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Crystal Market Logs

Created By: Cronus

An admin function that lets you keep track of all crystals put onto and bought from the market.




Click here to download.

  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Re: [mccode] [TGM] Crystal Market Logs [TGM]

This is the code on the file.

1. Add the following line to the crystal market page where the users actually receive the stuff:

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2. Put in the mysql dump.

3. Insert the following as a function to your assistant/secretary/admin panels. Make sure to link to it and make a case; break; thing for it:


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I'm looking for something like this that I can have on MCCodesV2, anybody has anything available?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Re: [mccode] [TGM] Crystal Market Logs [TGM]

CREATE TABLE `clogs` (

`clogID` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

`clogBUYER` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',

`clogSELLER` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',

`clogITEM` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',

`clogPRICE` int( 25 ) NOT NULL default '0',

`clogTIME` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY ( `clogID` )



Re: [mccode] [TGM] Crystal Market Logs [TGM]


I'm looking for something like this that I can have on MCCodesV2, anybody has anything available?

Ummm...why not use the code posted for V2?


Re: [mccode] [TGM] Crystal Market Logs [TGM]


I'm looking for something like this that I can have on MCCodesV2, anybody has anything available?

Ummm...why not use the code posted for V2?

if people actually looked in sql instead of just taking free mods from websites they would know a large amount of logs are available for use already

for example

Item buy Logs

Item Sell Logs

Item Market Add Logs

Item Market Remove Logs

get off your bone idle ass's and actually learn something instead of playing on the "im a noob" bullsh!t

Im sick of people expecting everyone else to do everything for them GET A F'ing LIFE!

  • 6 months later...

Re: [mccode] [TGM] Crystal Market Logs [TGM]


I'm looking for something like this that I can have on MCCodesV2, anybody has anything available?

Ummm...why not use the code posted for V2?

if people actually looked in sql instead of just taking free mods from websites they would know a large amount of logs are available for use already

for example

Item buy Logs

Item Sell Logs

Item Market Add Logs

Item Market Remove Logs

get off your bone idle ass's and actually learn something instead of playing on the "im a noob" bullsh!t

Im sick of people expecting everyone else to do everything for them GET A F'ing LIFE!


Yes all of these logs are V1

There's no need to get so lairy :P


Re: [mccode] [TGM] Crystal Market Logs [TGM]

ok sorry let me correct my about 6 month old post to...

Get of your cheap asses and buy v2 simple isn't it then again i'm assuming most of you don't have a legal copy and v1 is all you could find.

Buy Horizon Game Engine with that you would be very satisfied and wouldn't need to spend a lifetime securing it.

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