.");

$delete = ("DELETE FROM auctions WHERE time <= 0");

print "Done!";


if that dont work, I don't have any idea....


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  • 10 months later...

This works 1000%


include "config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db=new database;
$db->query("update auctions set time=time-1",$c);
$qqq=$db->query("select * from auctions where time=0",$c);


$db->query("SELECT itmname FROM items WHERE itmid={$item}", $c), 0, 0);

$db->query("insert into inventory VALUES('',$item,$winner,1)",$c) or die(mysql_error());
event_add($winner,"You won the auction of the {$iname} for \${$win['current']}",$c);
event_add($owner, "Your {$iname} sold succesfully on the auction market with {$win['bids']} bids. You have been paid \${$win['current']}", $c);

$db->query("update users set money=money+{$win['current']},auctionquota=auctionquota-1 where userid=$owner", $c);
event_add($win['owner'],"Your auction has ended with no bidders. Your {$iname} has been returned to your inventory.",$c);


$db->query("insert into inventory VALUES('',$item,$winner,1)",$c) or die(mysql_error());

$delete = ("DELETE FROM auctions WHERE time <= 0");

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